About the School

1100 E. Mt. Pleasant Avenue
Philadelphia, PA19150

215-248-6650 | 215-248-6654 (fax)


The PhiladelphiaMilitaryAcademy is accepting applications for the 2008-2009 school year. Currently the PMA is accepting applications for entry into 9th grade. Applications are received during the fall term with admission being the following August.

Entrance Requirements

  • Resident of Philadelphia
  • On grade level for reading and math
  • Report cards for 7th & 1st marking period of 8th grade
  • Record of good attendance
  • Positive discipline record
  • Two letters of recommendation from any of the following (Principal, Counselor , English Teacher , Math Teacher, Science Teacher)
  • Essay explaining goals, achievements, and reason for wanting to attend PMA
  • Interview (without parents)
  • Successful completion of mandatory summer training program
  • Behavior compact
  • Agree to abide by Army JROTC Cadet Creed
  • Agree to wear the Army JROTC & PMA uniform in the prescribed fashion


Our Vision is to become a renowned educational institution where young women and men are challenged and nurtured through rigorous college preparatory and JROTC Leadership, Education and Training designed to assure that each cadet's learning, progression, and achievement results in exceptional post-secondary qualifications.

Mission Statement

The PhiladelphiaMilitaryAcademy is committed to promoting academic excellence through sound educational principles and practices conjoined with leadership education training and character building.


Mailings and announcements are sent to parents on a regular basis. Please check our web site for updated information. Any parent wishing to contact a teacher or teachers may call the school and leave a message. Teachers are always available via email. (Staff email addresses can be found on our web site It is important to contact the school if your address or phone numbers change. Any student needing to make a phone call home can see their counselor during lunch.


Please check the web site for announcements, calendar updates, and important information.

School Contact Number

Teachers & Administrators / Email / Subject / Room / Voicemail
Ms. Greene – Principal / / 202A
Ms. Benhaim – AP / / 218
LTC Ramos - Commandant / / JROTC / 223 / 607007
CSM Pagan / / JROTC / 217 / 607006
1SGHampton / / JROTC / 201 / 607008
SFC Matthews / / JROTC / 207 / 607005
Ms. Allen / / Math / 205 / 607102
Mr. Barrett / / PE / Health / Gym / 607104
Mr. Bodek / / Social Studies / 202 / 607116
Ms. Brooks / / English / 216 / 607106
Mr. Burton / / Music / 101 / 607100
Ms. Dobi / / Math / 213 / 607117
Mr. Gordon / / Science - Biology / 206 / 607101
Ms. Hoffler / / English / 210 / 607118
Ms. Hopkins-Daugherty / / English / 203 / 607113
Ms. Jackson / / Math / 211 / 607003
Ms. Jenkins / / Math / 219 / 607112
Mr. Kohler / / Special Education / 210A
Ms. La Rocca / / Science – Chemistry / 221 / 607115
Mr. Levinson / / Social Studies / 222
Ms. Ludrick / / Spanish / 208 / 607111
Ms. McCash / / Social Studies / 220 / 607110
McMonagle / / Science – Physical / 204 / 607120
Ms. Nagy / / Arabic / 209 / 607119
Ms. Roman-Gonzalez / / Spanish / 208 / 607109
Mr. Romani / / Social Studies / 212 / 607105
Ms. Staten / / English / 215 / 607121
Ms. Volkens / / Special Education / 210A / 607122
Support Staff
Mr. Glynn / / Counselor / 206A / 607004
Ms. Hopkins / / Secretary / 202A
Ms. Whitner / / School Operations / Office
Mr. Brown / / Building Engineer
Ms. Shepherd / / Nurse / 107B
Ms. McCoon / / Librarian / 113
Mr. Ruffin / / NTA
Ms. Moses / / School Police
Ms. Lawrence / 218
Ms. Gorley / / 218
Computer Lab / 214

To dial any room add a “0” after the room number
Main Office – 2020 | Emergency (Leeds Office) – 6 | Commandant – 2230
Nurse – 1070 | Cafeteria – 3004 | Custodian – 3001 | JROTC Office at NWRO LTC Hipple 215-248-6641


