Phil Thompson CV, Updated 3-16-17
Phillip (Phil) S. Thompson
Virginia Tech
Pamplin College of (Email)
Management DepartmentUpdated through 6/19/2017
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Organizational Behavior
Dissertation Topic: Negative Beliefs about Accepting Co-Workers Help and Impression Management predicting Citizenship Behavior. Data collection completed.
Dissertation Chair: Diane Bergeron
M.S.MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY, Springfield, Missouri2012
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
M.A.McKENDREE UNIVERSITY, Lebanon, Illinois2010
Counseling Psychology
B.A.BELOIT COLLEGE, Beloit, Wisconsin2002
Research Interests:
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Impression Management, and Perceptions of Organizational Politics.
Honors and Awards:
Outstanding Reviewer Award, Organizational Behavior Division, Academy of Management, 2016
Finalist, Best Doctoral Student Paper, Western Academy of Management Meeting, 2015
Winner, Future Scholar Fellowship (Inaugural Recipient), Midwest Academy of Management, 2014
Winner, Best Doctoral Student Paper, Midwest Academy of Management Meeting, 2013
Finalist, Best Paper, Midwest Academy of Management Meeting, 2013
Finalist, Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, Missouri State University, 2012
Publications and Manuscripts Under Review:
Thompson, P.S.Bolino, M.C. [Topic: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) & Impression Management]. Journal of Applied Psychology, REVISERESUBMIT – Third revision requested.
Thompson, P.S., Lemoine, G.J.,& Varley, A. [Topic: Humor, OCB, & Impression Management]. Journal of Applied Psychology, REVISE & RESUBMIT – First revision submitted.
Thompson, P.S.& Bergeron, D.M. [Topic: OCB & Gender; 3 Samples]. Journal of Applied Psychology, REVISE & RESUBMIT – First revision requested.
Thompson, P.S.Baskerville-Watkins, M. [Topic: OCB & Perceptions of Organizational Politics]. Academy of Management Journal, Under initial review.
Thompson, P.S.Creary, S.J. [Topic/Title withheld for blind review]. Academy of Management Learning & Education, Stage: Under initial review.
Bergeron, D.M.Thompson, P.S. [Topic: OCB, Perceptions of Organizational Politics, & Perceived Organizational Support]. Journal of Applied Psychology, Stage: Under initial review.
Bergeron, D.M., van Esch, C., & Thompson, P.S. (2016). Citizenship behavior and objective career outcomes. In N. Podsakoff, D. Organ, & P. Podsakoff (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190219000.013.9.
Manuscripts in Preparation (Listed by Proximity to Journal Submission):
Lyddy, C.,Good, D.,Stephens, J.,Thompson, P.S. [Topic: Organizational Citizenship BehaviorMindfulness].Target: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Stage: Preparing journal submission.
Thomas, J., Milliken, F.J., Magee, J.C.,Thompson, P.S. [Topic: OCB/Voice]. Target: Academy of Management Journal, Stage: Post-Data Collection, Manuscript being drafted.
Thompson, P.S. [Topic: OCB & Fit; 3 Samples]. Target: Journal of Applied Psychology. Stage: Under friendly review.
Thompson, P.S.Maldonado, T.[Topic: OCBImpression Management]. Target: Academy of Management Journal, Stage: Post-Data Collection, Under Friendly Review.
Baskerville, M.B/Smith, A.N., & Thompson, P.S. [Topic: Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Perceptions of Organizational Politics].Post-data Collection.
Thompson, P.S./Ali, A.A.* [Topic: OCB, Impression Management]. Target: Personnel Psychology, Stage: Data collection scheduled.
*Shared authorship.
Thompson, P.S., Bergeron, D.M., Hood, A.C., & McKay, P.F. [Topic: Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Impression Management]. Target: Academy of Management Review, Stage: RevisedTheoretical Framework.
Conference Paper/Poster Presentations
Thompson, P.S., Maldonado, T., Parker, K., Norris, K., & Brooks, R.* (2018, April). Be humble: A moderated-mediated model of impression management and gender on performance. Paper and poster submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
*Last three authors contributed equally.
