1. Knowledge - demonstrated through performance and decision-making

Candidates will demonstrate an understanding of

The roles and responsibilities of lifesavers and lifeguards

Entry into emergency medical services

Use of bystanders and other rescuers

Hazardous areas and conditions in aquatic facilities

The principles of emergency procedures including why and how they are established and practiced

Behaviors and activities in aquatic environment s which increase risk to the participants and other patrons

Spinal injury

Notes: The must see for this item is “understanding demonstrated through performance and decision making. LSS quote “the examiner and instructor should use oral evaluation techniques [in the exam].

What to expect: Just some pop quiz type questions throughout the exam.

2. Spinal Injury Management

Quick, accurate recognition

Immobilization of head/neck

Smooth turnover if necessary

Victim assessment – ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

Movement of victim minimized throughout

Reassurance for victim

Effective direction for all bystanders

Victim’s body stabilized

What to expect: Demonstrate Canadian, Vice, and Modified. Vice is often emphasized due to the fact it reappears in NLS – pool.

3. Submerged Victim

Quick descent to victim

Efficient pickup

Ascent with victim’s head tilted forward, mouth and nose covered with rescuer’s hand

Quick return to safety showing control of victim

Victim assessment – ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)


What to expect: Recover a victim off the bottom.

4. Removals

Appropriate choice of removal

Victim removed safely; concern for victim comfort

Removal effected quickly and efficiently

Notes: Victim will be of equal or smaller size then the rescuer.

5. Eggbeater/ Object Support


Correct coordination and mechanics

Vertical body position

Shoulders at surface

Time requirement met

Support Object

Top of object at surface

Vertical body position

Time requirement met

6. Rescue – non breathing pulseless victim

Quick, accurate recognition

Appropriate assessment of situation; call for help

Appropriate choice of aid

Quick, appropriate entry, efficient approach, reverse and ready, and victim recovery

Effective carry (with or without aid)

Victim assessment – ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

Effective CPR started as soon as possible

Follow-up procedures; contact with Emergency Medical Services

Appropriate and effective victim care throughout

Ability to clear airway if victim vomits.

7. Rescue – 2 Rescuers 50m/yd approach

Quick, accurate recognition

Appropriate assessment of situation; call for help

Effective use of selected equipment

Safe and effective entry, approach, reverse and ready, and toe or carry for the circumstances

Victim assessment – ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

Victim secured at nearest point of safety with safe and effective removal

Appropriate and effective victim care throughout

Effective supervision, direction, and encouragement of bystanders throughout

Follow-up procedures; contact with Emergency Medical Services

Lowest risk rescue possible under the circumstances and concern for personal safety throughout.

Good teamwork; both rescuers involved with rescue.

8. Rescue

Quick, accurate recognition

Appropriate assessment of situation; call for help

Effective use of selected equipment

Safe and effective entry, approach, reverse and ready, and toe or carry for the circumstances

Victim assessment – ABC’s (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

Victim secured at nearest point of safety with safe and effective removal

Appropriate and effective victim care throughout

Follow –up procedures; contact with Emergency Medical Services

Effective supervision, direction, and encouragement of bystanders throughout

Lowest risk rescue possible under the circumstances and concern for personal safety throughout

Notes: Victims injuries or conditions will be selected from: External bleeding with or without an embedded object, shoulder dislocation, arm or leg fracture, leg or abdominal cramp, unconscious, breathing or non breathing, shock, hypothermia.

9. Continuous Swim – 600m or 650yd in 14min

Endurance over the distance

Time limit met

Recognizable stroke(s) used

Distance completed

10. Fitness Challenge

Item performed, distance completed

Ability to locate and count own pulse

Notes: Can’t really fail this item.