Teaching Mands for Information Evaluation Form
Teacher: ______Competency Conducted by: ______
Instructions: Use a rating scale of “+” to indicate that the skill did occur and “-” to indicate that the skill did not occur. At the end of the evaluation period, tally the total number of “+” and “-” and calculate the percentage of correct responses. The shaded areas indicate critical skills; if these skills are not observed it will result in failing the competency.
Date / Remediation Date / Re-Assessment DateArea one: Organization
Instructional area is neat and clean
All materials needed are organized and ready
Potential manding items are available
Recommendation based on previous competency:
Area two: Teaching Procedures
Teacher actively builds/contrives MO for information
Teacher confirms there is an MO for information
Teacher prompts the mand for information (if needed)
If a prompt was provided, teacher transfers stimulus control by contriving motivation again and implementing a time delay
At least two mands for information are taught concurrently
Mands for information are taught with varying stimuli
Teacher creates opportunities for learner to respond under novel circumstances
Varies elements of teaching procedures based on unique teaching situation
Area three: Error Correction
Teacher contrives motivation for information again
Teacher uses a vocal prompt to evoke the mand for information
Teacher transfers stimulus control by contriving motivation again and implementing a time delay
Area four: Reinforcement
Teacher delivers information as the reinforcer, not the item
Area five: Data Collection
Frequency of mands for information are accurately recorded (80% IOA)
Stimuli used are recorded for novel mands
Data are graphed daily
Date / Correct
(+) / Errors
(-) / % Correct / Pass/Fail
Initial Assessment
Impressions: ______
Developed by the Staff of the Carbone Clinic. May be copied and distributedwith proper attribution.