Brooks, R.*, Norris, K.*, & Parker, K.*, &Thompson, P.S.(2018, April). Supporting role innovation: Mediators of the role innovation-performance relationship. Paper and poster submitted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
*First three authors contributed equally.
Thompson, P.S. Baskerville, M. B. (2017, August). Why and When Organizational Politics Are Related to Performance: Role Ambiguity and Gender. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
Thompson, P.S. Bolino, M.C. (2017, August).Beliefs about Accepting Coworker Help and Employee Attitudes, Job Performance, and Reputation.Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
Thompson, P.S. Bergeron, D.M. (2017, August). The Norm of Reciprocity – Men Need It, Women Don’t: Gender Differences in the Norm of Reciprocity. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
Thompson, P.S., Lemoine, G.J., & Varley, A. (October, 2016). Make ‘em laugh: A moderated mediation model of humor, impression management, and psychological safety predicting task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Bergeron, D.M, Thompson, P.S.& Kim, H-K. (October, 2016). The social setting and employee job performance: The combined effects of justice, perceived organizational support and politics. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Thompson, P.S. Baskerville, M. B. (2016, August). Responses to politics: The role of psychological safety in perceptions of organizational politics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.
Thompson, P.S., & Varley, A. (2016, April). Empirically investigating the positive humor and organizational citizenship behavior relationship.Paper accepted and poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, California.
Varley, A, & Thompson, P.S. (2016, April). Negative humor and organizational citizenship behavior. Paper accepted and poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, California.
Thompson, P.S., & Kim, H. (2016, March). Perceptions of organizational support and justice: The mediating influence of organizational politics. Paper accepted for the annual meeting of the Western Academy of Management, Portland, Oregon.
Thompson, P.S., (2015, August). Development of the organizational citizenship behavior acceptance scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
Thompson, P.S., (2015, August). Relational climate’s mediating role with three individual level variables. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
Thompson, P.S., Kim, H., & Oliver, A (Presenter).(2015, August). Organizational politics as a mediator for perceived organizational support & organizational justice. Paper accepted and poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Thompson, P.S. (2015, April). Social exchange and identity orientation’s influence on OCB acceptance. Paper accepted and poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Thompson, P.S. & Thomas, N.K. (2015, April). Mediators of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and help acceptance.Paper accepted and poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Thompson, P.S. (2015, March). Organizational culture’s influence on organizational citizenship behavior acceptance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Academy of Management, Kauai, Hawaii. Finalist for Best Doctoral Student Paper.
Rochford, K.C., Thompson, P.S., (Presenter) Pavez, I., van Esch, C. & Bao, L. (2014, October). Towards a practice theory of sustainability: Carrying out the practice of flourishing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Thompson, P.S. (2013, October). Thanks, but no thanks: The Process of accepting or declining OCB offers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Best Doctoral Student Paper Winner.
Fischer, D.L., Thompson, P.S., & Turner, B. (2012, April). Predicting integrity behavior with the implicit association test. Paper accepted and poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, San Diego, California.
Conference Symposia & PDW’s
Thompson, P.S. (Organizer & Coordinator), Bermiss, Y.S. (Organizer/Moderator), Kennedy, J. (Facilitator), Murphy, C. (Facilitator), Schnackenberg, A. (Facilitator), Valentine, M., and Johnson, T.D. (Facilitator) (2017, 2016, 2015, August). Exemplar dissertation proposals: Tips from INFORMS dissertation proposal contest winners & finalist. Professional development workshop accepted for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Multiple Years), Atlanta, Georgia (2017); Anaheim, California (2016); Vancouver, Canada (2015).
Thompson, P.S. (Organizer & Panelist), Bellamy, M. (Panelist), Lemoine, G.J. (Panelist), Patvardhan, S. (Panelist), Tasselli, S. (Panelist) (2014, August). Habits, routines, and practices of best student paper winners. In P.S. Thompson’s (Chair) Symposia at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Included in AoM Best Paper Proceedings.
