The Digital Media Project
Source / GA18 / Date / 2008/05/04
Title / Technical Specification of WIM TV trial at Beijing Olympics / No. / 1125/GA18

Technical Specification of the WIM TV trial at Beijing Olympics

1  Purpose and general description of the DMP WIM TV trial

The DMP Web, IP and Mobile (WIM) TV trial at Beijing Olympics intends to provide an Information and Communication (ICT) platform for publication and delivery of User Generated Content (UGC) produced by Beijing citizens, residents living in Beijing (students of selected universities, foreigners living there etc.).

The content eligible to publication on the WIM TV trial platform (“WIM TV trial content”) is any video (“Resource”) for which the Creator holds rights (hence no Olympic Games content, in general). Therefore the recommended type of content can be described as “discover Beijing during the Olympic Games, but outside of the Olympic Games”.

Creators of WIM TV trial content will be provided with a Content Creation Device (CCD), an application that will allow them to make a DMP Content Information (DCI) with Metadata related to the Resource and a Creative Common (CC) like Licence that digitally expresses the selected CC licence using the Rights Expression Language (REL) Open Access Content (OAC) Profile.

Creators will upload their WIM TV trial content (DCI + Resource) to a Content Provider Device (CPD) located in Beijing and accessible to users in China. If there will be interest, mirror CPDs may be set up in other countries (or other locations in China) to serve local users. Different CPDs may have different delivery capabilities.

Those interested to view the WIM TV trial content will be able to download an End User Device (EUD), a PC application that will allow them to browse the CPD and get selected content streamed to their EUD.

Every time an End User performs an action (play, store etc.) specified in an Event Report Request (ERR) placed in the DCI by the Creator, the EUD generates an Event Report (ER) and sends it to the Event Collection Device (ECD). The entity operating the EUD will be able to extract statistical information from the ECD.

CCDs and EUDs are signed applications identified by the Device Identification Device. This gives knowledge of who is actually uploading content to the Main CPD and makes the collected Event Reports reliable.

2  Reference diagram of the WIM TV trial

Figure 1 – Reference diagram of the WIM TV trial depicts the planned arrangement

Figure 1 – Reference diagram of the WIM TV trial

CCD / Content Creation Device
CID / Content Identification Device
CPD / Content Provider Device
DID / Device Identification Device
ECD / Event Collection Device
EUD / End-User Device
M-TV / Mobile TV
W-TV / WebTV

The WIM TV devices have the following functionalities:

CCD / A Device with the following functionalities
1.  DCI creation
2.  Addition of timed Metadata
3.  Addition of Licence
4.  Addition of information related to DCI presentation
5.  Addition of Event Report Request
6.  Bitstream Binding Language (BBL) Description of how the DCI needs to be broken down for transmission
CID / A Device assigning identifiers to
1.  Presentation (Laser) metadata (#4. above)
2.  Content Items
3.  Licences
4.  Resources
CPD / A Device capable of
1.  Generating web pages in response to EUD queries
2.  Streaming DCIs over RTP on the web and/or an IPTV network and/or a Mobile TV network
DID / A Device issuing certificates to CCDs and EUDs
ECD / An application collecting Event Reports generated by EUDs
EUD / A Device capable of
1.  Receiving DCIs
2.  Parsing DCIs
3.  Decoding DCIs
4.  Presenting Presentation Information

3  A walkthrough

3.1  Content Creation

Pota is a participant in the WIM TV trial as a Creator.

  1. Pota downloads the CCD and installs it on his PC
  2. CCD authenticates with the DID
  3. Pota starts the CCD
  4. Pota begins the creation of a Content Item
  5. Pota selects a video taken the day before.
  6. CCD gets an identifier for the video
  7. Pota adds the metadata of the video
  8. Author
  9. Title
  10. Description
  11. Genre
  12. A representative frame of the video
  13. Unstructured text
  14. Pota adds a licence
  15. Pota select one among available CC licences
  16. CCD digitally expresses the selected CC licence using the Rights Expression Language (REL) Open Access Content (OAC) Profile
  17. CCD gets an identifier for the licence
  18. Pota creates presentation information
  19. (a set of Laser templates will be created once and for all for the WIM TV trial)
  20. CCD displays a set of static templates
  21. Pota selects one of the templates
  22. Pota fills in any additional data needed (exclusively) by the template
  23. CCD presents the DCI as it will be seen by End User (preview of Laser object or entire End User experience?)
  24. CCD displays a set of static templates indicating the size of the video and the position in the screen at which ads will appear (at specified times)
  25. CCD describes how the Content Item is broken down for transmission using the Bitstream Binding Language (BBL) – the exact nature of this will depend on the actual Digital Item Streaming (DIS) creation functionality
  26. CCD gets an identifier for the Content Item
  27. Pota uploads the Content Item (including the resource) to the Main CPD

