Easter Sunday 5 April
'He is not here; he has risen!' Luke 24:6a
Imagine the expression of wonder and delight when the 'two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning' proclaimed, for the first time, that Jesus is alive! Praise our wonderful Saviour who chose the cross so that we too might be resurrected to new life!
Monday 6 April
'Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!"' John 20:18a
Lord Jesus, we ask you to renew our passion and delight in experiencing you. Help us to remember the first time our hearts cried, 'I have seen the Lord!'
Tuesday 7 April
'Go and make disciples of all nations...' Matthew 28:19a
Praise God that Tearfund's Christian partners and the local churches we work with are declaring the resurrection of Jesus and demonstrating God's love through their actions in more than 50 nations across the world.
Wednesday 8 April
'Then [Jesus] appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also...'
1 Corinthians 15:7-8
Praise God that people haven't stopped having encounters with the risen Christ since the day he rose again. Ask Jesus to show himself to one of your friends, or a member of your family.
Thursday 9 April
'I want to know Christ–yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.'Philippians 3:10
Reflect on this verse today. Jesus' suffering and death are not something we simply observe, but–as Paul the Apostle asserts here–we are called to participate in his suffering so that we can 'become like' Jesus and in turn know his resurrection power.
Friday 10 April
'You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.' Acts 3:15
Lord, we ask you to give us opportunities to bear witness to the resurrection of Jesus, by sharing the good news. We also ask that others will see Christ-like freedom and compassion reflected in our actions and deeds. Amen.
Saturday 11 April
'I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.' Luke 24:49
Thank you, Lord, that Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection give us the power to transform lives as we share the wonderful story of Jesus conquering death. Amen.
Welcome to the weekend – what you can do
Luke 24:49 reveals that the disciples would receive power because of the death and resurrection of Christ. As followers of Jesus, we share that power too, so that he can be made known. So, choose to be bold today: think of an area of need in your community or across the world, and ask Jesus how you can speak out, pray, give and act in response.
Called to serve:12 – 18 APRIL
None of the work we do would be possible without you, our incredible supporters. This week we feature inspiring stories from our team at Tearfund who phone and encourage people who pray, give and speak out on behalf of people living in poverty.
Sunday 12 April
Margaret, who recently joined the team that phones supporters, has been encouraged by hearing about the conversations her team have had with supporters. 'It's a privilege to learn from the team about inspiring encounters. I look forward to sharing in these amazing stories.' Pray for the team as they build and strengthen relationships.
Monday 13 April
Stephen spoke to one supporter who can't work because of health problems. She felt their conversation was an answer to prayer. She said: 'I sometimes wonder what God is doing, but it's lovely to hear that, even with my condition, I can help people.' Pray for Tearfund supporters facing illness or disability, that God will draw close to them.
Tuesday 14 April
Charlotte remembers one particularly encouraging conversation with a supporter who has been giving for more than 30 years. 'It really is a privilege to share with supporters,' she says. 'So often I am left both humbled and inspired!' Ask God to give you opportunities to encourage others.
Wednesday 15 April
The team also have the privilege of praying with supporters. Sarita recently spoke to a lady who was facing hard times. 'It's humbling to encourage our wonderful supporters and meet them where they are on their journey.' Pray that the team will be able to reflect Jesus' compassion during their phone calls.
Thursday 16 April
Kit was pleased to hear how passionate one supporter, who celebrated her 90th birthday last year, is about our work. Rather than receive presents, she asked friends and family to make a donation to Tearfund. Ask God to show you how you can show generosity at times of celebration.
Friday 17 April
Abigail recently had a conversation with a supporter who shared her testimony of how God has blessed her so she can help others. 'I give to Tearfund because Jesus tells me to and he has earned my complete obedience,' she says. Pray that God will bless our supporters so that they will be able to bless others more.
Saturday 18 April
Spyros, who leads the team, recalls one supporter who was delighted to have found a way to make a difference to people living in poverty. 'I always find it very moving when a supporter thanks us, when they are the ones who make our work possible.' Ask God to give you opportunities to display God's love to others.
Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea
'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.' 1 Peter 4:10a
Reflect on this verse and on the gifts that God has given you. How can you use them to serve others?
Light in Mumbai:19 – 25 APRIL
A group of Northern Irish church leaders and rugby player Paddy McAllister reflect on their visit to Mumbai's red-light district where they met Tearfund partners bringing light into the darkness...
Sunday 19 April
'I use my power and strength to win rugby games, but men here use their strength and power to abuse women,' says Paddy McAllister, after meeting Asha–a woman sold into sex slavery at the age of 13. Ask God to change the hearts of people who use strength and power to exploit women.
