March 5, 2015





Thurs: National Honor Society Induction 6:30 H.S. Auditorium


Sat: Lewis Central Show Choir Competition

Congrats to the Underwood Speech Team! Underwood was entered into 8 total events at District Speech this past Saturday with 6 of those receiving a Division I which moves them forward to the State Competition to be held in Nevada, Iowa on Saturday, March 14th.

Receiving a Division II which is an awesome ranking are:

Hannah Wahab - Acting (She did outstanding as a freshman who picked out a tough piece to perform)

Ava Feller - Poetry

Receiving a Division I ranking and moving onto State are:

Ava Feller - Storytelling

Kiley Cook - Storytelling

Keegan Konsor - Radio News Announcing

Nick Pederson - Radio News Announcing

Josh Torgerson - Solo Musical Theatre AND Acting

Saturday, March 7 Emily Hack will be in the halftime show for All Iowa Honor Dance. She will be part of the kick routine and two pom routines of the 4:00 3A #203 game at the IOWA GIRLS HS BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP

The game will be on Iowa Public TV

GUIDANCE OFFICE: Juniors can apply for the Herbert Hoover Uncommon Student Award of $1,000-$3,000. You must develop a plan to help the community and implement it. Go to www.HooverPresidentialFoundation.org/grantsawards/uncommon_student.php to submit an application and see details. Deadline is March 31st, 2015.


Northwest Missouri State University will have a rep here on Monday, March 9th @ 10:30am. Sign up outside the Guidance Office at least one day in advance of the visit if you wish to see this rep.

Missouri Western will have a rep here on Wednesday, March 18 @ 9:00am. Sign up outside the Guidance Office at least one day in advance of the visit if you wish to see this rep.


TODAY: (3/5/15) Pasta bar, garlic bread sticks, lettuce, carrots and applesauce

TOMORROW: (3/6/15) Schoolmade cheese pizza, salad, green beans, assorted fruit cups and fresh fruit