Mathematics Data Grade 7 Technology Integration Unit

Teachers’ Name(s):Angela Kelley, Kathy Fecso-Trefethen
Grade Level(s):7th
Content Area(s):Math
Technology Overview / Organizer:
Angela Kelley and Ron Dumais
Stage 1: Desired Results
Essential Question(s) – What essential question(s) or learning are you addressing?
(Hint: Overarching, High Level, Involves Multiple Concepts and possible answers, Promotes Inquiry and Discovery)
How would you use Statistics and Probability to solve problems in a real life setting?
Technology Standards – What technology standard(s) will this unit cover?
Technology Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation – Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Technology Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration – Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
Technology Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency – Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
Technology Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving & Decision-Making – Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
Technology Standard 5: Digital Citizenship - Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
Technology Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts – Students demonstrate a sound
understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations
21st-Century Skills - Four Broad Conceptual Categories:
Waysof thinking. Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and learning
Ways of working. Communication and collaboration
Tools for working. Information and communications technology (ICT) and information literacy
Skills for living in the world. Citizenship, life and career, and personal and social responsibility
Conceptual To Practical Span All Four Categories
Collaborative problem-solving. Working together to solve a common challenge, which involves the contribution and exchange of ideas, knowledge or resources to achieve the goal.
ICT literacy — learning in digital networks. Learning through digital means, such as social networking, ICT literacy, technological awareness and simulation. Each of these elements enables individuals to function in social networks and contribute to the development of social and intellectual capital.
Common Core Mathematics Standards
Develop a probability model and use it to find probabilities of events. Compare
probabilitiesfrom a model to observed frequencies; if the agreement is not good, explain
possible sourcesof the discrepancy.7.SP.7
Find probabilities of compound events using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.7.SP.8
Common Core English Language Arts Standards
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points SL.7.6
Technology Expectation - What technology skills do you expect students to master?
Students will be able to (LEARNING TARGETS)….
  • Animations
  • Slide Transitions
  • Snipping, Inserting, manipulating objects
  • Voice Record in Microsoft Office Mix™(Video Recording in Microsoft Office Mix™ Inking on the screen in Microsoft Office Mix™
  • UploadingMicrosoftOffice 365™
  • Sharing

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Assessment – What will students be able to do or produce to illustrate their learning? How will you assess what they do or produce?
Project Title:Statistics and Probability
Evidence:Final Project Microsoft PowerPoint™ presentation created using Microsoft Office Mix™
Criteria: (include rubric and/or checklist criteria?)Attached
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Overview – This is a short summary of the lesson or activitiesincluding assignments or possible products.
  • Students will be in teams of 3-4 to create a PowerPoint presentation using Microsoft Office Mix™
  • Each team has a different concept
  • At least three problems per team (match concept)
  • Leader creates Microsoft PowerPoint™template(5 slides per person and title page)
  • Slides are color coded (background) per team member
  • Problems used to create study guide for student test review
  • Group MicrosoftPowerPoint™ is used as a tool to explain solutions for math review problems
  • Teams will also be responsible for answering student questions related to the teams concept/ problems (questions that arise during presentation)

Resources/Materials – What resources will you use in your project (e.g., Computer Lab, Publisher, Web access for research, print resources, etc.)?
Hardware:Laptops with camera and microphone
Software:MicrosoftPowerPoint™ with Microsoft Office Mix™, Snipping tool; Microsoft
Word™ with Equation Editor
Web-based resources & technology tools (possible resources that could be incorporated)
Access to links in Teacher Public for reference and resources
Preparation – What technology skills are necessary for students as a prerequisite to beginning this activity?
  • PowerPoint Office Mix™ integration; Snipping tool; Equation Editor in Microsoft Word™
  • *Make sure Microsoft Office Mix™Mix is available in PowerPoint™ (may have to add it through "add ins")
  • Make sure students have the latest version of PowerPointOffice Mix™ to enable inking.

Management – How and where will your students work (classroom, lab, groups, etc.)?
e.g., lab, library… In groups
  • In the classroom using Laptops, small groups, present to class.

