Intermountain APIC Chapter 123 General Membership / Board Meeting
Date / 1/26/2018 / Time / 1:00 – 3:00 / Location / St. Luke’s Meridian Paiute Room or LyncMeeting Facilitator / Kim Link, I-APIC president /
/ Kathy Pierce, I-APIC secretaryLync call in information: 1-208-381-6000 or 1-855-890-3380 Conference ID: 6188916
Educational Session 1:00-2:10
Open to I-APIC Members Non-Members / Owner / Time
Call to Order & Welcome: / Kim Link / 5 min / Introductions
Education: / Education Committee / 45 min / The CIC Credential – See presentation on website under meetings and education/ agenda and minutes/ The CIC Credential: From Novice to Expert and Handout: APIC Competency Model
Meagan Prescott / 10 min / CIC Questions – See presentation on website under meetings and education/ agenda and minutes / 2018-01 APIC CIC Questions
Roundtable / All / 10 min / CIC EPI review courses closes Feb 5th, Registered: Boise 55-60 Pocatello under 20
QUALIS Health awards – please apply, submit data to show impact
Business Meeting 2:15 – 3:00
Open to I-APIC Members / Owner / Time
Treasurer’s Report / Suzanne Walsh / 10 min /
- 2017 End of Year Budget Report
- January Budget Report
Committee Goals and Updates / 20 min
2018 Committees / Kim Link / Review Committee Assignments
- Kim to send out reminders to committee chairs for goals for next month
- Add goals to agenda so we can review each month
- minutes out the first Friday of the month send the flyer out at the same time
- agenda items, committee updates and goals updates by 2nd Friday of every month
- send out flyer again by the 3rd Friday with agenda
- send/set calendar appointments
Finance/Executive / Suzanne Walsh / No goals to present
Bylaws / TBD /
- No solid goals yet
- No chair yet
- Jessi – need to work on policies to align with APIC: whistle blower, records retention, and conflict of interest
Communication/Membership / Kathy Pierce/Sam Owens / No goals to present
Government Affairs / Gary Hedges /
- You tube video – APIC put out a video everyone should watch
- Antibiotic stewardship government policy – government has changed the wording a great deal
- APIC sent out a letter re Ohio house bill which prohibits employers to mandate influenza vaccinations
Nominating/Awards / Jessi Bond / 2018 Nominating/Awards Goals
1.Nominating/Awards committee will produce full ballot of candidates for 2019 election by 8/17/18
- Strategies
- Improve awareness of the opportunity to run for a position
- Publicize candidate position descriptions, applications, and nomination forms on the I-APIC website
- add attestations to how board membership can benefit your career (i.e. Fellowship)
- opportunity for president/sec/treasurer to attend national APIC/SHEA
- Utilize committee and other board members to recruit candidates
- consider non-hospital board memberships and actively recruit
- Strategies
- Awards committee will identify which category the I-APIC chapter should apply for by 3/16/18 (Try to align with date application is posted. Will update date when more information for National APIC is available).
- Awards committee will compile awards submission for chapter review by the August chapter meeting (8/24/18)?
Education/IP Awareness / Martha Jaworski
Susan Heppler / 2018 Education Committee Goals
- Re-engage members to attend meetings by hosting 6 education sessions, advertise sessions and send flyers out earlier.