September 2 & 3, 2008 / Staff Only
- Organization Day
September 4, 2008 / First day of Pupil Attendance
September 11, 2008 / Back to School Night – 6:00pm to 8:00pm
September 17, 2008 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
September 30, 2008
October 1, 2008 / Rosh Hashana
- Schools Closed
October 9, 2008 / Yom Kippur
- Schools Closed
October 13, 2008 / Columbus Day
October 22, 2008 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
November 4, 2008 / Staff Only
- Professional Development Day
November 11, 2008 / Veteran’s Day
-School Closed
November 18, 2008 / Report Cards Issued to Parents/Guardian
Parent/Teacher Conference- 5-7 pm
November 19, 2008 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
November 27-28, 2008 / Thanksgiving Holiday
- Schools Closed
December 18th & 19th, 2006 / Benchmarks
December 10, 2008 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
December 24- 31, 2008, &
January 1, 2009 / Winter Recess
- Schools Closed
January 19, 2009 / Martin Luther King's Birthday
- Schools Closed
January 28, 2009 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
February 2, 2009 / Report Cards Issued to students (2nd Marking Period)
February 4, 2009 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
February 5, 2009 / Staff Only
- Professional Development Day
February 16, 2009 / Presidents’ Day
- School Closed
March 4,2009 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
April 6 - 10, 2009 / Spring Recess
- Schools Closed
April 14, 2009 / Report Cards Issued to Parents/Guardian (3rd Marking Period)
- Parent/Teacher Conference 5-7pm
April 22, 2009 / Half Day Professional Development
- 12:00 Noon Dismissal
May 19, 2009 / Staff Only
- Professional Development Day
May 25, 2009 / Memorial Day
-School Closed
June 19, 2009 / Last Day for Pupils
June 23, 2009 / Last Day for Staff - Reorganization Day

Bell Schedules

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

7:40 AM / To / 8:06 AM / Advisory 26 Minutes
8:09AM / to / 8:59 AM / 1st Period / 50 Minutes
9:02 AM / to / 9:52AM / 2nd Period / 50 Minutes
9:55 AM / to / 10:45 AM / 3rd Period / 50 Minutes
10:48 AM / to / 11:38 AM / 4th Period / 50 Minutes
11:38 AM / to / 12:08 PM / 5th Lunch / 30Minutes
12:08 PM / to / 12:58 PM / 6th Period / 50 Minutes
1:01 PM / to / 1:51 PM / 7th Period / 50 Minutes
1:54 PM / to / 2:44 PM / 8th Period / 50 Minutes

50 Min Periods, 3 Min. Passing, 30 Min Lunch, & 7hr 4 Min Day
ThursdaySchedule (Inspection and CSAP Meeting)

7:40 AM / to / 7:58 AM / Advisory 14 Minutes
8:01 AM / to / 8:38 AM / 1st Period / 37 Minutes
8:41AM / to / 9:18 AM / 2nd Period / 37 Minutes
9:21 AM / to / 9:58AM / 3rd Period / 37 Minutes
10:01 AM / to / 10:38 AM / 4th Period 37 Minutes
10:38 AM / to / 11:35 AM / Inspection & CSAP
11:38 AM / to / 12:08 PM / 5th Lunch / 30 Minutes
12:08 PM / to / 12:58 PM / 6th Period / 50Minutes
1:01 PM / to / 1:51 PM / 7th Period / 50Minutes
1:54 PM / to / 2:44 PM / 8th Period / 50 Minutes

Early Dismissal Schedule (Professional Development)

7:40 AM / to / 7:51 AM / Advisory 11 Minutes
7:54 AM / to / 8:20 AM / 1st Period / 26 Minutes
8:23 AM / to / 8:49AM / 2nd Period / 26 Minutes
8:52 AM / to / 9:18 AM / 3rd Period / 26 Minutes
9:21 AM / to / 9:47 AM / 5th Period / 26 Minutes
9:50 AM / to / 10:16 AM / 6th Period / 26 Minutes
10:19AM / to / 10:45 AM / 7th Period / 26 Minutes
10:48 AM / to / 11:14 AM / 8th Period / 26 Minutes
11:14 AM / To / 11:44 PM / Lunch / 30 Minutes


Room Keys will be provided by Ms. Benhaim or Ms. Greene, if you do not have a key to the rooms please see

Ms. Benhaim ASAP.

Supply List & Materials

Please make an initial list of supplies and submit to Ms. Greene. If you need additional materials during the year please submit your list to Ms. Greene. Requisition & Order forms are available from the main office and must be approved by Ms. Greene before being submitted to Ms. Whitner (School Ops. Officer). All of the information on the order form must be complete before the School Ops officer can place an order. Please maintain a copy of your order forms.

Repair List / Work Orders

If there is a problem in your room that needs to be addressed (Broken Shade, Stuck Door), please submit a request for repair memo in writing to Ms. Greene. If there is an emergency situation that is jeopardizing student safety contacts the main office, Ms. Greene or the building engineer immediately.

Copier & Computer

There is a copier available in room 210A. Please bring your own paper. Do not send students to this room for copies, please make copies during one of your prep periods.

Report any damages, or breakage to Ms. Brooks in the room 216. This is the only copier available to the staff so please be respectful.