3.2  Content Provision

M-CPD is the Main CPD in Beijing

  1. M-CPD sends the DCI to the EUD when an End User right clicks a Content Item in the list
  2. M-CPD receives a request to stream Pota’s Content Item
  3. M-CPD streams the requested Content Item without further checks unless Zhiming does not accept the CC licence terms

3.3  Content Consumption

Zhiming is a participant in the WIM TV trial as an End User.

  1. Zhiming downloads the EUD and installs it on his PC
  2. EUD authenticates with the DID
  3. Zhiming browses a CPD and finds Pota’s Content Item
  4. Zhiming right clicks and downloads the DCI
  5. EUD displays the figure below
  6. Zhiming accepts the CC licence
  7. EUD requests Pota’s Content Item via the Access Content Protocol
  8. CPD starts streaming Pota’s Content Item (AV and ads)
  9. EUD executes as authored by Pota
  10. display resources
  11. present metadata
  12. generate event reports
  13. EUD displays ads received via RTP packets

Figure 2 – Screen for accepting Event Report issuing and CC Licence

3.4  Event Collection

ECD will collect and store in a data base all events generated by all EUDs. The entity managing the ECD will be able to make such queries as “what is the video most watched today?”, e.g. for the purpose of awarding the most successful creators.

3.5  Content Mirroring

Content uploaded to the Main CPD will be mirrored by all CPDs participating in the WIM TV trial.

4  System analysis

In the following Figure 3 – Schematics of the WIM TV trial will be used to progress the specification.

Figure 3 – Schematics of the WIM TV trial

4.1  Content Identification Device


·  The CID has been developed

·  The Content Registration Protocol has been developed

·  The CCD part of the Protocol has not been integrated in the CCD, so no testing has been carried out


·  Integrate the Content Registration Protocol in the CCD

·  Carry out tests with CCD

4.2  Content Creation Device


·  The CCD has been developed

·  It is possible to create DCI containing

o  DCI Identifier

o  Resources

o  Metadata

o  Licences

o  DRM Tools

·  Store DCI and Resources to CPD


·  Add Laser objects to DCI

·  Describe metadata for DIS with BBL

·  Insert Event Report Request

·  Integrate the Content Registration Protocol in the CCD

·  Carry out tests with CID

·  Request Identifier to CID at the end of DCI buildup

·  Integrate device identification

·  Test device identification with DID

·  Implement DID-CCD protocol over SSL

4.3  Content Provider Device


·  Store DCI and Resources sent by CCD

·  Send DCF to requesting EUD


·  Offer CCD the possibility to store DCI/DCF in personal directory

·  Add Digital Item Streaming

·  Provide robust video streaming

4.4  End-User Device


·  Obtain DCF from CPD

·  Parse DCF/DCI

·  Parse Licence

·  Play video in dowload


·  Add DIS receiver

·  Choose media framework (for streaming)

o  AVC decoder

o  AVS decoder

·  Parse DCI Presentation Information

·  Present Laser objects

·  Event Report Request receiver

·  Event Report generator

·  Integrate device identification

·  Test device identification with DID

·  Implement DID-EUD protocol over SSL

4.5  Event Collection Device


·  Device not developed


·  Collection ERs

·  Query DB of ERs

4.6  Device Identification Device


·  DID developed


·  Integrate CCD Identification

·  Integrate EUD Identification

·  Implement DID-CCD protocol over SSL

·  Implement DID-EUD protocol over SSL

4.7  Media framework

  1. The file format of audio-video can be any of (check FF supported by Feng)
  2. ISO FF
  3. The audio encoding can be any of
  4. MPEG Audio (MPEG-1/2 Layer I/II/III) (rfc2250)
  5. Vorbis (draft)
  6. AAC (MPEG-4 Part 3) (rfc3640)
  7. The video encoding can be any of
  8. MPEG Video (MPEG-1/2) (rfc2250)
  9. MPEG 4 Visual (MPEG-4 Part 2) (rfc3016)
  10. AVC (H.264|MPEG-4 Part 10) (rfc3984)
  11. H.263 / H.263+ (rfc4629)
  12. Theora (draft)
  13. AVS

5  What is needed to carry out the WIM TV trial

In the following we list all Devices, what is needed to have them usable for the trial and who is working to make them.

