TD Event Checklist
NOTE: This checklist is particularly applicable for major events but it can also be applied to all sanctioned events. If technical issues or appointments are not relevant list them as N/A. This Checklist serves to assist the TD in their role of applying the requirements expected for a TA sanctioned event.
Event: Date…………………….
Technical Delegate: Race Referee:
Chief Race Official: Race Director:
1. / ü / û /N/A
/ Sanctioning Documents / Maps / ApprovalsSanctioning…
1.1 / Senior Tem appointments confirmed and advised to the Race Director (RD) minimum 6 weeks prior to event date.
1.2 / Sanctioning documents, maps (provided by STTA)
1.3 / Certificates/Permits – Insurance, Police, Road closures, Parks and Rec etc.
1.4 / Sanctioning detail sufficient in all areas (including insurance details if not TA’s).
1.5 / Is the course paratriathlon friendly
1.6 / Paratriathletes entered and classification
2. / ü / û /N/A
/ Entry Form2.1 / Reviewed prior to public release.
2.2 / Web information complete and correct – maps, schedule, wave starts
2.3 / Race distances and age groups comply with TA Policy Document.
3. / ü / û /N/A
/ Pre-Event Course / Site Inspection / Meetings / Arrangements3.1 / Marshal location and numbers appropriate in all areas.
3.2 / Organising team sufficient to cover all issues (briefings with marshals, setting course etc)
3.3 / Confirmed all times in relation to schedule of event.
3.4 / Confirmed all meetings to be held and attendance by whom.
3.5 / RD checked with all services (bus, business transport, public etc) to ensure no disruption to event.
3.6 / Contingency plans confirmed
3.7 / Emergency and evacuation plans confirmed
3.8 / Final meeting with all groups ahead of race day
3.9 / Briefing information (eg. PowerPoint) checked by Technical.
3.11 / Accommodation and travel arrangements for STT confirmed with STTA.
3.12 / Timing systems and location of timing mats, splits provided, back up system in place
4. / ü / û /N/A
/ Registration4.1 / Technical information included in information sheet(s) / booklet provided to competitors.
4.2 / Technical information displayed at the event in appropriate position.
4.3 / Sufficient personnel provided to register competitors.
4.4 / Bike mechanic / spares available to service competitor needs.
4.5 / Maps, schedule, wave starts on display for competitors
5. / ü / û /N/A
/ Event Schedule5.1 / Sufficient time in schedule for all operations. Request detailed run sheet from RD
5.2 / Briefing to include Race Referee discussing technical issues (not last to speak).
5.3 / Information advised to competitors indicating level of need (eg. For elite competition opening and closing times of warm up etc)
6. / ü / û /N/A
/ Swim Course6.1 / Name and contact of Swim Director from Race Director’s Team.
Name: / Contact:
6.2 / Name and contact of Water Safety group.
Name: / Contact:
6.3 / Swim Course Staff
· Number of IRB's / water craft in the water
· Number of board paddlers
6.4 / Ensure no lead water craft unless conditions permit (eg. Low lying Sun).
6.5 / Distance to first turning buoy minimum 250m.
6.7 / Prediction on use of wetsuits.
6.8 / Turns angles not greater than 90°.
6.9 / Swim start and all turns checked for depth measurement.
6.10 / Monitoring each turning buoy – marshals / SLS / Officials to prevent course cutting.
6.11 / Wave start order and time between waves.
6.12 / Water Temperature: ______
National standard: measure 24 hours prior to each race start in minimum 3 separate areas on the swim course. Wetsuit ruling to be provisional, subject to possible change. Competitors when notified prior to race day if wetsuits are not permitted are to be advised to bring wetsuits.
6.13 / Marine Life Hazards – present, particularly at swim exit (debris / rocks / glass).
6.14 / Swim Finish Chute clearly marked for sighting by swimmers.
6.15 / Starter’s Plan. Race Referee starter (Elite National Events)?
6.16 / How organisers account for all competitors being out of the water.
6.17 / Radio communications. How many on the course and who.
6.18 / Medical and Emergency Evacuation Plan – including response action from volunteers, staff, motorcycle riders, technical etc.
7. / ü / û /N/A
/ Transition7.1 / Name and contact of Transition Director from Race Director’s Team.
Name: / Contact:
7.2 / Layout of racks – flow and equity considered – system of numbering.