Technology (Labs and Personal)

A desktop computer is available for all teachers. Please see Mr. Romani to arrange delivery and setup of your PC. An additional PC has been made available in your classroom for student use. You can pick up that computer from Mr. Romani. A PC Lab is available in room 214. Please use the sign in sheet to reserve this room.

(See Ms. Benhaim).


Every teacher in the School District of Philadelphia has been assigned a school email address. If you do not know your username or password please call the helpdesk @ 215-400-5555. It is important that you check this email address on a regular basis. Certain information about school district events will only be disseminated via email. You will also need your account name and password for access to the report card system & attendance system.



User IDs

SDP (Site Selection, Report Cards, Email) - 215-400-5555

Phila.Schoolnet.com - 866-PHILA -HELP x9064 (866-744-5243)

AESOP.com - 215-400-SUBS (School #27251)

Scholarchip (Attendance System) -

Pollux (Transcript, Special Education, Rostering) – See Mr. Romani

FTP (Update School Website and Teacher Web Pages) – Mr. Romani

Parking and Entrance

There is a parking lot behind the school building. Please remember to lock your car and remove all valuables. The only entrance that is open on a regular basis is located by the North West Region offices. You may also enter at the student entrance by the cafeteria or the main entrance on Mt. Pleasant Ave. You may exit at any door during school hours. The main entrance is kept open for extended hours.

Teacher Sign In

All staff must sign in daily using the TPER sheet located in the main office on or before 7:40 AM.


On some occasions teachers will be assigned coverage for one of your preparation periods. If you have been assigned a coverage you will be notified as soon as possible in your mailbox or in person.

Sick Day / Calls

If you are planning on being absent please call 800-94-AESOP (942-3767) or login to attendance system as soon as possible. (To receive a Substitute Guest Teacher). You should also call the main office on the morning of your absence to confirm your absence with the secretary by 7:30 AM.


All teachers should prepare a uniform syllabus for each student. The syllabus should contain the following:

  • Name & Contact Information
  • Text Books
  • Course Overview
  • Course Schedule
  • Classroom Policies
  • Grading Policies (Including Rubrics)

Benchmark / Scripted Curriculum

All teachers should be following the School Districts’ Standardized curriculum. If you do not have a copy, or would like to discuss the specific curriculum please see your department chair.

Lesson Plans (Daily, Emergency, In-House Worksheets or Assignments)

Teachers should prepare daily lesson plans for their class. Teachers should make copies of their lesson plans to the building administrator. Lesson plans should be clear and concise and turned into Ms. Benhaim by Friday for the following week. Two weeks Emergency lesson plans should also be provided to Ms. Hopkins in the main office.

Gradekeeper w/ Names

A copy of the Gradekeeper grade book program is provided in your binder. This program is a simple grading program that will allow you to keep track of all of your students. In addition this program will allow you to securely post students grades online. A professional development will be provided in the first few weeks of school.

Book Policy for Students

All students should be issued a textbook to take home. It is advisable to keep one set of textbooks in each classroom to minimize damage caused by bringing books back and forth to school each day, if possible. It is the responsibility of each teacher to maintain a list of students who have lost or damaged their books. At the end of the year, Ms. Greene will collect payment for missing or damaged books. All teachers should have a book receipts for the textbook given to each student.

Advisory Procedures

Attendance will be taken during morning Formation on the official school district forms. Please keep accurate information in these roll books. On a monthly basis the main office will provide an update for each advisor to reconciliation and returned to Ms. Hopkins in the main office. During advisory, all absent notes should be collected from cadets, recorded and turned in to Ms. Hopkins in the main office.

PASS and Student Attendance

PASS Sheets (Old Daily Class Roster sheets) will be distributed daily to all teachers. (During 1st period). This form will be collected daily during last period. If these forms are not collected by 2:30pm please return to

Ms. Benhaim’s office (Rm. 218).


This is an electronic student attendance per class for every teacher through Scholarchip. Administrators will inform you as of when the ePASS will start.

Parental Visits

You will be notified by the Counselor of any parents wishing to schedule a visit. In addition, several parent teacher conferences will be scheduled during the year.

Fire Drills & Emergency Plan

The PhiladelphiaMilitaryAcademy will have regular fire and emergency evacuation drills. On these occasions it is the responsibility of each student to exit the building as quickly, efficiently, and quietly as possible. You should remain with your platoon and reorganize in the parking lot or as directed. No one should remain in the building for any reason during any drill.

Web Site

Please check the web site for announcements, calendar updates, and important information. The web site is

In additionteachers will be provided free FTP space on the school’s server. Please see Mr. Romani for access to the FTP site.



School is from at 7:40 AM to 2:44 PM Every day.