Monday 20 April
Rev Mairisine Stanfield, from First Bangor Presbyterian Church, met women being cared for by Tearfund partner Oasis India, who had previously been sold into slavery. While they had experienced much suffering, their lives had also been transformed. Join in praise with Mairisine who says, 'Truly Jesus' power has turned their mourning into dancing!'
Tuesday 21 April
Andy McCourt, Senior Pastor of Christian Fellowship Church in Strandtown, Belfast, says, 'As many as 20,000 sex workers are forced to ply their trade in the Mumbai district of Kamathipura. I was shocked by the deprivation we saw.' Pray that Tearfund's partners will have the resources to reach even more exploited women.
Wednesday 22 April
'Trafficking preys on weakness and creates weakness for its own purposes,' says Bishop Harold Miller, who was shocked when he met a boy who had been injected with polio so he would 'beg more effectively'. Pray that God will bring physical and psychological healing to women who have suffered because of sex trafficking.
Thursday 23 April
'Trafficked children have been robbed of the freedom to make the most basic decisions about their lives,' says Anita Harron, a volunteer speaker for Tearfund. Thank God for the freedoms you have, and ask him to show you how you can use them to bless others.
Friday 24 April
'It would be so easy to feel paralysed and walk away,' says Rev Charles McMullan, from West Church Presbyterian, Bangor. 'But the New Testament is full of examples of Christians rolling up their sleeves and helping those nobody else will touch.' Pray for strength and perseverance for Tearfund's partner staff who are determined to stay.
Saturday 25 April
'The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them.' Psalm 34:17
Father, it grieves us to read stories of people who have been cruelly exploited. Thank you for Christians who show love in practical ways to people who have suffered. Amen.
Welcome to the weekend – creative prayer idea
Read Psalm 22, a lament expressing deep despair to God. Note that this passage, like most psalms of lament, ends in praise. We can always have hope, because God responds to prayer. Pray through this psalm on behalf of the many people caught in modern day slavery. Then write your own psalm of lament to express how you feel about the injustice of child trafficking.
Support from Scotland:26 APRIL – 2 MAY
This week, we want to pray and give God thanks for our amazing Scottish fundraisers. They will be running, baking and cycling over the next few weeks to help raise money and bring hope and transformation to some of the poorest communities across the world.
Sunday 26 April
Many people across Scotland give their time and talents to raise money for people in poverty. Please join the Tearfund Scotland team in thanking God for them and ask him to inspire others with creative ideas to help support our work.
Monday 27 April
Tearfund supporter Rebecca Campbell from Glasgow recently held an afternoon Tea for Tearfund at her home to raise money for Tearfund. She was joined by about 20 friends and everyone enjoyed the cakes and fellowship. Thank God for the way he uses people's hospitality to transform communities overseas.
Tuesday 28 April
Last year, more than 50 women walked, jogged or ran the Glasgow 10k for Tearfund. Poppy Wilde from Paisley says, 'When you know there's a big team of people all running for the same cause as you, it's really encouraging.' With less than a month to go, please pray for all the women taking part this year, as they train and prepare for the race.
Wednesday 29 April
Two of our younger supporters recently visited the Scotland office with a full money-box for Tearfund. Using Tearfund's Whole Wide World devotional pack as a family, they had talked about issues of poverty and saved money. Praise God for children who, like them, have caught God's heart for poor people.
Thursday 30 April
In a few weeks' time, 12 supporters will be cycling more than 500 miles in a week, taking part in the 2015 Tearfund Cycling Scottish Tour, an initiative led by Tearfund volunteer Dave Moss. Please pray for safety, health and fun for all those taking part.
Friday 1 May
Pray for all those taking part in Live Below the Line, spending just £1 a day on food, for five days, to gain a greater understanding of what it's like to live below the poverty line. Praise God for our partners around the world who tackle hunger.
Saturday 2 May
Today, a wonderful team of volunteers from Dumfries are hosting their tenth Drumlanrig Cycle Challenge for Tearfund. More than 300 cyclists will take part, completing either 60- or 100-mile journeys through beautiful Scottish scenery. Pray for safety on the roads, energy for the volunteers, and the opportunity to show Jesus' love to those taking part
Welcome to the weekend – what you can do
Whatever your skills and talents, you can support local churches worldwide as they bring God–given transformation where it is needed most. Whether you can bake, organise events or take part in sporting activities, we would love you to get involved. If you are interested, contact Tearfund's Scotland team or 0141 332 3621 and ask for a fundraising pack.
Tearfund Prayer Diary April2015 – tearfund.org/praying