DETAILSResponsible NEO and country / National Erasmus + Office in Palestine
Contact Person for TAM organisation
(name, position, institution, phone number & e-mail) / Adnan Shehadeh
Director of Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning & Unit of Quality Enhancement
Palestine Polytechnic University
If a joint or regional TAM (between two or more countries), please indicate the other countries and responsible NEOsand explain how coordination will be ensured with NEOs from other countries.
(city & hosting institution/venue) / Palestine Polytechnic Univetrsoty
Type of event
(seminar, roundtable, site visit, meeting with national experts and policy makers, focus group...) / Worksop on Innovative methods of assessment in Higher education.
How does this event fit into your national workplan for HERE? Is it attached to/part of another national event?
(if a joint/regional TAM, please describe the relevance to the workplans for all countries involved) / This topic is congruant with the policy of the ministry of Education and Higher Education that aims to improve the quality of teachinmg and learning at the universities.
Date & Timing
(Please choose the semester and be as precise as possible regarding the month and the day if possible) / Semester 1: February – June, 2017 (Deadline for submitting draft programme and precise date: 15 December, 2016)
Foreseen date: 4-5 April/2017
Semester 2: July-December 2017 (Deadline for submitting draft programme and precise date: 1 May, 2017)
Foreseen date: ______
Topic and title / Employing Innovative Assessment Methods in Palestinan Universities to maxemize learning, and involving students in assessment.
Why has this topic been selected? Why is it important to higher education development in your country?(if a joint/regional TAM, please describe the relevance of the topic for all involved) / Assessment methods in most universities are still traditional, and in most casese they are not aligned with the ILO's of the course. Teachers need to know how to develop their assessment methods to be tools for learning as well as of learning, and to reflect the teaching methods and the intended learning outcomes.
Moreover, most of the new teaching methods that are required to help students connected to the local market, and thus raise employability, such as CBL, need teachers to implement innovative methods of assessment.
Desired Learning Outcomes /
- To raise the awarness on the need for innovative assessment methods in developing learning and teaching in higher education.
- To provide startegies for developing valid and appropriate assessment methods.
- To help in developing participants Skills in aligning assessment metods with the ILO's of the course.
- Having accurate and reliable results for our students.
- Decrease sudents complains about their results.
- To raise the awarness of students about the importance of assessment.
Expected Nº of participants + in case of joint/regional TAM, foreseen number of HEREs from other countries / About 40 faculty members from PPU and other Palestinan universities.
About 40 students from the same universities.
Target Public/Audience (profile/experience) / Head of departments, faculty members snd students.
Language of the event and possibilities to provide interpretation for the expert if needed: / English
What is expected from the expert/(s)[1]?
(Please be specific about the type of input the expert should make, whether multiple presentations would be expected, etc) / The expert is expected to lead a number of workshops for faculty members and students on the following topics:
- Developing the methods of assessment in higher education institutions to include innovative methods such as portfolio, group project and field trip.(for faculty members)
- Involving students in assessment. (for faculty members)
- The importance of assessment for learning (for students)
Suggested experts (if any- Please indicate name and contact details) / Chris Rust
Oxford Brooks University
Oxford, UK
Please attach a draft programme if possible (If not this will be required after the pre-selection, before the TAM will be finally selected).
Requests should be sent to the address by 7 October 2016 at the latest.
Developedby the SPHERE Team:
[1]In the case of joint/regional TAM, and in some cases for national TAM, more than one expert may be suggested. The number of experts needed should be justified.