- Silent Majority/ Middle America – 55% of population & Southern Strategy
Promised tax cuts: for poor workers
Promised to deal with youth avoided being drafted to Vietnam (wealthy college kids & black rioters)
Didn’t support de-segregation (85% felt blacks wanted too much, too fast)
Spiro Agnew (running mate) appealed to Middle America.
- Effective Electioneering Techniques
Used Eisenhower’s popularity. E on his deathbed claimed that N winning would give him a ‘lift’
Colour TV: after failure of 1960 debate, N consistently had a ‘Florida’ tan & taught how to speak publically & appear dignified.
- ‘Peace in honour’ – Vietnam
(1972 election) Vietnamisation
- Weakness of Democrats
LBJ seen as failure Dem seen as failure too.
Dem candidates Humphrey vs. McCarthy @ Chicago conv. Humphrey aide swore at McCarthy – televised.
(1972 election)Dem candidate McGovern = too radical/liberal & running mate had psychiatric treatment previously.
(1972 election)SALT Treaty with USSR, détente with China
- Conclusion
- 1976
- Nixon fiasco
- Ford’s poor media image
New York Magazine – portrayed as Bozo the Clown
Unelected (Nixon resigns, Agnew resigns) press felt it had a right to criticize F more than normal President.
- Ford blamed for economic decline - made a scapegoat
Changing decisions over taxes; raises taxes, cuts taxes confuses electorate
- Bad relationship with Congress
unable to get along with Congress
Dem. disliked F, but so did Rep. for pardoning Nixon.
Lacked ‘power to persuade’, charisma & leadership to convince Congress.
- Lost right-wing support with foreign policy
Vietnam - LaosCambodia fall to communism. US seen to lose in Vietnam, wasted effort? Lost RESPECT for USA
- (Carter)
‘I will never lie’.
Promised a national health service, full employment & welfare reform.
- Conclusion
- 1980
- Carter’s personal failures
Admitted defeat ‘America was not what she was’.
Told America to ‘pull together’ blamed for problems
C seen throwing up whilst jogging unfit
- Reagan’s personality & policies
Sense of humour e.g. debate with C - ‘aw shucks’
Tough on crime, death penalty, anti-abortion & was a Cold Warrior.
- Dire economy situation
Unemployment increasing = 8.2 million
Reagan promised deregulation of business, tax cuts & public spending cuts.
- Foreign Policy
- Corruption
- Conclusion
Reasons for Reagan’s
Re-election Victory- 1984
- Reagan personally popular
E.g. dignified way R represented D-Day celebrations in Normandy
Made people confident in politics again after the corruption of N & the incompetence of F & C.
- Economic Upturn
Inflation at @ 3.8%
- Strong on defence
Stood up against Communism
Wanted better relations with UK
- Religious Right
Anti: Communism, Homosexuality, Crime (1970=783,000 to 1980 = 1.3 million violent crimes), Sex Education, Abortion, Affirmative Action &Feminism
- Democrats
- Olympics
- Family Values
Placed emphasis on traditional values.
- Avoided Press
E.g. 1964 microphone blunder: ‘My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes’.
- Conclusion
- Reagan’s endorsement
Reagan had done well & Bush had gained valuable experience as Vice President for two terms. B had been UN ambassador & CIA Director previously too.
- Opponent’s blunders
Publicised that GovernorDukakishad vetoed a Bill compelling public schoolteachers to lead the Pledge of Allegiance & had signeda Bill in favour of official weekend leave for convicted criminals.
Bush advertised how convicted murderer Horton perpetrated a rape whilst on ‘leave’, thus playing on racism (Horton was Black) & crime fears.
Dukakis came across aloof & unenthusiastic.
- Bush’s promises
- Campaign Money
- George Bush Junior
- Press
- Conclusion
- 1992
- Bush’s personal failures
White House referred to as a ‘ship without a rudder’
- Economic & Foreign failures
Economic recession – unemployment & BOP deficit increased.
Gulf War in Kuwait (for oil) was no longer popular & concern whether he ended the war properly.
- Clinton: politics & personality
He was a right-wing democrat, which appeased many people as he did not seem to liberal/socialist.
- Ross Perot; Independent Candidate
- Republican’s failings
Bush forced to adopt a more right-wing stance due to pressure within his party.
Public saw the Rep’s as unelectable due to inter-party tensions & their indecisiveness.
- Conclusion
Reasons for Clinton’s Election Victory - 1996
- Economy
Inflation, interest rates & unemployment at their lowest since 1968
- Clinton’s personal strengths
Fund-raised excellently, e.g. selling overnight stays in the White House Lincoln Bedroom.
- Bob Dole; Rep. candidate’s failures
Voters were not impressed with Dole’s economic policies as well as his anti-abortion stance which lost him women voters. Clinton got 54% of women’s votes.
- Middle ground politics
Pleased New Dem. by advocating welfare reform.
Outmanoeuvred Rep.’s by appearing conservative while doing nothing, as when he criticised violence on T.V.
‘End welfare as we know it’ – Clinton. Pleased middle classes as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 meant tougher laws on receiving welfare & benefits.
- Conclusion
Clinton vs. Republicans
- The Budget
- Background knowledge
Gingrich’s ‘Contract with America’, a 10 point right-wing governing doctrine, was quickly passed by the House of Representatives in 1994.
In 1995, the Rep party = success. Gingrich became Speaker of the House (he’s very popular at this point)Rep’s capture the Senate for the first time since 1980 the House for the first time since 1954.
- The Federal Government Deficit in 1993
C decided to delay many of the tax cuts he had promised & in his attempt in reducing America’s debt.
Proposed a tax increase on high earners & corporations as well as cutting the defence budget for the first time in a century.