- Update the education calendar
- Do a community project
- Send out evaluations – survey monkey and email
- Education sessions discussion
- Antimicrobial stewardship meetings - a community perspective
- Ryan Lund in February
- Journal Club – Read an article and grade/rank it then do a presentation March
- National APIC
- Some blanks – immunizations in summerish
- Any interest in college of clean? Montana having one 1/27/18, Cindy Turney is attending
- We have vendors who are interested in presenting at monthly meeting but they won’t take the entire hour
- NHSN webinars
- Kim can post upcoming education sessions on website in many spots: as a document, google calendar. Try to have documents to Kim by the 10th of the month
- Community Projects –open it up to thoughts from the group
- Pt safety conference Susan has a free table I-APIC can use it to advertise
- QUALIS health diabetes class or group offer resources on a table that is IP related – importance of HH, educational flyer, handouts on table
- Facebook and Twitter – great way to advertise
- claims data – focus in on certain parts of Idaho
- Health Fairs – ISU mid-march $65; Pt Safety Conference in April; Meridian Dairy Days in May; Canyon Co fair with health and wellness expo at expo Idaho August; homeless; race or a walk present HH;
-concerns regarding time commitments
-would need sponsorships if doing a large event – BSU doesn’t have health fairs anymore
-would need the awards committee involved if wanted to submit for an award, but is an award the best reason to do community involvement. this was brought up as a goal at the retreat
-would be fun to take a topic then look at how we reach that population e.g. YMCA has a pre-diabetes class
-needs to be a board commitment as a start
-as a non-profit need to be out in the community, maybe partner with larger organizations and volunteer with their events
-don’t want everything to occur in the treasure valley
- Send out to the entire group to discuss
- If qualify for an award and only missing one thing, we should complete it to qualify for – we do quality for some awards and go above and beyond with some things, need to add that service piece
- Have to develop publications on IP
- Applied last year for an award, won’t hear until April
- Do we want to attach to the education session put on at beginning or end? Kim can flex time for education vs business meeting portion
- Could also discuss at the conference planning call as well
Conference / Jessi Bond /
- Goals, don’t have yet, will discuss at next planning call
- JUMP too expensive
- Boise Center has plenty of space
- Meridian Marriott was a good space so should check on that again
- Parking last year – only ended up being $600 instead of the $2000 that was projected
- Once we get the venue nailed down we can start setting up the speakers and send out save the date postcards
- Speakers updates – Terry and Kim V sent out emails to speakers
New Business / Kim Link/All / 10 min / Communication to Membership
- secretary is main point of communication for group to send to membership, how do we break up and coordinate
- secretary is person who presents minutes to the board
- communication and membership committee – look at in committee
- need specific times to sending things out? communication points during month to send out at a specific time
-agenda items, committee updates and goals updates by 2nd Friday of every month
-send out flyer again by the 3rd Friday with agenda
-send/set calendar appointments
Website as Cloud Storage Option – table until February
Next Meeting (4th Friday of the month) / February 23rd 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Attendance / X = present P = present by phone
Kim Link - President / X / Femi Abimbade, St. Luke’s TV / P / Stacy Middlebrooks-Berk, St. Luke’s MV / P
Gary Hedges - Past President / X / Aimee Baerlocher, St. Luke’s TV / P / Esther Peters, St. Luke’s Jerome / P
Jessi Bond- President Elect / X / Jordan Bastian, St. Luke’s TV / X / Nikki Reed / P
Kathy Pierce- Secretary / X / Janet Brooks, West Valley Med Center / P / Don Rock, St. Luke’s MV / P
Suzanne Walsh- Treasurer / X / Jana Flatau, Lifeways / P / Aimee Russell, St. Luke’s TV / X
Terry Noyce - Board Member / X / Kaitlyn Gilbert / P / MaryAnn Smout,, Bingham Memorial / P
Susan Heppler - Board Member / X / Jerrie Hammons, St. Luke’s Nampa / P / Marwan Sweedan St. Alphonsus / P
Sam Owens - Board Member / John Harding, North Canyon Medical Center / P / Sheri Tolley, St Luke’s MV / P
Martha Jaworski - Board Member / X / Mary Kittson, VHA Billings / P / Mubarak Tukur, St. Luke’s MV / P
Kim Vermedal - Board Member / X / Trenton McAllister, St. Luke’s TV / X / David Viola, St. Luke’s TV / P
Heidi Melling / P / Amy Ward, Kootenai Health / P
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