Teaching Presentation Methods on TV and Online

This section contains guidelines toensure that your class is most effectively captured on camera. You can find detailed information by clicking the links below.

  • Communication with the technical crew
  • Classroom cameras
  • Visual guidelines
  • Audio guidelines
  • Clothing Guideline
  • Audio/Visual Services

Best Practices in Teaching on Camera:

This video contains best practice examples in:

  • Communication with the technicians
  • Interactions with students (pre-class and during class)
  • Working with PowerPoint and the writing pad
  • Positioning and attire

Communication with the Technical Crew

The technical crew is available before, during and after class to help you with SCPD teaching.

Before class
Please set aside ten minutes prior to your lecture to discussthe format of your presentationwith the technical crew. They can help you with:

  • Placement of your hardcopy visuals
  • Placement of the microphone
  • Other special needs for your class

During class
If you experience a problem or need to give an instruction, simply speak into the microphone and address the technician. They are there to help from start to finish.

Contact information
SCPD broadcasting or classrooms:
Brian Cabbab, (650) 725-3005, brian.cabbab@.stanford.edu

Stanford Online:
Anton Chiang, (650) 723-4239,

Hillary’s question: for the red highlighted section above… if this is in the “Contact SCPD” area, we probably don’t need to list it again here, do we?

Classroom Cameras

Your SCPD classroom is equipped with various cameras to deliver your lecture on television and online. The overhead camera, located above the lecturer’s desk, allows the presentation of written material on the TV monitors in the classroom. There also are cameras throughout the room that record the instructor, the chalkboard, the screen and the students.

Here’s what you can do to ensure your lecture is well represented on camera.

When preparing visuals for use with the overhead camera:

  • Place all information on horizontally oriented (or ‘landscape’) 8"1/2 x 11" pieces of paper and leave a one-inch border all the way around the page
  • Use large print (24-point font or larger)
  • Use the special pens and notepads provided for notes that you write during class

When preparing visuals for the boards in front of the classroom:

  • Step aside to allow the cameras to capture what you have written
  • Point to the board about which you are speaking, if multiple boards are in use

Visual Guidelines

Please email an electronic copy of all visuals – PowerPoint presentation, graphics, handouts – to SCPD for inclusion on Stanford Online. Send them to .

During class, personal computers with Internet access are available in each of our studio/classrooms for presentations and demonstrations. We recommend some guidelines to ensure best representation of your material on camera:

PowerPoint: Recommendations for working with PowerPoint (preferred) or .pdf/.ps (also applies to standard overheads):

  • Font Size: (link to the font sizes example below) Use 28 point type for body text (36 point font looks great… use at least 24 point font)
  • Font Type: Use bold print with upper and lower case letters
  • Colors: Light colored text on dark background work best, and try to keep it simple

Notepads: Recommendations for using the yellow SCPD-provided notepads, which arecaptured by the overhead camera:

  • Use the felt pens that are provided
  • Keep your hands/pen off the notepad when not writing
  • Print rather than using cursive
  • Write large and legibly

Chalkboards: Recommendations for usingthe classroom chalkboards (also applies to the whiteboards):

  • Use the large, yellow chalk that is provided
  • Write on one board at a time
  • Print rather than using cursive
  • Write large and legibly
  • Step aside from the board when you have finished writing

Handouts: Recommendations for preparing and using handouts in class:

  • Orient handouts in landscape (as opposed to portrait) format
  • Write on your handouts with the felt pens provided rather than ball-point pens
  • Keep your hands/pen off the handouts to avoid blocking what you have written


Typically font sizes 24-36 look best in the online environment.

  • This is 24 point font
  • This is 28 point font
  • This is 36 point font!

Audio Guidelines

Distance students can only hear what is captured by the microphone. We recommend that you:

  • Repeat student questions before answering them
  • Ask students to use the microphone (if available) when they are speaking

Clothing Guidelines

In order to allow for the best representation on camera, please accommodate these clothing guidelines:

  • Try to wear solidly colored clothing, or low contrasting colors (i.e., similar shades of the same color)
  • Avoid wearing solid white clothing
  • Avoid wearing clothing with high contrasting colors (e.g., white and black stripes, small checkered patterns, thin stripes)
  • Also, try to avoid wearing jewelry on the writing hand, as it creates spikes in the video signal

Audio/Visual Services

Available technology

The following technology is available with 24 hours advance notice:

  • 35mm slide projection
  • overhead projection
  • videotape playbacks (VHS/SP mode)
  • Macintosh computer

VGA connections are available in each of the studios/classrooms to connect PC or Mac Laptops.

Please call Brian Cabbab at (650)725-3005 with your requests at least 24 hours in advance, in order to guarantee that these services are available.

Videotapes shown in class

Signed copyright releases,or written authorization from the copyright holder, are required for videotapes shown in televised classes.

  • Please give SCPD 24 hours advance notice and bring the tape with you on the day of your lecture
  • VHS tapes must be in Standard Play (SP) and cued to the proper point.
  • Bring the signed release or authorization with you and deliver it to the technical crew before the lecture. Note: Unauthorized films or videotapes will not be aired by SCPD

Guest Speakers

Guest speakers who are not affiliated with StanfordUniversity must sign a “permission to use” formprior to the start of their lectures. This release grants Stanford the permission to use, encode, digitize, and transmit their participation in the course. Note: If this form is not signed, SCPD will not record or broadcast the guest speaker’s portion of the program.