Jubilee for you: 31 December – 6 January

Staff at Tearfund have felt called to consecrate this year, Tearfund's fiftieth anniversary, and declare it a year of Jubilee. All our teams around the world are uniting in this time to seek afresh God's transforming Spirit and keep Jesus at the centre of our work and lives. We'd really value your prayers!

Sunday 31 December

'Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.' Psalm 127:1

Heavenly Father, as we arrive at the gate of this new year, we know just how much we depend on you to bring your transforming power to those in greatest need. Let it be you who builds this house. Amen.

Monday 1 January

We have staff and partners based in some of the poorest, most challenging places in the world. The work can be hard and the needs extreme. Lord, as we think about your Jubilee invitation to rest, help us to draw our strength from you. Amen.

Tuesday 2 January

One of the central themes of Jubilee is the restoration of relationships. Tearfund is based in more than 50 countries and helping staff feel connected isn't easy – but it is very important. Lord, help us to have that sense of unity, that we may be one, as you are one. Amen.

Wednesday 3 January

In Leviticus 25:11, the Israelites were encouraged to care for creation by resting the land as part of God's call to Jubilee. Advocating for sustainability and working with communities in ways that protect the environment is fundamental to us. Lord Jesus, bless this work and give us the skills and opportunities to cherish your world in all we do. Amen.

Thursday 4 January

Prayer has always been central to our daily routine in all the Tearfund offices. But this year, as part of our Jubilee declaration, we're looking to magnify prayer and its role in our work in new ways. Lord, inspire our staff and bless us as we seek new rhythms of encounter with you. Amen.

Friday 5 January

'The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you.' Leviticus 25:11

Jubilee is an invitation to celebrate as well as reflect. Father, as we reflect on the miracle of lives transformed, compassion outpoured, abundant provision and the energy for more, we rejoice in your incredible blessings and the support we've received for over half a century. Give us real hearts for celebration in this year. 'The joy of the Lord is your strength!' Nehemiah 8:10

Saturday 6 January

'The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.' Luke 4:18

This is the heart of our Jubilee: the Spirit of the Lord. Father, pour out your Spirit on us mightily in this time. We long to keep on proclaiming your good news where it's needed most. This year help us to do it in your strength alone. Amen.

Calling time: 7 – 13 January

The new year often marks a time of thinking and planning. It's a chance to tak time out with God, asking him to lead and guide our year ahead. For some of us, that means continuing with the work God has given us, for others that may mean stepping out into something new.

Sunday 7 January

Pray for friends and family that may be finishing school this year, leaving university or looking to move to new careers. Ask that God will give them clear guidance on their next steps, whether this is future study, overseas volunteering or a new role.

Monday 8 January

Praise God for our partners in Malawi, Fisherman's Rest, who spent their Christmas delivering bread and soup to local prisons and running community days to share the message of Christmas. We give thanks to the UK families that joined the team and served them in their incredible work.

Tuesday 9 January

Join us in praying today for all the volunteers who will serve this year as team leaders on our various overseas placements. It's an amazing chance for them to grow and develop as they're entrusted with the spiritual and physical needs of the team. Pray that we will send out strong leaders with pastoral hearts and a willingness to serve.

Wednesday 10 January

Lift up our volunteers who are heading out to South Africa and Bangladesh in January on our Tearfund International Citizen Service (ICS) programme. This year marks a brand new season for each of them. Pray that they will hear God's voice and follow his guidance on their new journey.

Thursday 11 January

Every year, Tearfund sends more than 600 volunteers overseas to serve alongside our partners. Join us in praying that each of these volunteers will return to the UK excited about all they've learnt and ready to make a difference in their own communities. May they be inspired to take up new opportunities, like the Tearfund advocate programme

Friday 12 January

Volunteers heading out to support the work of our partner Oeser in Bolivia will be working with children like Alexander. He's just seven, but has already lost his mother to cancer. His older sister looks after him while his dad works in Argentina. Oeser has enabled Alexander to attend school where he works hard to keep his grades up. Give thanks for the work of Oeser.

Saturday 13 January

Allow time today to listen to God's voice and ask him where he is leading you in 2018. In the solitude, alone with our Heavenly Father, we can get perspective on life, and hear his voice. You can demonstrate God's love in practical ways as you visit and learn from inspirational communities overseas. For details visit

Face of the Father: 14 – 20 January

Because of widespread violence and organised crime, approximately 120,000 children from Central America choose to flee to the United States every year without their parents. This week we pray for vulnerable children across Latin America, as we seek to bring hope to children living in some of the toughest places.

