Administrative Cohort Agenda and Outcomes

Sept 10- Developing school based CCSS/NGSSS lesson plan format

Issue: How to assist teachers in aligning learning goals and lesson plans within CCSS while maintaining fidelity to NGSSS benchmarks?

Resolution: Creation of a school-wide lesson plan to include embedded subject area CCSS, as well as best practices (SBRR) in instructional implementation.


  1. Admin and LC to conduct professional learning opportunities regarding CCSS Instructional shifts within department cohorts.
  2. Introduce, discuss, and revise common lesson plan format
  3. Incorporate common lesson plans

Oct 15- Developing School-wide Summative Rubric

Issue: Teacher concerns regarding a clear expectation and understanding of the necessity to incorporate visible rubric(s) within the classroom instruction (Team DQ 1.1).

Resolution: Create a school based summative rubric to guide student summative evaluation.


1.  Employ the professional learning community (Literacy Leadership Team) to research and develop a summative rubric that may be acceptable and understandable to faculty.

2.  In-service faculty on the purpose and implementation of the rubric within classroom instruction.

3.  Admin to make color laminated copies of rubric for instructional personnel

4.  LLT and admin to provide on-going support and assist as they monitor implementation

Note: Rubric is based on the work of Dr. Robert Marzano

Oct 22- Continuing Planning and discussion of summative rubric

Issue: Providing continued assistance and support teachers’ efforts to incorporate the rubric into the fabric of their instruction.

Resolution: Create a Q/A guide for teachers to efficient address common questions and concerns regarding the school based summative rubric.


1.  LLT will develop a Q/A guide

2.  LLT sub-cmte to research and develop a corresponding rubric into e-semblar for student grade reporting.

3.  Planning calendar to in-service teachers concerning the use of grading by rubric on e-semblar

Dec 13- CCSS

Issue: Proper preparation for CC as aligned to instruction.

Resolution: A common understanding within admin. team of CC “look fors” in classroom instruction.


1.  Define authentic reading, writing and student academic conversations.

2.  Analyze lesson plan alignment to CC

3.  Monitor CIS within reading and social studies departments

4.  Investigate incorporation of Math SpringBoard

Dec 17- PARCC

Issue: What are the summative expectations of the PARCC assessment and how will we align instruction and assessment to align with these expectations?

Resolution: Assist teachers in understanding the rigorous expectations of PARCC and CC and provide said teachers with the supports necessary to successfully achieve these rigorous standards.


1.  Analyze the PARCC Exemplars

2.  In-service academic departments on PARCC

3.  Set an expectation of aligning instruction to meet PARCC expectations for students

4.  Assist departments in constructing rigorous writing based common assessments.

5.  Continue the monitoring of authentic text based instruction incorporating authentic reading, writing and student academic conversations within classroom instruction

Dec 20 SpringBoard/ Mid-year data


Issue: What would one see in an ELA classroom using SpringBoard with fidelity?

Resolution: Determine the degree of SpringBoard instruction fidelity within ELA classes. Attempt to secure SpringBoard within our math department.


1.  Each administrator will visit ELA classes to monitor successful implementation of ELA SpringBoard.

2.  Admin Team will meet post Holiday to reflect and process monitoring observations.

3.  Principal will research the steps needed to establish SpringBoard math within MDMS.

Mid-year Data

Issue: How does our Mid-term progress monitoring data (FAIR) inform us of student progress? What instructional adjustments are to be made for student garnering inadequate learning growth?

Resolution: Prepare a Plan of Action to address students making inadequate academic progress.


1.  Disaggregate the data

2.  Create spreadsheet of students NOT making adequate progress

3.  Inform faculty of at risk students

4.  Departments to formulate a departmental plan of action to meet the needs of targeted students

5.  Create school-wide mentoring program through the LLT.

Note: Plan of Action MUST be incorporated by mid- January