Mrs. Burdan’s Classroom Procedures:
8th Grade Reading and Writing
Room 200B
* Enter the classroom walking, not shouting or laughing loudly.
* Pick up your notebook from the appropriate basket and when the bell rings be in your assigned seat working on your bellringer.
The Bell Ringer can be found on the interactive board, white board, or bulletin board.
* If you are tardy walk in quietly and pick up and fill out a Tardy Slip. After you turn it in to me, have a seat and begin working.
One unexcused tardy = “the look” and a reminder of our class policy
Two unexcused tardies = Lunch and Learn and call home
Four unexcused tardies = Office Referral to administrator for
insubordination and call home.
* The bell does not dismiss you, I do. Before being dismissed, clean up around you and then walk out quietly.
* Please use the bathroombefore coming to class. I will allow emergencies only ~ please don’t abuse this policy.
*Sign out when leaving/entering the room during class on the
clipboard/Spiral Notebook by the door.Writethe date, your name, your destination, and time you left the room and time you retuned. You must also take the bathroom pass. Don’t forget to return it.
* When I want your attention I will count down from 3 or flip the lights twice.
* QuietWork Time ~ you are seated and working. I am moving around the room
helping individual or groups of students. Whispering or
“inside voices” are ok with me, as long as I can’t hear your
conversation across the room.
* Silent Work Time ~ you are seated and working. I am moving around the room helping individual or groups of students. Breathing, sneezing, and coughing are ok, but NO talking.
* ClassDiscussions ~ ONE person is talking and the rest of us are listening.
There is no right or wrong answers. If you would like to respond, raise
your hand and you will be called on to have your say.
THINGS THAT INTERUPPT THE CLASSROOM… * DisrespectfulBehavior~ warning will be given the first time if behavior continues your parent will be called and note will be sent home. If this does not correct behavior an Office Referral will be written, so let’s just treat others the way we want to be treated, with respect.
* If the classroom phone rings either I will answer it or the student closest to the
phone will answer it and say, “Mrs. Burdan’s room, student speaking.” The
student will quietly relay any message so the class can continue learning and
* The heat ~ Not much I can do about it except I have a fan we can use and your are allowed water bottles. Bring it in filled up. You will not be permitted to refill during class.
* Hunger ~ we all get hungry at different times, for me it is around 2:00 p.m. Snacks are OK with me, as long as you clean up after yourself. I reserve the right to change this policy.
* Gum ~ Not allowed in room. Please don’t or suffer the consequences. When you dispose of the gum wrap it in a paper (not Kleenex) and throw it away in the trash.
* Please brush your hair and fix your make-up outside of the classroom.
* If you finish your assignment early you should read, work on extra credit, or
work on project for our class or another class. Please do not disturb others.
* Daily work is listed on the side board. “School Notes”
will be updated as needed.
* Weekly assignments are posted on my Web Page, as well as
on “School Notes.”
* I am NOT a mind reader or a handwriting expert; you MUST
label each assignment with a Proper Heading (Sample on the whiteboard). If you don’t,
I can’t give you a grade and I will post the “Valley of the Lost” closet door for 2 days.
* Sometimes I will collect assignments and sometimes you will hand them in.
The caddy cabinets are labeled by class period.One person will be in charge of passing
them out and picking them up. Class will not be dismissed if the papers have not been
* Absent work ~ You are responsible for getting the assignment (see above) and
any worksheets. Extra worksheets can be found in the last drawer of the caddy.
School policy says you have 1 day to complete the work for every day of an
excused absent.
* Late work ~ If you are having difficulty completing an assignment, please talk to me BEFORE the due date. If you don’t turn in your assignment on time, I will follow the school policy: 1 day late (-25 points) 2 days (-50 points) 3 days (a Zero, but the work must still be turned in.
Don’t forget you are in school to learn and part of learning is being responsible for your assignments.
* The room is open on Thursday for you to work during lunch.
You will need a pass. You may eat your lunch here. You agree to come
and work quietly on work from any class.
(Tuesday and Thursday I am here after school until 4:30)
* You can help bring up your grade by redoing a low grade assignment or doing a presentation on a subject chosen by Mrs. Burdan.
* Reading and Writing grades are the same. All grades will be averaged in to give you the
same grade for Reading and Writing.
Assignments are given a pre-determined number of points.
* Tests will be preceded by a set of objectives, a review sheet, and a review day
* Tests will be announced at least one (1) week in advance and posted on the calendar.
* Quizzes may be given announced or unannounced
* Points will be recorded and then added together to determine a percentage
and letter grade based on Central's grading scale
for example: points earned
points possible = % = letter grade
Grades are updated biweekly and posted on my grade book and thereby on your online student locker.
Progress reports are completed approximately every third week. I do use number grades. They will be sent home.
marking period
Report cards are completed approximately every
nine (9) to ten (10) weeks
* 1ST hour of myconference times ~ I will probably be in my room.
* Lunch ~ I am usually in my room. However, I will be there for sure on
* E-mail ~ I check this during the day and at home. You are welcome
to e-mail me assignments if you are having printer problems or if
you have questions.The best way to get a quick response for parents and students.