1. A pelvis from obstetrical point of view.Age evolution and sexual distinctions of a female pelvis.
  2. The biomechanism of labor at a frontal occipital presentation.
  3. Preterm separation of normally located placenta. Causes, pathogenesis of preterm placental separation. Clinical picture, methods of diagnostics, medical tactics.
  4. Physiologic events of the puerperium. Clinical picture postnatal stage of labor.
  5. Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension. Clinicalpicture, diagnosis.A role of maternity welfare center in preventive measuring of pregnant women gestosis.
  6. Parturient pyoinflammatory diseases. Its frequency, etiology. Classification. Modern features of parturient pyoinflammatory diseases.
  7. Early gestosis: its forms, pathogenesis, clinical picture of heavy forms, treatment, indications for termination of pregnancy.
  8. Labor activity anomalies. Causes, clinical picture, diagnostics of labor activity weakness. Principles of labor activity weakness treating.
  9. Perinatal mortality, the basic and direct causes. The direct and main causes of perinatal mortality.
  10. Placentalpresentation. Etiology.Pathogenesis,classification,diagnostics. Clinical picture, medical tactics.
  11. Anatomical and physiological features of full-term newborn. Advantages of breast-feeding.
  12. Pregnancy and heart diseases. Principles of conducting pregnancy and labor. Contra-indications to pregnancy carrying at.
  13. Pregnancy at kidney diseases. Pregnancy and labor coursing at kidney diseases. Contra-indications to pregnancy carrying at kidney diseases.
  14. A syndrome of fetal arrested development. Causes, classification, diagnostics. Medical tactics.
  15. Pregnancy and rheumatism. Principles of conducting pregnancy and labor. Possible complications for mother and a fetus.
  16. Laceration of cervixes and perineal ruptures. The classification, causes, diagnostics,technics of sealing.
  17. Determining of supposed date of labor and maternity leave. Sings of mature fetus.
  18. Gestosis.Classification, diagnosis, complications, treatment.Risk groups on development gestosis.
  19. Incompletingofpregnancy.The causes of miscarriage, clinical picture. Principles of preterm labor managing. Complications.
  20. Pregnancy and labor at diabetes.
  21. Acute intra-uterine fetal hypoxia. Causes, complication. Medical tactics at acute intra-uterine fetal hypoxia at pregnancy and labor. Stages of rendering primary and reanimation help to newborn in a labor ward.
  22. Discoordinatinglaboractivity,cause. Medicaltacticsatdiscoordinatinglaboractivity.
  23. Management of the second stage of labor.The biomechanism of labor at the back occipital presentation.
  24. The Obstetrical peritonitis. The occurrence reasons. Diagnostics and treatment principles.
  25. Cephalopelvic disproportion. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Methods of delivery at various degrees of cephalopelvic disproportion.
  26. The classification of parturient diseases. Etiology. Modern features of parturient pyoinflammatory diseases.
  27. Morphological and functional features of newborn prematurity.
  28. Preterm separation of normally located placenta. Etiology,pathogenesis. Diagnostics, clinical picture, treatment.
  29. Generally contracted pelvis. Diagnostics. Features of the labor biomechanism at generally contracted pelvis.
  30. Preeclampsia during pregnancy,in labor and the postnatal period. Diagnostics, treatment, preventive maintenance.
  31. Features of pregnancy and labor course at fetal pelvic presentation. Complications for mother and fetus at pelvic presentation. Indications for Cesarean section elective surgery at fetal pelvic presentation.
  32. Influence of damaging factors on a fetus and a placenta.
  33. Pregnancy and diseases of digestive organs (intestinal impassability, an acute appendicitis). An etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, medical tactics.
  34. Influence of bad habits (an alcoholism, smoking, a narcotics, glue sniffing) on a current of pregnancy and a pre-natal fetus.