7.3 / Plan to secure Transition – access for competitors and specific marshals / officials only.
7.4 / Security people well trained: firm and assertive, yet polite.
7.5 / Location and details of bike and helmet check.
7.6 / Final helmet and bike check-in.
7.7 / Location of aid station if any, bike mechanics, tools, water, toilets.
7.9 / Number of volunteers assigned to Transition.
7.10 / System to “check-out” of Transition equipment after the competition. Time?
8. / ü / û /N/A
/ Cycle Course8.1 / Name and contact of Cycle Director from Race Director’s Team.
Name: / Contact:
8.2 / Traffic Management Plan in place?
8.3 / Road closure times / barrier set up and removal.
8.4 / Plan to mark course with signage; directional; warning; km markings.
8.5 / Sector leaders responsible for sections of the cycle course.
8.6 / Corners swept, brooms at appropriate corners with volunteers aware that corners need to be kept clean.
8.7 / Any railway crossings covered and how.
8.8 / Location of all aid stations with a list of items provided.
8.9 / Number of motorcycles for Technical Officials.
Number of motorcycles for Television.
Number of motorcycles for other media / group.
8.10 / Motorcycle riders and TO’s wear helmets, long pants.
8.11 / Lead vehicle – will there be one? Safety and communication plan?
8.12 / Sweep vehicle (sag wagon)?
8.13 / Spares vehicle?
8.14 / Wheel stops – any on course, who is responsible for equip, neutral spares provided.
8.15 / Plan for Medical Vehicles (stationary and mobile).
Will Organiser vehicle carry Medical?
8.16 / Lap counter?
Position for boards and staffing?
Bell included?
Communication with RD?
8.17 / Communication coverage (radio or mobile phone?) all over the course?
8.19 / Any potential areas where competitors can cut the course? Planning to prevent this.
9. / ü / û /N/A
/ Run Course9.1 / Name and contact of Run Director from Race Director’s Team.
Name: / Contact:
9.2 / Changing course from cycle to run – barrier movement during race etc.
9.3 / Location of all aid stations with a list of items provided.
9.4 / Number of volunteers at each aid station.
9.5 / Are aid stations set back from turnaround points, so competitors get double access?
9.6 / Backup water supply for aid stations – how to be provided.
9.7 / Rubber gloves provided to all drink station personnel.
9.8 / Is maximum distance between aid stations 2km (1.5km or less for junior events)?
9.9 / No crossovers with other runners or cyclists.
9.10 / Lap counter?
Position for boards and staffing?
Bell included?
Communication with RD?
9.11 / Plan to mark course with signage; directional; warning; km markings.
9.12 / Any potential areas where competitors can cut the course? Planning to prevent this.
9.13 / Run course map displayed at event, including aid stations, kilometre markings, medical station, location of lap counters and timing mats.
10. / ü / û /N/A
/ Finish Line10.1 / Name and contact of Finish line Director from Race Director’s Team.
Name: / Contact:
10.2 / Press Area (scaffolding for media) positioned minimum 15m behind Finish line.
10.3 / Approved personnel only in Finish line area (FLA). Media, medical (spotters) inside, Race Referee nearby.
10.4 / Suitable for paratriathletes
11. / ü / û /N/A
/ Crossover Points / Volunteers / AccreditationCrossover Points…
11.1 / Crossover points identified, numbered for reference.
11.2 / Precise controlling of crossover points – volunteers.
11.3 / Volunteer plan – how many, locations (duties).
11.8 / Nourishment for volunteers, TO’s.
11.9 / Accreditation plan – volunteers, technical, event staff, medical, VIP, other.
11.10 / Accreditation access area designation
12. / ü / û /N/A
/ Recovery Area12.1 / Sufficient fluid, water and fruit supply available. Backup supply available.
12.2 / Handlers wearing gloves.
12.3 / Sufficient shade available for dehydrated athletes.
12.4 / Direct access from recovery to medical for athletes not suffering immediately at FLA.
12.5 / Ability for spectators to greet athletes at boundaries of recovery area without entry.
13. / ü / û /N/A
/ Medical13.1 / Name and contact of Medical Director.
Name: / Contact:
13.2 / Outline of medical plan received (written or verbal) by TD (spotters, doctor, ambulance, medical tent / van, personnel, communications).
