Tealing Community Council
Tealing Small Hall, Inveraldie
Wednesday 16th January 2013 @ 6.30pm
Present:Graeme Reoch (Chair)
Nicki Donaldson (Secretary)
Kay Dennis
Lindsay Hay
Bob Taylor
Gary McIllravey
Sandra Burke
In Attendance:Paul Clark (up to Item 3)
PC Steve Wilson (Item 1 only)
Councillor Sheila Hands
Sandra Black, Assistant to Councillor Hands
1.0 / WELCOME AND APOLOGIESGraeme welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Janet Stewart and Councillor Murray.
Graeme announced that Janet Stewart had resigned from the Community Council due to ill health.
Graeme advised that the Community Council were now eligible to have 8 members due to recent changes.
Sincere thanks were extended to Janet Stewart who has made a significant contribution to the community council over the years.
PC Steve Wilson gave the following update:
Community Safety
Advance Fee Fraud
Tayside Police are advising residents within Angus to be wary of advance fee offers. “Advance Fee Fraud” involves a payment in advance for a promise of wealth, wills, gifts, prizes or employment.
Elderly targeted on-line. Steve to look into give a talk to local elderly residents. It was suggested that he contacts the Wednesday club.
Hare/deer Coursing
Reports received with recent incident at Balkemback.
Winter Driving
Adverse weather conditions, shorter daylight hours, lower temperatures and hazardous road surfaces make driving more difficult for motorists in the Winter. Make sure that your car is fit to drive over the winter months.
Local Reported Thefts
Rolls of thermal sheeting at the site at Inveraldie were stolen over the Christmas period.
A large diesel theft occurred at Balkemback with enquiries ongoing.
Break-in reported at Balkello Farm – individuals caught.
Report of a theft of cast iron window frames.
Despite these incidents, crime rates are still rare in the area.
Angus residents are asked to secure property as much as possible, and to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Tayside Police on 0300 111 2222 or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Gary raised the continuing fly tipping at St.John’s Brae which PC Wilson advised he would follow this up with SEPA and Waste and Recycling Services although it was difficult to catch individuals in this activity. / PC S Wilson
PC Wilson
Graeme introduced Paul Clark from Angus Council who was attending the meetingto give an update on the Core Paths in the area. Paul gave a background to the core paths and advised that the Council had adopted the core paths plan. He circulated a map of the areas which outlined that there were 4 paths in the Tealing Area. He further advised that there were financial constraints but that a timetable would be drafted for work being carried out at each core path. In response to questions regarding Newmains he advised that Newmains Road was investigated as a public right of way which need to meet a certain criteria but was not found to be. There would be a need to gather evidence to ascertain as a right of way through the courts. Based on the current information there was not sufficient evidence to make it a right of way and under the Reform Act was outwith access rights but
that the situation could be reviewed in the future.
The council had approved upgrading gates and signage at Balnuith but that major works would not be financially feasible. A discussion took place regarding the proposed extension to the sub-station and that SSE may potentially fund some work as a Community Benefit if the sub-station work goes ahead. It was suggested that the Council contact SSE to seek further information. Paul further advised that there was no priority by the council to develop new paths in the smaller communities and that some local communities are bringing forward paths for upgrade themselves. Funding could be accessed through Angus Environmental Trust(the body that distributes land fill monies) or the Communities Department could potentially assist.
Graeme thanked Paul for attending the meeting and asked him to liaise with Nicki on the timetable when this was available.
5.3 / Fly Tipping
Gary advised that he had been liaising with Fiona McInally regarding the fly tipping at St.Johns Brae but little can be done and any incidents should be reported to the police immediately.
Millennium Gates
Sandra agreed to take this outstanding item forward and obtain quotes for restoring the gates.
Sidlaw Communication
Graeme expressed his disappointment that the Sidlaw newsletter had not materialised. Disappointment was also raised over the recent survey as there had been nothing added to what the Community Council were working on. It was suggested that the exercise could have assisted the community council in taking their action plan to a different level and perhaps that new local people could have be targeted. / S Burke
It was confirmed that 2 new refuse bins have been delivered to the Balnuith area.
Ownership of Hall
In response to a question regarding the ownership of the hall, Councillor Hands advised she would check current position.
Bus Shelter - Inveraldie
Angus Council Infrastructure Services - Bus Shelter in Glasgow waiting to be delivered to Inveraldie. Tayside Contracts still to be put in base. Should be installed within a fortnight. / Cllr Hands
Kay reported that there is £1500 in the admin account, £1900 in the project account and £38.98 in the paypal account. She advised that she is still to contact photographer re DVD and photo sales.
Kay to progress stand for Speckled Hen for sale of items. / K Dennis
K Dennis
An update will be given at the next meeting. / N Donaldson
Scottish SPCA – Thanks sent for recent donation
Ted Luscombe – Thanks sent for gift
Angus CouncilChief Executive’s Department – Public Feedback
Special Olympics Scotland – National Summer Games – Nicki to seek further information
Angus Council Neighbourhood Services – Engage Winter 2012
Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Bus Timetables. / N Donaldson
10.5 / AOCB
Notice Board/Rack for Community Council
Nicki to email Graham Campbell to ask if this will be available for materials and to request hall committee dates.
To be discussed at next meeting, not enough content at present.
Gary to contact Steve Salt on progress/press release.
Kay to arrange Flowers for Janet.
Hall Booking
Nicki to ensure Bessie has hall bookings for community council meetings. / N Donaldson
G McIlravey
K Dennis
N Donaldson
Wednesday 27thMarch 2013 @ 6.30pm – Tealing Hall.