Despite overwhelming Democrat majority in Congress the budget passed through the House by only one vote.
- The Battle for a Balanced Budget in 1995
For a whole year Gingrich & Rep’s try to push through their budget, whilst Clinton resolvedly pushes through his.
The result being a colossal political mess & some 800,000 government workers enjoying an extended holiday.
- Gingrich’s popularity plummets
The media & Dems’ took this opportunity to attack Gingrich for his motive for the Budget standoff.
Depicted as having a ‘temper tantrum’.
US Culture Change
- Television
1976: Alex Haley wrote about his ancestor Kunta Kinte who was a slave.
1977: Book goes onto T.V. starting a wave of ethnic pride.
1989: ‘The Simpsons’ starts up. Bush saw it as ‘dysfunctional’& encouraging a ‘slacker culture’.
But it has black characters & attacks television addiction, peer pressure, religious fanaticism & family matters.
Violence on television criticised.
Black T.V personalities Bill Crosby & Oprah Winfrey
- Films
Production cuts by 25% cz of the move to T.V led to blockbusters with special effects theme parks merchandise.
-1975: Jaws by Spielberg
-1977: Star Wars by Lucas
Under Reagan (1981 - 1989)- R had been a film star.
-Hollywood film studios were sold to multinational conglomerates.
-E.g. Sony bought Tri-Star & Columbia pictures
Blackactors such as Eddie Murphy & Denzel Washington became widely popular.
First Disneyland opens but makes a loss until the accommodation of local conditions i.e. wine with meals
1971 - Florida 1983 - Tokyo 1992 - Paris
- Music
1969: Woodstock festival with 400 000 in attendance.
1990’s: Grunge music showed rebellious attitude of youth.
Black musicians Diana Ross & Michael Jackson.
- By 2000
Race Relations: Education
- 1957:
But no violence used.
- 1969:
Nixon tried to slow down de-segregation in schools.
- 1971:
½ black teens in NY dropped out before graduation.
- 1974:
Courts ordered bussing in Boston, but white ant-bussing groups stopped the attempt. 9 children were injured & their busses damaged. This continued.
- 1988:
The prestigious StanfordUniversity dropped a compulsory core course on Western culture → ‘birth of multiculturalism within its curriculum’.
43% of black students in the South attended public schools that were over 50% white = integration.
- 1992:
- By 2000
Race Relations:
Social Problems, Affirmative Action & Disillusionment ctd.
- Under Reagan (1981 -1989)
-Blacks = 12% of population: 43% on welfare, 35% in subsidised homes, 35% using food stamps. 50% of prison population was black30% of all blacks expected to be in prison at some stage.
R cut federal welfare programmes to help the poor.
E.g. 1988 Family Support Act → those on welfare must do community service or take a course.
1988: R vetoed the ‘Civil Rights Restoration Act’to limit federal aid to affirmative action.
- Under Bush (1989 - 1993)
- Under Clinton (1993 -2001)
-Rodney King, a black lawyer, was beaten to death by four white police officers → CCTV footage white jury verdict: not guilty.
-Viciousriots in LA; looting, arson & murder occurred & property damages topped $1 billion. 53 died & thousands more were injured.
-OJ Simpson accused of murdering his white ex-wife & boyfriend in 1994.
-Simpson found ‘not guilty’ - justice done? - verdict polarised US along racial lines. Blacks believed Simpson to be innocent, whites did not.
- By 2000
- Event
President Nixon wins a landslide victory.
- Trial
Emerges $60 million was raised for Presidential Campaign through pressuring companies to donate.
Nixon accused of involvement but N denies.
- Battle for the tapes
Nixon ordered to give tapes. N gives doctored version of tape, & then heavily edited transcripts.
Supreme Court orders Nixon to hand tapes over.
- Result
Nixon resigns before he can be impeached.
- Aftermath
The Privacy Act - 1974 (all citizens can inspect their files)
The Budget Act - 1974 (account all money spent)
The Election Campaign Act - 1974 (limit fundraising)
War Powers Act - 1973 (only Cong. can declare war)
Ethics in Government Act - 1978 (Cong. control CREEP)
Totally undermined the confidence of American public in politics cz of ‘Tricky Dicky’. Doubt & cynicism was the general mood
How far did the position of black Americans improve between 1968 & 2001?
- Introduction
Outline that you will argue that to there was an improvement in some areas, but in others there wasn’t.
- Supporting the question
Affirmative action in major companies & universities
De-segregation & bussing
Economic gains & improvements in living conditions & a growing black middle class.
Improvements of integration in armed forces, civil service & police
- Challenging the question
-Rodney King affair & LA riots
-OJ Simpson trial
-USA divided & unequal society, rife with racism
Unequal treatment of the law; both is the courts & justice system death penalty, prisons, etc.
Continuing inequality in various areas:
-Life expectancy
- Conclusion
Show the change in situation through the entire period
Most IMPORTANT improvement/factor?
LINK although things changed, black Americans’ lives were not to the standard of white Americans’.
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US Women Change
- The Women’s Liberation Movement & others
-A live sheep crowned in a dispute over ‘the degrading mindless-boob-girlie symbolism’.
-Pageant also attacked for being racist.
-E.g.No black women had taken a place among the contest’s finalists as of 1968.
Under Nixon (1968 - 1974)
-E.g. National Organisation of Women campaigned for an ‘Equal Rights Amendment’
-Founder of NOW, Betty Friedan, wrote the ‘Feminine Mystique’ ← said to have ‘re-energised the women’s movement’.
-However, NOW was too middle-class to be that successful.
Under Ford/Carter (1974 - 1981)
-Prejudicial rape laws changed
-Property distribution in divorce →fairer.
-1973: Roe vs. Wade - Legalisation of abortion