F.No.4-21/2014-Pur. Date: 12.11.2014
Sub: Purchase of Humidity Temperature Recorder with detachable probe
for Live Fish Transportation Module
Ref: Quotation enquiry F.No.4-21/2014-Pur. Dt. 10.10.2014
Dear Sirs,
Please refer to the above. It is informed that the last date for receipt of quotation mentioned in our enquiry vide clause No.2is extendedupto 24.11.2014. You are requested to submit your quotations on or before 2.00 PM on 24.11.2014.
Other terms remains unchanged as per the enquiry letter cited above.
Yours faithfully,
Administrative Officer
Copy to-:
Phone: +91-484-2412300 / Fax: 0091 -484-2668212E.Mail:
No. F.4-21/2014-Purchase Date:10.10.2014
Sub: Purchase of Humidity-temperature meter with detachable probe for Live Fish
Transportation Module
Sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms having Sales Tax/VAT Registration for supply of the articles detailed in the Schedule attached. Quotations shall satisfy the following conditions: -
- The cover containing quotation should be superscribed as ‘Quotation for Purchase ofHumidity-temperature meter with detachable proble for Live Fish Transportation Module due on 03.11.2014.’ Quotations received without this superscription will have the risk of not being considered.
- The quotations shall reach this Office by not later than 14.00 hrs on 03.11.2014 and will be opened at 14.30 hrs. On the same day. Late quotations will not be considered
- The rates quoted should be for delivery at CIFT, Cochin. The period up to which the rate quoted are valid should be specified.
- Delivery period for goods are within one month from the date of issue of supply order.
- In case of equipment, one year warranty has to be invariably furnished.
- Separate quotation may be used for each equipment/item.
- Full specification of the article quoted shall be given in the quotation along with illustrated pamphlets, drawings etc. where available. If possible, samples should also be sent.
- If taxes, duties or any other charges over and above the rate quoted are payable by the purchaser actuals/percentage of such taxes/duties/charges should be clearly indicated. Please note that this Institute is entitled to concessional sales tax applicable, to Educational/Research Institutions/Laboratories etc. against declaration form. This institute is also exempted from payment of Excise duty.
- Quotation shall be complete in all respects such as minimum unit of supply, specifications, rate, amount, mode of despatch etc. If installations are to be made by the supplier it shall be specified and extra charges, if any payable therefore clearly given in the quotations.
- Payment will be made by Cheque/DD drawn on the State Bank of India up to Rs.25,000/-. All payments above Rs.25,000/- to private firms will be paid through electronic transfer to the specified bank account of the payee. The bank account number, name of the bank & IFS Code of the bank should be invariably furnished in the bill for making payment within 30 days after satisfactory completion of the supply.
- The Director, CIFT, Cochin-682029 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations either in full or in part without assigning any reason.
- Documentary proof of Sales Tax/VAT Registration, Income Tax PAN shall be submitted along with the tender. Tenders without these have the risk of not being considered.
Sl. No. / Description / Qty1. / Humidity-temperature with detachable probe
- Humidity + Temp. combined into one meter
- Temp. range: 0 to 100oC
- Resolution/Accuracy: ± 0.1oC
- Humidity range: 0-100%
- RH humidity resolution: ± 1.0%
- Very fast humidity measuring response time
- Record maximum & minimum readings
- Auto shut-off
- Dual Display Temp. & Humidity
- Probe: Detachable, rigid, pointed, stainless steel penetration probe
- Cable length: 1 m
1 No
Please acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully,
Administrative Officer
for Director