What logistic protocols need to be followed? Where to save? How to submit? What directions / Graphic organizers need to be provided to students in advance?
Students will need to:
  • Create Microsoft Office 365™ account/login
  • Know how to save in Microsoft Office 365™; share documents with team and teacher; work in shared documents
  • Access teacher public
  • Understand differences between Microsoft PowerPoint™ and Microsoft PowerPoint™ online

Outline and Timeline for Instruction and Activities – List the learning activities you will use and provide a timeline that indicates what students must complete and by when.
Scheduling (Describe the approximate length of the project): Approximately 10 Days
Day One: / e.g., Teacher exemplar presentation/product and group critique of effective criteria.
  • Introduce tools that we will be using in class to complete the project.
  • Show students student sample of the final project that they will create.

Day Two: / e.g., Online resource activity and begin developing product.
  • Review concepts from the Common Core State Standards that they will be able to use to solve real life problems.
  • Teams choose concepts and get teacher approval.
  • Begin looking on-line for real life problems that they will solve/create a real-life problem to solve.

Day Three: / e.g., Share practice presentations followed by review using rubric and class discussion.
  • Team continues to search and choose real life problems.
  • Teams need teacher approval for these problems.Once approved students will share their problems using Microsoft Word™ in student public folder.
  • Teacher uses these problems to create study guide.
  • Each person on the team inserts the problem into the Microsoft PowerPoint™ on the appropriate slide.
  • In students’math notebooks, students will solve the 3 problems that the team has gotten approved.
  • If not done by the end of class students will complete for homework.

Day Four: / e.g., Review and Revise
  • Continue inserting graphics and animations while waiting to check in with teacher.
  • Check solutions with team members.
  • Determine how you will present it in Microsoft PowerPoint™ with Office Mix™; using audio, video and/or inking. (must use at least audio)
  • Once solutions have been checked peer edited, students begin using Office Mix to demonstrate and explain how their individual problems are solved.
  • For homework have students write out their "script", for what they want to say in their presentation. On the script they should note if/when they need to" ink" or insert an object/animation.

Day Five / e.g., Present and Reflect
  • Work to complete presentation including animations, graphics, inking, etc...
  • Begin recording using script

Day Six /
  • Students begin working on Study Guide for test while waiting turn to record.
  • Continue from Day 5 above.

Day Seven /
  • Same as Day Six above.

Day Eight /
  • Same as Day 7 above.
  • At the end of class, students should all be done with recording and the study guide should be completed.
  • Any students that have not completed the study guide will need to do so for homework.

Day Nine /
  • Share and present projects.
  • Students bring study guides with them to correct questions and ask questions.

Day Ten /
  • Finish sharing and presenting projects.

Page Break

Instructional Strategies – Select and describe how you will use any of the strategies listed below.
Problem-Based Learning: e.g., Students will be given a problem and create a technology based solution
  • Students create study guide problems to prepare for unit test. Presentations can be used to help as tutorials for struggling students.

Project-Based Learning: e.g., Students will create and evaluate an interactive multimedia presentation
  • Students will create a multi-media presentation explaining how to solve mathematical problems to their peers.

Differentiated Instruction:
e.g.,1. Multimedia presentation examples reach multiple intelligences.
2. Rubric evaluation & contribution allows students of varying abilities to extend their learning.
3. Grouping will be designed to meet students’ interests, abilities, and learning styles.
4. Student choice on project
  • Students are able to use multiple tools in Microsoft Office Mix™ to extend their learning, as well as tools in word such as the equation editor. Students are required to use audio in Microsoft Office Mix™, but may choose whether or not to include video and/or inking in their PowerPoint presentation.
  • Students choose their teams and topics, based on Common Core Mathematics Standards for 7th Grade Statistics and Probability #7 and 8.

Inquiry-Based Learning: Online Resource Inquiry activity; project development and research
Collaborative Groups: Group practice presentation, group rubric criteria analysis
Students are developing and sharing collaboratively using Microsoft Office 365™
Closure and Reflection:How will you wrap up the unit? How will students reflect upon their work?
  • Feedback will be provided during presentation; whole-class questions and answers (discussion).
  • Feedback provided through the use of rubrics/checklists.

Students Will Self & Peer Assess Their Presentations.After the rubric assessments, students will write a reflection on the process of creating and sharing their interactive multimedia presentation.

6/2/2016Middletown Public Schools1