Columbus Affiliate – July 8, 2009 Meeting
1)Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be Wed, August 12, 2009, at 7pm
2)News: PurpleStride Cleveland 2009,a 5K run and 2-mile walk raised over $120,000!!! (Over $83K was raised last year!!)
3)Worthington Community Garage Sale – we raised $1277.00!!! and reached many people who asked about our organization and upcoming 5K
a)Date: Sat, July 18th
b)Marketing – on our affiliate web site and email blast sent out Wed, 7/15/2009
c)Set-up, sales, tear down –
Set up 7-9 Astrid, Bob, Cheryl, Jessica, Merrianne, Amy, Karen, Carol
9-12 _ Astrid, Cheryl, Diane (10), Karen, Merrianne, Amy
12-3pm _ Astrid, Cheryl, Amy, Merrianne (for some if needed)
3-4:30 _ Astrid, Amy, Merrianne,
Drove leftovers to the VOA (Amy), Kidney Fondation (Cheryl) and Worthington Library (Astrid)
d)Water :purchased 7 24pk cases (Astrid), bags of ice (Cheryl). Sales were very low due to unseasonable cool weather but we have the water for the 5K
e)T-shirts – wear last year’s PurpleStride 5K t-shirt. We sold a few leftover t-shirts for donations
f)Tables and plastic bags – had a couple extratables to set items on at sale and bags for booth customers.
g)Baked goods – sold brownies & bananas for 25¢
4)Wine tasting – 50 ticket event called “Raise a Glass for a Cure”
a)Date: August 13th from 6-9pm – drop by anytime during those hours
b)Ticket prices –they will be $25, any extra will be $30 after web sign up is closed.
c)Volunteers – Needed!
i)Silent Auction: need one person per hour to watch area & answer questions
ii)Set-up 4:40-6pm: Astrid, Jessica, Merrianne, Diane, Karen
iii)Watching food: Karen
iv)Information table ______
v)Rovers ______
vi)Tear down: Astrid, Cheryl, Karen
vii)Band: Cheryl
d)Themed Baskets – Stephanie will make cards describing items in the baskets
**** Do you have anything we could add to the below baskets?!! **** please let Astrid know!
- Tea set (Maggie) – Done
- Beauty basket (Cheryl) – may add massage certificate
- Pet basket (Cheryl) - Done
- Restaurant basket (Stephanie) – certificates from restaurants
- Wine –perhaps a bottle opener, cocktail napkins
- Ice Cream (Merrianne) –need scoop & gift certificate to ice cream parlor
- Summer Fun/BBQ/Guys - garden tools, or BBQ...
- Baby Basket (Diane)–Done
- Tastefully Simple Food basket - Done
e)Marketing – PanCAN and winery’s web sites, email blasts 30 miles out from 43215
f)Web site - will sell tickets online. PanCAN to set up web site.
g)Food – store gift cards, food prep, delivery need help getting gift cards (see above on Food & water donations)
h)Entertainment – Cheryl and a friend are sponsoring the band lead by Ron Hope and includes a jazz pianist, bass, guitar and drums. One of the musicians he is bringing is Roger Hines, who played with Ray Charles and was Diane Schurr's music director. On Roger's website it said he said played with the Oakridge Boys recently.
i)Inside/outside – winery has two very nice rooms for people to mingle as well as a beautiful back patio with several tables overlooking their grassy backyard.
j)Decorations – Astrid and Jessica have votives and candle holders to decorate tablesand paper lanterns (6). Jessica will look for purple tablecloths.
k)Thank you’s and inkind letters – need to draft thank you letters and get list of items donated (including contact information & fair market value of items.)
5)Diaz Tennis tournament –very successful with many participants. Waiting to hear their totals
6)2nd Annual 5K –Sat, Sept 12th!!
- Sponsorships – We now have an ask letter, a sponsorship level sheet and Save the Date cards (will be available in pdf soon)
- Web sites – participants can again create team and fundraising pages on the 5K web site. We will note that no dogs or bikes will be allowed at the race.
- Family names – when registering, can buy a $100 spot on the back of the shirt for your family’s name
- Bandanas – investigating fundraiser of selling option to buy a purple bandana when registering to show your spirit!!! Oriental Trading company may have them for $5 a set.
ii)Marketing –list of 150 places to send fliers, newspapers, bulletin boards…
iii)Day of event planning – 8:30 reg, 9:30 race starts, 11:00 announcements, 12:00 tear down
iv)T-shirts and medals
v)Entertainment - last year’s band will be back! Ch 7 anchor may be emcee
vi)Race company – Premier Sports
vii)Web site – will be created by PanCAN around July 20th– you can see link to a Save the Date placeholder on our Columbus page
viii)Volunteers coordinator needed - Stephanie helping with letter to area churches and we have a Girl Scout possibly for the race course. Send request to colleges, Craig’s list,
ix)Food and water donations - info kit sent via email (nonprofit letter, letter describing event)
Need volunteers to go to their local stores to apply.
7)Upcoming events in our region include:
Columbus, OH area
(1)Diaz Tennis Tournament - July 17-19th, 2009 OSU Lincoln Tower Park Tennis Courts
(2)Worthington Garage Sale - July 18th, 2009, Columbus, OH Affiliate
(3)Raise a Glass for a Cure wine tasting - August 13th, 2009, Columbus, OH Affiliate
(4)Purple Stride Central Ohio 5K - Sept 12, 2009, Columbus, OH Affiliate
PanCAN Columbus Affiliate July 2009