Teacher: / Subject/Grade: Math/Ger. 5 / Date:7/10/06
Framework: 5.N.4 Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as a ration of a whole number
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / 1. Students will be able to find equivalent fractions using fraction cards.
2. Students will understand that the denominator tells the number of pieces within a whole.
Materials / Construction paper, crayons, scissors, journal, pencil
Vocabulary / Numerator, denominator, fraction, whole number, equivalent
Launch / 1. Display a fraction on the board. Example: 3/8
2. In groups ask students to tell 10 facts about the number.
3. Share facts whole class and discuss.
Explore / 1. Review what information the numerator and the denominator tell about a number.
2. Discuss the difference between a whole number and fractions (connect to decimals).
3. Create fraction cards on construction paper.
1 whole, ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/6, 1/8
4. Find equivalent fractions. Example 1/8 +1/8 =1/4
Summarize / In journal explain the importance of the numerator and the denominator in a fraction.
Homework / Have a fun afternoon!
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade:Math/Gr.5 / Date: 7/11/06
Framework: 5.N.4 Demonstrate an understanding of fractions.
5. N.13 Add and subtract fraction with like denominators.
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / 1. Students will be able to order fractions from least to greatest.
2. Students will add and subtract fractions with common denominators.
Materials / Spinners, paper clips, pencils, fraction cards, math journal
Vocabulary / Greater than, less than, equivalent, sum, difference
Launch / Using fraction cards show given amounts: 2/3, 5/8, 4/6, ½, 2/4 …..)
Find two fractions that are equal to ½.
Explore / 1. Use fraction spinners-spin twice and record fractions.
2. Students decide which sign to use between the recorded fractions <,>,=
3. Add fractions with like denominators. Students may also use their fraction cards created in previous lessons.
Summarize / Students order fractions in journal and explain why they put them in each spot. ¾, ½, 5/8, 2/6
Homework / Go swimming!
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade: math/5 / Date: 7/12/06
Framework: 5.N.4 Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as a ration of a whole number. 5. N.13 Accurately add and subtract fractions.
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / Students will find common denominators to add and or subtract fractions.
Materials / If-Then Worksheet, pencils, fraction cards, spinners, score sheet paper/scrap, math journal
Vocabulary / Equivalent, numerator, denominator, equivalent, sum, difference
Launch / Complete the If-Then worksheet together. Have students record the number to correlate with the picture.
Example If @@=1/2 Then @@@@@=______
Explore / 1. Make fraction spinners together.
2. With a partner, take turns spinning for two fractions each.
3. Add the fractions together. The student with the greatest sum gets one point. The game ends when one player gets 5 points.
4. Repeat the game using subtraction. This time you may choose to say the player with the smallest difference earns the point.
Summarize / In math journals, have students explain how to add the following fraction:
3/8 + 4/12=
Homework / Read a good book in a shady spot.
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade: Math/Gr.5 / Date: 7/13/06
Framework: 5.N.5 Identify and determine common and equivalent fractions and mixed numbers, decimals and percents.
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / Students will be able to recognize and record a number as a decimal, fraction and a visual
Materials / Math journals, chart worksheet, pencils
Vocabulary / Fraction, decimal, equal, equivalent
Launch / In journals students are asked to answer the following question:
Is this a true statement, 12.25=121/4? Explain.
Explore / 1. Review journal entries together (review money-quarters 4 in one dollar). Decide on an answer together.
2. Complete Decimal-Fraction-Picture Chart for given numbers
3. Check together.
Summarize / Explain why ½ is equal to 0.5. What percent would be equal to ½ or 0.5?
Homework / Go for a walk.
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade: Math/5 / Date: 7/17
Framework: 5.N.4 Identify and determine common and equivalent fractions.
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / Students will understand that they are not changing the value of a number when finding an equivalent fraction.
Materials / Chart paper, markers, journals, fraction cards
Vocabulary / Common denominator, equivalent
Launch / Journal question: Joe solved the following addition problem in math class.
Did Joe solve the problem accurately? Explain using what you know about common denominators.
Explore / 1. Share journals. Decide if Joe was correct or incorrect.
2. Use fraction cards to solve the problem.
3. Review adding fractions and finding common denominators.
4. Add several more equations with fraction cards and finding the common denominator.
5. Review using subtraction.
Summarize / In journal: Is this a true statement?
Why or why not?
Homework / Go for a bike ride and enjoy the afternoon!
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade: math/5 / Date: 7/5/06
Framework: 5.N.2 Demonstrate an understanding of place value through millions
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / 1. Students will be able to identify the value of a digit within a large number up to millions.
Materials / 1. Construction paper 2. Index cards 5x7 3. Numeral cards 4. Chart paper 5. Markers 6. Pencils 7. Paper 8. math journal
Vocabulary / Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions, value, digit
Launch / 1. Write a large number on the board.
2. Create a number line on the floor (ones-millions).
3. Discuss the value of given digits within a number.
Explore / 1. Assign selected students numeral cards.
2. Students line up according to the value of their given digit.
3. Have selected students check the place.
4. Record large numbers on a chart.
5. Build individual place value charts with construction paper and eight boxes.
6. Rebuild the numbers recorded on the large chart.
7. On Math paper numbers on a T chart. Number-Value
Summarize / 1. Check T chart together.
2. In math journal respond to the following question: Tell me what you have learned about the value of a digit in a large number. Use examples.
Homework / Enjoy the sunny day!
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade:Math/Gr. 5 / Date:7/6/06
Framework: 5.N.2 Demonstrate an understanding of place value through millions
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / Using place value, students will be able to order large numbers from least to greatest.
Materials / Math journals, number line, place value mats, index cards with numbers ranging from 1 to 1,000,000 written on them, pencils
Vocabulary / Place value, digit, compare, greatest, least, number line
Launch / 1. Students will share journal entries from the previous day.
2. Take out place chart created from previous day and build numbers up to millions.
Explore / 1. Distribute numbers on index cards. As each card is handed out, have students read the numbers aloud.
2. Select 3-5 students to arrange themselves with the number cards from least to greatest.
3. Assign one other student to be the checker.
4. Repeat the activity using larger numbers and more students.
5. Have students continue the activity in small groups.
Summarize / After students arrange their numbers in small groups, students will record their work in their journals and explain how they arranged their numbers from least to greatest.
Homework / Enjoy an outdoor activity.
Teacher: Mahoney / Subject/Grade: Math/Gr.5 / Date: 7/7/06
Framework: 5.N.2 Demonstrate an understanding of place value through millions and thousandths
Objective (what should students know and be able to do) / Students will be able to identify the value of a digit in a number up to the thousandths place.
Materials / Index cards, math journals, place value mats, place value floor mats, construction paper, scissors, glue, tape
Vocabulary / Tenths, hundredths, thousandths, place value, whole number, least, number line
Launch / 1. Review constructing whole numbers on the place value chart.
2. Introduce decimals by asking questions comparing whole numbers.
3. Build decimal side of place value mat-tenths, hundredths, thousandths.
Explore / 1. Students build given numbers including decimals on place value mats and using base 10 blocks.
2. Students order decimals on the number line 0 to 1.
Summarize / In math journals, students order given numbers from least to greatest. They also explain how they know they are correct in their order.
(.32, 3.2, 3.02, 30.02, .3002)
Homework / Go outside and play.
Subject/Grade: Math/Ger. 5
![Subject/Grade: Math/Ger. 5](http://data.docsbay.net/img/f593226f4300c1e66f29841f5d44bdb4-1.webp)