  35. Artificial interruption of pregnancy in early and late terms. Indications, methods, complications. Medical indications to pregnancy interruption at extra genital pathologies
  36. Clinically contracted pelvis. Diagnostics, consequences for mother and for fetus. Role of antenatal clinic in early diagnostics of contracted pelvis.
  37. Problem of prenatal infections in modern obstetrics (TORCH).
  38. Bleedings in early postnatal period: DIS. Ethyology, pathogenesis, clinic, reanimation activities.
  39. Anatomically contracted pelvis. Classification due to forms and degrees of contraction. Diagnostics.
  40. Flat rachitic pelvis, anatomical peculiarities, peculiarities of biomechanism of labor.
  41. Prenatal center. Objective, tasks, structure.
  42. Maternal mortality, notion, reasons, ways of reduction and prophylaxis.
  43. Postnatal hypotonic bleedings. First aid.
  44. Clinic, course and management of the III period of labor. Ways of separation of placenta.
  45. Ways of excretion of placenta. Notions of physiological and pathologic hemorrhage.
  46. Pregnancy and labor at kidney disease.
  47. Structure of female pelvis. Sexual and age differences of pelvis. Pelvis from obstetrical point of view.
  48. Essential hypertension and pregnancy. Principles of management of pregnancy, labor and postnatal period.
  49. Discoordinated labor activity. Ethyology. Clinic, treatment, prophylaxis.
  50. Birth trauma of newborns. Cephalohematoma. Intracranial hemorrhages. Clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
  51. Prematurity of pregnancy. Reasons, peculiarities of course and management of premature labor. Anatomical-physiological peculiarities of prematures.
  52. Presentation of placenta. Ethyology. Pathogenesis. Classification, clinic, diagnostics, doctor’s tactics at various forms of placental presentation.
  53. The first toilet of a newborn. Assessment of state due to Apgar’s scale. Notion of maturity of a newborn. Showings of viviparity.
  54. Differential diagnostics of presentation of placenta and detachment of normally placed placenta.
  55. Reanimation of newborns. Indicators, conditions, effectiveness.
  56. Septic shock. Pathogenesis, classification, clinical picture.
  57. Calculation of indicators of maternal and prenatal mortality. Structure of reasons, ways of decrease, prophylaxis.
  58. Overcarrying of pregnancy. Diagnostics, clinic, doctor’s tactics.
  59. Obstetrical peritonitis. Classification. Reasons of origin. Principles of treatment.
  60. Course of pregnancy and labor among young and ageing primiparae.
  61. Viral infections and pregnancy (herpes, cytomegalovirus). Their influence on mother and fetus. Notion of intranatal infection of fetus.
  62. Management of pregnancy and labor among women who have uterine scar. (Peculiarities of hysterorrhexis along the scar).
  63. Pregnancy combined with hysteromyoma, growth of ovaries. Diagnostics, tactics of management.
  64. Postnatal sepsis. Ethyology, clinic, diagnostics, modern peculiarities. Principles of treatment.
  65. Essential hypertension and pregnancy. Diagnostics, principles of treatment, complications. Contra indications for carrying of pregnancy.
  66. Hemorrhagic shock. Pathogenesis, clinic, principles of treatment.
  67. Overcarrying of pregnancy. Reasons, diagnostics, doctor’s tactics.
  68. Embolism by amniotic fluid. Pathogenesis, clinic, first aid.
  69. Chronic intranatal hypoxia of fetus. Reasons, diagnostics, doctor’s tactics.
  70. Caesarean section in modern obstetrics. Absolute and relative prescriptions, conditions, complications.
  71. Syndrome of delay of fetus development (SDFD). Reasons, classification, diagnostics, management of pregnancy and labor.
  72. Principles of infusion-transfusion therapy.
  73. Obstetrical forceps. Indicators, conditions, complications.
  74. Chorionamnionit at labor. Reasons, clinic, diagnostics, treatment, doctor’s tactics.
  75. Viral hepatitis and pregnancy. Clinic, diagnostics, doctor’s tactics, indicators for abortion.