Device / Current status/Further developments / Company / Person
CID / Current status
Development complete
Further developments
·  Testing and interaction with CCD / CEDEO
PKU / Xiaoyang
CCD / Current status
Current CCD is able to
·  Add Metadata to DCI
·  Add Licence to DCI
·  Send DCI and Resource to CPD
Further developments
·  Get Identifier from CID / CEDEO
PKU / Xiaoyang
·  Preparation of Laser templates / ETRI
·  Preview of Laser templates / PKU / Xiaocong
·  Too allowing Creator to specify in which area of the scene Laser ads will appear
·  Interim spec. for adding Laser content in the DCI (Statement, Component?) / CEDEO
PKU / Filippo
·  Adding Laser object in the DCI/DCF / PKU / Xiaocong
·  BBL description of metadata for Digital Item Streaming / CEDEO
·  Event Report Request insertion / Sinapsi
CPD / Current status
Current CPD is able to
·  Receive DCI and Resource from CCD
Further developments
·  Send DCF to EUD / PKU / Suxing
·  Digital Item Streaming / CEDEO
·  Robust video streaming / CEDEO
EUD / ·  Current status
Current EUD is able to
·  Obtain DCF from CPD
·  Parse DCF/DCI
·  Parse Licence
·  Play video in dowload
Further developments
·  Digital Item Streaming receiver / CEDEO
·  Media framework (for streaming) / CEDEO
PKU / Angelo
§  AVC decoder / ????
§  AVS decoder / PKU
·  Parse DCI Presentation Information / PKU
·  Laser object presentation / PKU / Jianping, Xiaocong
·  Event Report Request handler / Sinapsi
·  Event Report generator / Sinapsi
ECD / Current status
·  Not available
Further developments
·  ER Collection / Sinapsi
·  DB query / Sinapsi
DID / Current status
·  Basic development complete
Further developments
·  Integrate CCD Identification / PKU / Zhouxi
·  Integrate EUD Identification / PKU / Zhouxi
·  DID-CCD protocol over SSL / PKU / Sunzhuo, Suxing
·  DID-EUD protocol over SSL / PKU / Sunzhuo, Suxing

The following application software also needs to be developed

Application / Current status/Further developments / Company / Person
WIM TV site / Current status
·  Non available
Further developments
·  Register Users / PKU / Suxing
·  User feedback / PKU
·  AVC encoder (.exe) / ????
·  AVS encoder (.exe) / PKU
·  Download CCD (Xplatform Java installer) / CEDEO
·  Download EUD (Xplatform Java installer) / CEDEO
CPD navigation / Current status
·  Non available
Further developments
·  Creator upload interface (including personal space) / PKU / Yuqiang, Su Xing
·  End User navigation (search content, licence etc.) / PKU / Yuqiang
EUD / Current status
·  JDic browser
Further developments
·  Replace JDic with cross platform browser / PKU / Yuqiang

6  Timeline

1st milestone: 08/05/30

The DID identifies CCD and EUD: 08/05/16

·  User identification:

§  New message required

§  add address (unstructured), email address

§  Protocol between DID and CCD/EUD

The CCD produces a DCI containing

·  Metadata

·  CC Licence

·  Video

·  Laser presentation with metadata, licence etc. (no ads yet)

§  From 1 template: 08/05/09

·  Upload DCI + Resources to CPD: 08/05/16

§  Storage of resources and linking between DCI and resource file name

·  DID-CCD: 08/05/16

From this milestone encourage Creators/End Users to upload/play content for test purposes


·  Browsing capability: 08/05/16

·  Plays the DCI showing:

§  The Laser presentation including

·  Metadata

·  Licence

·  Static ad

·  Rendering: 08/05/16

§  Video after acceptance of licence

·  Renders streaming resources

·  DID-EUD: 08/05/16

First version of web site including

·  User management: 08/05/30

o  Shared relevant CPD and DID data (UN/PW, Device certificate, …)

·  Download CCD: 08/05/30

o  Installer

·  Download EUD: 08/05/30

o  Installer

2nd milestone: 08/06/28

The CCD produces a DCI containing as 1st milestone

·  Laser presentation with metadata, licence etc. : 08/06/13

o  From 4 (?) templates + ads

o  Select the template

o  Move the ads object in the template

o  View the result

The CPD has streaming capability

·  Installation package for the Feng streaming server (Linux): 08/06/28

3rd milestone: 08/07/18