Students enter through the 1100 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue (front door).

Front door opens at 7: 00am.

Students are marked late after 7:40

Free breakfast is served every morning in the cafeteria from 7:00am to 7:30am.

All students are required to enter the building via the front door. Students must present and swipe their identification cards each morning. For security and safety, failure to produce an ID may result in the student not being allowed into the building. Breakfast will be served each morning between 7:00am and 7:30am. After breakfast students must proceed directly to their lockers, then to their morning inspection formation. Daily cadet and platoon inspections will occur between 7:40am and 8:00am. Battalion inspections will occur weekly on Thursdays.

Food & Drinks

No Glass bottles and soda cans are permitted in school.

********* Only plastic water bottles are permitted. **********

No eating and drinking anywhere but in the cafeteria.

Arrival Procedures

1. Students arriving to school should swipe (scan) their ID cards on either end of the scan station located at the main entrance while entering the building. Students should have their ID cards removed from their neck when entering the building and be prepared to scan their cards.

2. Students are required to scan in before 7:40am or they will be considered late.

3. If a student does not have their ID card for that day they will need to get a temporary ID card. (Temp). They will get their “temp” from the attendant at the scan station. Students without ID cards are required to wait in line and get manually entered into the Scholarchip system. There is a $1.00 fee for a forgotten ID card.

4. Any student who does not scan or get manually entered will be considered in the building illegally. In addition to being marked absent, a phone call will be made to the home and students could face being arrested. (It will be assumed that if you are not marked present then you used an illegal entrance or avoided the metal detectors)

5. Students arriving after 7:40am will be considered late to school. Students arriving after 8:15am must report to room 218 (Ms. Benhaim’s office). It is required that all students reporting to school, no matter what time, first scan in room 218. Any student who reports directly to class when late, or otherwise does not scan in will be considered in the building illegally and be subject to the penalties of their action.

6. Students arriving before 8:15am willbe admitted to 1st period class. After scanning in they will receive a note from room 218 to be accepted into 1st period. Late students will not be permitted to 1st period class without a late note. After 8:15am students will not be permitted to 1st period class. Students arriving after 8:15am should report to room 218 and then will be escorted to the accommodation room for the duration of 1st period.

Id Cards

IDs are considered part of the uniform and must be carried by the cadets at all times.

ID cards are issued to new students.

If a student loses their ID card then they must purchase a replacement from room 218 for a fee of $8.00. You will not have a new photo taken when you are issued your replacement card. Once you are issued your new card, your old card becomes obsolete.$1.00 for lanyard and $1.00 for hard plastic case.

If there is any erroneous information on your ID card please bring the proper identification (birth certificate, SS card, etc…) to school and present to Ms. Hopkins in the main office during lunch. This is the only time Ms. Hopkins will change information within your record.


Weekly transpass will be issued on Friday’s to all eligible students. Distribution of Transpasses will occur in the Lunch Room. Only eligible students will receive transpasses. It is the responsibility of the student to care for their transpass. The transpass cannot be replaced if it is lost, stolen or misplaced.

Entrance and Departure by stairways

Cadets enter the PMA through the main entrance and use Stairway #7(main stairway) to eat breakfast. At 7:30 am 9th grade cadets will use Stairway # 9 (by room 201) to go to their lockers and at 7:40 am for formation. The Upper classmates (10th,11th and 12th graders) will use Stairway # 7 to go to their lockers at 7:30 and at 7:40 am for formation.

At dismissal time (2:44), cadets should use Stairway # 9 (by room 201) and Stairway # 8(by room 207) .

Under no circumstances should students loiter or roam the Leed’s Middle School complex. Please be mindful and display the courteous attitude of a PMA student. Do not loiter or walk on resident’s property, grass, or steps. Do not litter or use profanity on the way home. Also remember to wear the complete uniform (including tucked shirt) until you arrive at your home. Your appearance and behavior during your travel to and from school is a reflection of the PhiladelphiaMilitaryAcademy and yourself.

Lunch entrance arrival and dismissal

Cadets will use Stairway # 9 (by room 201)and Stairway # 7 ( main stairway) to line up for lunch at 11:35 am. Please be courteous to each other and the Cafeteria staff. Please clean after yourself. All cadets will be in formation by 12:02 pmand will be dismissed by platoons. All 9th & 10th graders will use Stairway # 8(by room 207) and 11th and 12th graders will use Stairway# 7.

Early Dismissal

Early dismissals are discouraged because they interfere with instructional service. Appointments should be scheduled before or after school. In the event of an emergency a note should be sent to the main officeright before formation in the morning with a telephone number in order to contact the parent. Parents must pick up their student in order to leave the building. No child will be permitted to leave the building unless accompanied by an adult.