Teaching Experience
Instructor, Case Western Reserve University: Weatherhead School of Management, Cleveland, OH
ORBH 251 – Macro Organizational Behavior/Leading People in Organizations (Undergrad), Spring 2015 (32 students; 4.3/5.0)
Instructor, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Department, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
PSY 101 – Psychology for Personal Growth, Fall 2011 (24 students; 4.6/5.0)
PSY 101 – Psychology for Personal Growth, Fall 2011 (20 students; 4.7/5.0)
PSY 101 – Psychology for Personal Growth, Spring 2012 (37 students; 4.8/5.0)
PSY 101 – Psychology for Personal Growth, Spring 2012 (41 students; 4.5/5.0)
Instructor, Psychology Department, McKendree University, Lebanon, IL
UNIV 201 – Career Counseling, Fall 2009 (4.6/5.0)
Teaching Assistant, Case Western Reserve University: Weatherhead School of Management, Cleveland, OH
ORBH 450 - Executive Leadership (MBA) – Diana Bilimoria, Fall 2012
ORBH 460 - Women in Organizations (MBA) – Diana Bilimoria, Spring 2013
MBAP 401 - Leadership Assessment & Development (MBA) – Tony Lingham, Summer 2013 (16 Students, Executive Coach Rating: 4.8/5.0)
ORBH 491 - Diversity & Inclusion in Organizations (MBA) – Susan Case, Fall 2013
MBAP 404 - Managing People in Organizations (MBA) – Tony Lingham, Spring 2014
ORBH 403 – T-Groups: Developing Interpersonal Skills for Managers (MBA) – Ron Fry, Spring 2014.
ORBH 403 – T-Groups: Developing Interpersonal Skills for Managers (MBA) – Ron Fry, Spring 2015.
ORBH 430 – Sustainability Practicum (MBA) – David Cooperrider & Chris Laszlo, Spring 2015
Service and Volunteering
Track Chair (Posters & Other Media) for the 57th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management in Minneapolis, Minnesota (October, 2014).
PhD Admissions Committee Member, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Organizational Behavior (2014 & 2017).
PhD Project (2012-Present)
McNair Scholars Alumni Coach, Beloit College (2009-Present)
INROADS mentor (2002-Present)
- Annual conference of the Academy of Management (2013, 2015-2016)
- Annual conference of the Midwest Academy of Management (2013-2016)
- Annual conference of the Southern Management Association (2013, 2015-2016)
- Annual conference of the Western Academy of Management (2015-2016)
Professional Associations
- Academy of Management
- American Psychological Association
- McNair Scholars
- Midwest Academy of Management
- PhD Project
- Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- Southern Management Association
- Western Academy of Management
Non-Academic Experience:
Select Managerial Experience
- Fifth Third Bank, St. Louis, MO
- Huntington National Bank, Cleveland, OH
- National City Bank, Cleveland, OH
Select Consulting Engagements
- 2014: Speaker, Leadership Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo Chamber of Commerce
- 2013-2014: Researcher, Fowler Center for Sustainable Value /Case Western Reserve University; Sustainable Value Partners
- 2013: Executive Coach, Case Western Reserve University, Weatherhead School of Management.
- 2010-2012: Test validator and item developer, Wonderlic Inc.
From Case Western Reserve University:
Diane Bergeron, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior
Weatherhead School of Management
Case Western Reserve University
Phone: 216-368-4797
Diana Bilimoria, Ph.D.
KeyBank Professor
Chair of the Department of Organizational Behavior
Professor of Organizational Behavior
Weatherhead School of Management
Case Western Reserve University
Phone: 216-368-2115
Melvin Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of Organizational Behavior
Weatherhead School of Management
Case Western Reserve University
Phone: 216-368-6534
External to Case Western Reserve University:
Marla Baskerville-Watkins, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management and Organizational Development
D’Amore-McKim School of Business
Northeastern University
Phone: 617-373-8290
Mark Bolino, Ph.D.
Michael F. Price Chair of International Business
Professor of Management
Price College of Business
The University of Oklahoma
Phone: 405-325-3982
Patrick McKay, Ph.D.
Professor of Human Resource Management
School of Management and Labor Relations
Rutgers University