Unit 1: Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Learning Target: Implement a variety of strategies to add and subtract two and three digits in their everyday lives.
Essential Question:What does it look like to solve an addition/subtraction problem using the different strategies taught?
Learning Goals:
- Teacher will give Pre and Post data to measure student success.
- Students will learn to break apart problems – by place value.
- Students will learn to Borrow / Carry method.
- Students will learn to use a number line to add/subtract.
- Students will learn to add up by tens.
Unit 2: Data Analysis
Learning Target: Collect, organize, graph and analyze given data.
Essential Question: What does it look like to read and interpret data on a graph?
Learning Goals:
- Students will collect data as a whole group.
- Students will categorize data (first lessons of unit #2 starts).
- Students will learn the attributes of graphs (title, x-axis, y-axis, key, starting w/ 0)
- Students will graph data using line, bar and pictograph
- Students will analyze data using the vocabulary terms, “more than, less than, most, least, same, about the same”.
Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction Strategies with Word Problems
Learning Target: Solving word problems using addition/subtraction strategies from Unit #1
Essential Question: How do you identify what the word problem is asking prior to solving it?
Learning Goals:
- Students will identify “key” words to understand what the word problem is asking for example: “how many more, how many left, how many in all, altogether, leftover. “
- Students will comparing collections of “how many more”
- Students will be able to solve travel word problems – read travel problems and solve the difference up to 100 miles.
- Students will be able to find the differences up to 300.
- Students will be able to solve story subtraction problems, and discuss/share strategies with partners.
Unit 4: Perimeter and Area
Learning Target: Finding the perimeter and area of any given shape.
Essential Question: How will you determine the perimeter and area by looking at any given shape?
Learning Goals:
- Students will learn the definitions of perimeter and area.
- Students will know the structure of perimeter and area, and know the measurement terms (inches, feet, centimeters, yards, and meters)
- Students will identify and apply strategies of perimeter of any shape.
- Students will identify and apply strategies of area of any shape.
- Students will identify quadrilaterals, triangles, squares and rectangles and their attributes.
- Students will identify right (90 degrees), obtuse (more than 90 degrees) and acute (less than 90 degrees) angles.
Unit 5: Multiplication and Division by Grouping
Learning Target: Understanding the meaning multiplication and division and the relationship between them.
Essential Question: How will you know when to use multiplication or division in a word problem?
Learning Goals:
- Students will illustrate multiplication situation and write equations based on the numbers and objects in a group. Creating a product. Introduce product (x).
- Students will be able to skip count (multiples). Example 3, 6,9,12 etc…
- Students will be able to show and understand what a factor is. Ex: 15 = 3,5
- Students will be create an array and show the equation.
- Students will understand what quotient means.
- Students will be able to split numbers up into equal groups, dividing.
First Grade Math Learning Targets
1st Quarter Smart Goal: Combine 2 small quantities using +0,+1 and +2
Investigations Unit 1 Learning Targets:
- Compare and order quantities to 12. (1NBT3)
- Combine two small quantities. (1OA6)
- Interpret and solve addition story problems (1OA1)
- Find more than one combination of two addends for a number up to 10. (1OA6, 1MD4)
Investigations Unit 2 Learning Targets:
- Compose and decompose a variety of shapes in different ways. (1G2)
- Use geometric language to describe and identify important features of familiar 2-D shapes. (1G1)
- Describe and sort 2-D shapes. (1G1)
2nd Quarter Smart Goal: Combine 2 small quantities using +3 and +4.
Investigations Unit 3 Learning Targets:
- Find at least five combinations of two addends for a number up to 15. (1OA6, 1MD4)
- Combine two small quantities. (1OA6)
- Interpret and solve addition and subtraction story problems. (1OA1)
- Subtract one small quantity from another. (1OA6)
- Represent numbers by using equivalent expressions. (1OA6, 1OA7)
- Count a set of 40-50 objects. (1NBT1)
- Rote count, read, and write numbers to 65. (1NBT1)
Investigations Unit 5 Learning Targets:
- Measure lengths indirectly and iterating length units. (1.MD.1, 1.MD.2)
- Understand how to tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. (1.MD.3)
- Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares and describe the shares using the words; halves, fourths and quarters. (1.G.3)
Kindergarten Math Learning Targets
1st Quarter Smart Goal: Counting 20 Objects
Investigations Unit 1 Learning Targets:
Investigations Unit 2 Learning Targets:
2nd Quarter Smart Goal: Identifying #s 0-31 in random order
Investigations Unit 3 Learning Targets:
- Recognize what a pattern is and copy the pattern.
- Extend the pattern correctly and determine what comes next.
- Create simple patterns AB, ABC, AABB.
- Distinguish between patterns and non-patterns.
- Compare unlike patterns.
- Describe and record a repeating pattern.
- Identify the unit of a repeating pattern.
Investigations Unit 4 Learning Targets:
- Understand the term length.
- Identify the longest and shortest side.
- Comparing different lengths.
- Measures with non-standard units.
- Match number word, numeral, and quanity
- Counting a set of objects and create another set
- Find a total when objects are added.
- Counting spaces and moving on a game board.
- Adding one, subtracting one from numbers up to 10.
- Quantity discrimination: which number is greater/less.
- Decompose numbers in different ways.
- Using numbers to record how many.
2nd Grade Learning Targets
1st Quarter Smart Goal: Identify attributes of 2D & 3D shapes
Investigations Unit 1 Learning Targets:
Investigations Unit 2 Learning Targets:
2nd Quarter Smart Goal: Solving problems with unknown change with two digit equations
Investigations Unit 3 Learning Targets:
- Add a series of numbers using known combinations
- Solve a variety of addition and subtraction story problems with totals up to 100
- Solve story problems with unknown change
- Skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10’s up to 100 and skip count by 100’s up to 1000
- Determine whether a group of objects has an odd or even number of members
- Solving problems about 10s and 1s
- Fluently add combinations up to sums of 20
Investigations Unit 4 Learning Targets:
- Sort and classify data
- Organize, represent, and analyze data
- Compare two sets of data
- Represent data on a line plot
- Collect, record, represent, and interpret data from a survey