Page 2Operational and Strategic Goals and Objectives 2017/18 and Theme
For The Year.
Page 4-7“Grey Owl Award” for Excellence in School Business Operations
December 31 Nomination Deadline
Grey Owl Nomination Forms, Checklist and Prior Recipients
Page 7 Important Dates, 2018
Manitoba Associationof School Business Officials
Approved October 5, 2017
MASBO GOALS 2017-2018
GOAL NO. 1Provide professional development opportunities and other services which bring value to our members.
Objective 1:Hold the annual members’ professional development day:Change Management- November 22, 2017-Victoria Inn, Winnipeg.
Objective 2:Include professional development components to regional meetings.
Objective 3:Hold the Maintenance/Transportation Conference February 21-23, 2018, Victoria Inn, Brandon.
Objective 4:Hold the AGM Conference – May 30-June 1, 2018, Victoria Inn, Winnipeg.
Objective 5:Request the Executive Director of British Columbia ASBO to speak about their LeadershipProgram initiative at the fall regional meeting and survey members to determine interest.
GOAL NO. 2Monitor, prepare for and respond to emergent issues as they arise insupport of the various interests of our membership.
Objective 1:Consider MASBO responses on various issues and in a variety of formats: correspondence from the executive; meetings with various organizations; AGM resolutions.
Objective 2:Begin development of resolutions at the fall regional meetings.
GOAL NO. 3Conduct a review of MASBO’s governance structure with the aim of bringing forward any changes to the membership on May 31,2018 inWinnipeg.
Objective 1:October 5, 2017 – Request a review of MASBO’s constitution by the Past-President’s Council to ensure that it is up to date; to be completed by January,2018 for forwarding to the executive meeting on January 11,2018.
Objective 2:Monitor work and effectiveness of the new Workplace Safety and Health and Website Committees.
GOAL NO. 4Provide ongoing and two-way communication opportunities (inform and consult with our members and our education partners).
Objective 1:Provide MASBO regular communications: MASBO News,Mini- Minutes, MASBO Minute Electronic Newsletter.
Objective 2:Hold liaison meetings with our education partners;MASS, MSBA, MAPC,MTS- individually and as a group with the Minister of Education and Training.
Objective 3:Continue participation in the Canadian Association of School Business Officials Leadership Group- CANASBO.
Objective 4:Populate, utilize and manage the MASBO Website:
- Post Committee Minutes
- Post Committee Terms of Reference and Position Profiles
Objective 5:Review membership recruitment and engagement practices: (rationales for participation; use of social media etc.)
- Involve more members in the planning of PD activities for the regional meetings
- Involve more members to assist the executive assistant to carry out activities at the fall regional meeting and annual conference
- Introduce a buddy system (host) to assist new members attending their first regional meeting and annual conference
2017 Grey Owl Nomination Form - Individual
Project Information
Descriptive Title: ______
Applicant Information
First Name/Last Name of person nominated: ______
Title: ______No. of Students in Division: ______
Address: ______Email: ______
City/Town: ______Postal Code: ______
Work Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Nominator Information
(When nominating an individual, you are encouraged to work with the nominee to provide information that will strengthen the submission.)
Nominator’s Name: ______
Work Phone: ______Cell Phone______
Email: ______
I hereby certify that the information is true and correct and I authorize the release of this information to MASBO to publicize in whatever way it considers appropriate.
Signature: ______Date: ______
2017 Grey Owl Nomination Form - Group
Project Information
Descriptive Title: ______
Group Member Information – for each member of the group being nominated please provide:
First Name/Last Name of person nominated: ______
Title: ______No. of Students in Division: ______
Address: ______Email: ______
City/Town: ______Postal Code: ______
Work Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Nominator Information
(When nominating a group, you are encouraged to work with the individuals to provide information that will strengthen the submission.)
Nominator’s Name: ______
Work Phone: ______Cell Phone______
Email: ______
I hereby certify that the information is true and correct and I authorize the release of this information to MASBO to publicize in whatever way it considers appropriate.
Signature: ______Date: ______
2016 Grey Owl NominationChecklist
Please include in you electronic application:
“Grey Owl Award” nomination form (Individual or Group)
The initiative/project/practice summary (separate document)
One page (maximum) biography of the nominee (individual) or a short summary of the backgrounds of group members (name, position, number of years in the division etc.)
JPEG photo of the nominee or group JPEG photo in the case of a group nomination
“Grey Owl Award” for Excellence in School Business Operations
Previous Grey Owl Award Recipients
2014 Wayne Shimizu, Individual Award Seven Oaks School Division----Composting Initiatives in the Division
2015 Henry Claeys Individual Award Winnipeg School Division—Student Transportation Tracking System
2017 Group Award- 6 School Divisions—Seven Oaks, Turtle Mountain, Hanover. Portage la Prairie, Lord Selkirk and Interlake ----sharing of one server to house the Divisions’ common financial system vendor information
Important Dates, 2018
- Maintenance/Transportation Conference – February 21-23, 2018 – Brandon
- AGM Convention – May 30-June 1,2018 – Winnipeg
- Provincial Professional Development Day – November 21, 2018- Winnipeg