PT R. No. Class:- +1
Subject:- Economics. Date: 1-10-14
Topic:- Elements of the Green RevolutionDuration:- 35 min
General Aid / Well-furnished classroom, Blackboard, Duster, Pointer etc.General Objectives /
- To impart knowledge of economic concept of Students.
- To develop interest of Student in economics
- To develop scientific thinking &rational outlook
- To develop wiseconsumership among students.
Specific Objectives / Knowledge /Remebering(K):
K 1.Students will be able to Recognize modern technology in agriculture as element of green Revolution in Punjab.
K 2. Student will be able to Recognize and Recall the names of HYV seeds of wheat and rice.
K 3. Student will be able to Recall the names of chemical fertilizers
K 4. Student will be able to Recall different type of credit facilities available to farmers.
K 5.Students will be able to recognize marketing facilities for agriculture.
Understanding (U):
U 1. Students will be able to cite examples of modern technology used in agriculture.
U 2.Students will be able to Enlist the Names of HYV Seeds Of Different Crops.
U 3. Students will be able to Verify the Impact of Chemical fertilizers on Production.
U 4. . Student will be able to Enlist Different Type of Banks .
U 5.Student will be able to Seeing the relation Between Marketing Facilities and production
Contents / Main Elements which affect Green Revolution are following.
- Use of modern Technology in Agriculture.
- High yielding varieties of seeds.
- Use of chemical fertilizers.
- Credit Facilities
- Marketing
Specific Aids :-P.T. will use L.C.D. as Audio-visual aids to develop the lesson.
P.K. Assumed:-P.T. will assume that students has general awareness about the Agriculture Occupation .
P.K.T: To introduce the topic PT will test the previous Knowledge of the student.
Introduction of the TopicP.T. Activities / pupils Expected Response
- Where the most population of our country lives?
- What is the main occupation of villagers?
- Which crops the farmers grow in their fields?
- What we call to the sudden growth in Production of rice and wheat in 1966-67 in Punjab?
- What are the major factors behind green revolution?
Announcement of the Topic:- After getting the satisfactory or unsatisfactory response of the student. P.T. will announce the topic by saying:
Well students, there are many factors which behind the Green revolution we call them elements, Today we shall study about ‘Elements of the Green Revolution’.
Presentation of the Topic: P.T. will present the topic by using Lecture method Cum question answering Technique.
Expected Behaviors / Content / PT's activities / Pupils expected response / Black Board Workand A.V.Aids / Real learning outcome
K 1.
Students will be able to recognize modern technology in agriculture
U 1. Students will be able to cite examples of modern technology used in agriculture
K 2. Student will be able to recognize the role of PAU and recall the names of HYVseeds of wheat and Rice.
U 2.Students will be able to enlist the names of HYV seeds of different crops.
K 3. Student will be able to Recognise and Recall the names of chemical fertilizers.
U 3. Students will be able to Verify the Impact of Chemical fertilizers on Production.
K 4. Student will be able to Recall different type of credit facilities available to farmers.
U4. Student will be able to Enlist Different Type of Banks.
K 5.Students will be able to recognize Marketing Facilities for agriculture. / Element
of green revolution
1. Modern Technology
Role of Punjab Agriculture University and
HYV Seed / P.T. will explain that the use of modern technique in agriculture and develop the concept with asking following question.
P.T. will ask.
- What are you seeing in this picture (by showing the picture)
- What do you see in this picture (by showing the next picture)
- What these people are doing?
- What are you seeing in this picture (by showing the picture)?
P.T. will ask:-
Which other Modern Means is used to Harvest the wheat.
P.T. will
- Who is this man in this picture?
- What is the contribution of tem in the field of agriculture?
- Where the Punjab
- How it is Helpful for Farmers?
1966 Dr. MS Swaminathan and Norman E. Borlaugh with the help of Punjab Agriculture Research institution develop so many new HYV of seeds which has helped to increase of production.
PT will ask:
Give some name of HYV seeds of Wheat.
Give some name of HYV seeds of Rice.
P.T. will ask:
- Which type of fertilizers farmers used in olden times?
- Which type of fertilizers farmers use today?
- Name some fertilizers?
PT will explain the use of
P.T. statement: It is also because of the use of chemical fertilizers that the production of food grain increased. before this the use of chemical fertilizers was not much sufficient but after 1966-67 there is a rapid growth in use of Fertilizers such as shown in table.
P.T. will use consumption table to explain impact of fertilizers on producation on L.C.D.
P.T. Statement:-
P.T. Will explain that there are three type of bank Working In the Economy And All Provide Many types of Credit facilities to farmers.
P.T. will ask
- To whom the farmers sell their Production in older times?
- What do you see in this picture?
- Who determine the minimum price of food crops in there days?
- Why govt. announce this facility?
A farmer is ploughing the fields with plough.
Farmer is ploughing the fields with tractor.
They are harvesting their crops with sickle.
They are harvesting their crops with combine.
( Haramba)
PAU is situated in Ludhiana
Theyhad developed HYV seeds with the help of PAU.
It has developed machinery, Pesticides and HYV seeds.
Kalyan, 711, 543,542
PR 108,PR106, PUSA 144,111,121,122,1121,1509
They use the manure
They use chemical fertilizers
Urea .
Potassium, Phosphorous
Urea , D.A.P.
Potassium, Phosphorous / 1. ploughing the field with plough.
- A farmer plugging the fields with tracts.
- With sickle.
- with combine/ Harvester
M.S Swaminathan Norman. E. Borlaugh.
As you see here Pointing to LCD,
the varieties of some seed.
Chemical Fertilizers
Type / 66-67 / 2006-07
(N) / 46 / 1299
(P) / 4 / 354
(K) / 1 / 39
Total / 51 / 1692
Money Lender
/ How technological factors affect the agriculture production?
Which Indian scientist had developed the new varieties of seeds?
How the fertilizers are helpful to the farmers?
In what way the bank are helpful to the farmers?
How Many Type of bank are there in India?
What is support price?
- Who developed new seeds of crops?
- Which Institution provides credit facilities to the farmers?
- Which university develops the new variety of seeds?
- Give some names of fertilizers.
Write the note on the:-
- How the technological factors effect the agriculture production?
- What is support price?
- In what way the banks are helpful to the farmers?
Reference: Text book of Social Studies II of Xth
Published by P.S.E.B, Mohali.