Kerriann Manziano

Teaching Concepts of Secondary Education I

Professor Burd


Title: Developing the forehand drive skill in Badminton through a series of drills and activities.

Unit: Sports

Number of Students: 30

Grade: 9/10

Resources/ Anticipated difficulties: Resources include: net, poles, rackets, birds, tape for the court, and handouts.

Anticipated difficulties include: overcrowding, unacceptable behavior, limited time to demonstrate the skill and explain all activities, and old/broken equipment.

Rationale: Learning the correct mechanics of the forehand drive in badminton is essential for students to be successful in other sports that incorporate this skill too. The forehand drive is one of the superfundamental skills, which are key aspects in the enjoyment and participation of future sports in students’ lives. Perfecting superfundamental skills leads to successful students in other sports in the future. With practice and proper instruction, each student can too become experts in this specific skill.

Lesson Outcomes/ Objectives:


1.  Demonstrate ability to use motor skills and movement patterns to perform a variety of badminton activities using the forehand drive.

2.  Detect, analyze, and correct errors, and apply to refine movement skills. NJCCCS 2.5.8.A.4


1.  Demonstrate knowledge between the difference between the forehand drive and backhand drive.

2.  Also be able to differentiate between the two grips and foot placement, along with the knowledge of key tips in the forehand drive.


1.  Express positive energy in learning a new skill and demonstrating a positive outlook to future participation in badminton games and activities.

Time / Activity / Description
5 minutes / Introduction / Discuss the plan for today including warm-up, forehand drive, and activities.
5 minutes / Warm-up / Shuttle activity:
·  Students will divide into groups of 4. 2 people on each side on the net. Hit back and forth, but once you hit you run to the other side of the net and get inline. This will create a shuttle pass drill, which gets the heart pumping and body warmed up.
·  Bring it in for a stretch focusing on legs and arms
7 minutes / Forehand drive lesson / ·  First students will work on grip and hand out the forehand drive work sheet
·  Students will begin to practice with rackets, perfecting hand grip, footwork, and swing
10 minutes / Bird activity / ·  Before playing against other classmates, students will hit the shuttlecocks across the net into hoops.
·  Then after a few times each, the class will divide into smaller groups and students will practice hitting to each other focusing on cross court shots to get forehand drive practice
5 minutes / Mini Game Activity / ·  Keep the bird off the ground
·  Students will divide into pairs and hit back and forth to each other trying to keep the bird in the air as long as possible.
·  Last team standing has won and the game resets, can switch partners if needed
10 minutes / Game / ·  Depending on court availability and number of students, the class will play singles and doubles focusing on correct forehand drive skill technique
3 minutes / Closure / ·  Discuss components of forehand drive to emphasize key points
·  Closing statement