Sunday 14 January

During Colombia's recent civil war, many children were born to displaced families living in slums in large cities like Barranquilla. In these surroundings, a new generation of young children are vulnerable to gang violence, drug trafficking and prostitution. Pray that children living in slums in Colombia would be protected from these threats.

Monday 15 January

Tearfund partner Red Viva supports Bolivian children vulnerable to child labour or neglect from family members. At their day centres, Red Viva provides children with free lunches, while volunteers teach them English, basic hygiene and help with homework. Pray that, thanks to qualifications and increased self-esteem, children will be empowered to escape poverty as adults.

Tuesday 16 January

Violence is one of the top three factors that prevents children going to school in the most dangerous neighbourhoods in Latin America. Pray that children would be kept safe on their way to school and that nothing will stop them attending classes.

Wednesday 17 January

'Young people from marginal areas are exposed to many risks such as gangs, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol and drug addiction,' says Rosa, Tearfund's Country Representative for Colombia. Red Viva runs sports clubs to help children engage in healthy activities with their peers. Pray that more children would join these youth clubs as an alternative to gangs.

Thursday 18 January

Honduras is the most violent country in the world (apart from war zones) due to gang violence and drug-related crime. Our partner Allianza runs a football club to provide a safe environment for childre and teenagers to come together and play football. Praise God for this initiative and pray that children in Honduras would be kept safe from violence.

Friday 19 January

Some 750,000 children and young people in Bolivia are full-time workers and almost 70 per cent are girls. Tearfund partner Mosoj Yan helps girls living on the streets of Cochabamba city with vocational training, and offers counselling. It also works to restore family relationships to enable girls to move back home. Pray that, through these interventions, girls would become less vulnerable to labour and sexual exploitation.

Saturday 20 January

'See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.' Matthew 18:10

Heavenly Father, thank you that every child is precious. We ask you to protect all the children living in dangerous slums across Latin America. We pray that you would equip us to best serve more and more children, sharing your great love through our work in some of the most challenging places. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Hope for a nation: 21 – 27 January

Tearfund has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 1986. The country faces a legacy of conflict and sexual violence, lack of access to safe water, sanitation and healthcare, barely useable roads and more. But amid these huge challenges, the church has been recognised by DRC's government as a major 'institutional body' able to reach and support marginalised communities.

Sunday 21 January

Potentially Africa's richest country, the DRC has vast resources. Such riches – as well as ethnic rivalries – lie at the heart of the conflict that has blighted the country since independence. As tensions continue to erupt in various parts of the country, pray for peace and unity among political leaders, and within communities.

Monday 22 January

Tearfund partners are promoting positive masculinity and gender equality in DRC, challenging harmful social norms related to sexual and gender-based violence. Pray that this work will give a voice to those who have experienced unspeakable suffering. Ask that we can empower and inspire those who dare to speak out and challenge prejudice.

Tuesday 23 January

Women and girls are disproportionately affected by conflict, experiencing rape and abuse on an horrific scale. Tearfund is mobilising faith communities to prevent and respond to sexual violence in DRC. Pray that survivors will find comfort, healing and protection through the various programmes.

Wednesday 24 January

Mass displacement has put millions of children at risk of illiteracy, child labour and sex trafficking. In addition, girls often do not have the same access to education and employment as boys. Pray for the children of DRC that their strength, faith, hope and opportunities will be renewed through Tearfund's work.

Thursday 25 January

With the intense history of the DRC there is a great need for forgiveness so that those who are wanting to leave militia and rebel groups can be rehabilitated and find a chance to live in peace. Pray for a spirit of love that will bring an end to the brutalities and for a spirit of justice and reconciliation.

Friday 26 January

The widespread trauma experienced in the DRC has left many people without pastoral support but Tearfund has a programme of mobilising churches that is community-based, discipleship-focused and sustainable. Pray that this opportunity for fresh ministry might be seized by the church and that our partners will have a real impact through this approach.

Saturday 27 January

Father we thank you for those working in the DRC to bring hope to that nation. We ask for good health and for protection for our partners and workers who are at risk from violence and instability. We pray that they will express your love in their work and that your joy would be their strength. Amen.

Tearfund Prayer Diary January 2018 –