13.3 / Medical evacuation plans during each leg.
13.4 / Details of medical care at FLA / recovery area.
13.5 / Map showing location of medical services / access.
14. / ü / û /N/A
/ Communications14.1 / Radio plan – channels, how many to each group.
14.3 / Communication plan for the day between groups – mobile phone use also.
14.4 / Technical included in radio provisions? Minimum Technical radio allocation for NTD, TD, RR, CTO, Swim, 1 motorcycle, Run, Aid Station(s), Wheel Station(s).
15. / ü / û /N/A
/ Technical Officials15.1 / Tent / secure area provided for Technical meetings, personal items storage etc.
15.2 / Copies of contact list for event provided to Technical.
15.3 / Race referee and Technical Team for event in touch with information from TD.
15.4 / Run sheet for Technical suitable with event schedule.
15.5 / Sufficient motorcycle supply to the event.
15.6 / All equipment items required by Technical available.
· Motorcycle helmets
· Penalty Box paperwork
· TO gear box (vests)
15.7 / Nourishment / event clothing provided to Technical Team.
15.8 / STT members completed Technical Agreements prior to event.
16. / ü / û /N/A
/ Presentations / Timing and Results16.1 / RR / TD checked results prior to Presentations / posting (email, mail, website).
16.2 / Any disqualifications / issues before the RR / Competition Jury notified to timing / results.
16.3 / TD / RR available during and after at Presentations in event of disputes.
17. / ü / û /N/A
/ Media / Image17.1 / Field of Play (FOP) access – who has what.
17.2 / TD confirmed stationary positions on or near FOP where media can take shots.
17.3 / Briefing arranged between media personnel and TD, RR.
17.4 / Images of the Sport important – briefings / information to technical, event staff, volunteers etc to not be in the media shot and to look professional at all times.
18. / ü / û /N/A
/ Post-Race Reports18.1 / Important for TD on race day to check all areas for reporting and checking against sanctioning agreements.
18.2 / Post-event briefing held with Technical team to gather all comments / observations.
18.3 / NTD Report completed by the Senior Technical Team (STT).
18.4 / TD request report from Medical Director.
18.5 / TD invite RD to complete RD report from National Sanctioning Document (NSD).
18.6 / All reports in and distributed to stakeholders via TATC Chair (STTA Chair for local events) within 14 days of event.
19. / ü / û /N/A
/ General19.1 / Course setup (generally) as per Sanctioning Document detail.
19.2 / TD confirmed all payments issued relating to sanctioning fees, One Race Member (ORM) payments, technical payments etc.
19.3 / Issues from the event communicated with the RD / stakeholders in a timely fashion.
19.4 / Advertised prize money / awards distributed accordingly.
19.5 / Technical official conduct reflective of the National Technical Program.
19.6 / Any serious issues / incidents reported to the NTC Chair immediately.
Summary of meetings TD is to arrange
Race Director / Ø Discuss sanction document
Ø Work through technical issues
Ø Site inspection (preliminary and close to event date to ensure no council / road works etc)
Ø During event monitor activity
Ø Post-event payments, ORM, reports / TD
TA/Sponsors / Ø Other stakeholders involved in staging events
Ø Understanding of roles between all parties / TD
Medical Director / Ø Medical plan and personnel
Ø Response protocol during event (does technical team use radio or mobile direct to Medical Director?)
Ø Exact travel routes for response to areas of Field of Play (FOP)
Ø Layout of medical facilities and location (ease of access) / TD, RR
Media / Ø Groups attending, privileges indicated by RD / TA
Ø Agreed positions on FOP for certain groups
Ø Vests for identifying host v general media groups / TD, RR
Water Safety / Ø Meet with the water safety team to discuss needs for the event. This includes boards on turns (inside of), false start (elite), swim course details, rescue, signals during swim. / TD, RR
All Stakeholders / Ø Day prior to race call meeting between all stakeholders / TD, RR, officials interested
Technical Team / Ø Race morning briefing to pass on information about event
Ø De-brief meeting / All officials
Marshal briefings / Ø Listen to briefings given to marshal groups and add where appropriate. / TD
Motorcycle riders / Ø The RR should control this meeting, but ideal for the TD to attend and listen. / RR, TD
TD Checklist V3.0 July 2013 Page 1