Unit Theme: Memoirs: Exploring Personal Challenges Week: #: 2

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: Sixth Date: From _______to ______20____

Desired Result /
Enduring Understanding
Students will understand that personal experiences can be turned into a specific type of writing called a memoir.
Students will understand that challenges are opportunities for new learning and personal growth.
Students will understand that the writing process is made up of a series of strategies that authors use to improve their writing. /
Assessment Evidence /
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task)
(unit projects, exams, etc.) /
Learning Plan /
Suggested Learning Activities: /
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Reading/Listening / Reading/Listening / Reading/Listening / Reading/Listening / Language
Expectations / 6.R.9 L6.L.1 6.L.1b / 6.R.10 6.LA.4 / 6.R.10 6.LA.4 / 6.R.10 6.LA.4 6.LA.4c / 6.LA.4b
Academic Strategy
Objective / The student will be able compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., memoir) on their approaches to similar themes and topics. / The student will read and comprehend the reading selection (When I was Puerto Rican) through a discussion guided by the teacher, while identifying unfamiliar words and use strategies for identify roots, prefixes, and suffixes. / The student will read and comprehend the reading selection (When I was Puerto Rican) through a discussion guided by the teacher, while identifying unfamiliar words and use strategies for identify roots, prefixes, and suffixes. / The student will read and comprehend the reading selection (When I was Puerto Rican) through a discussion guided by the teacher, while identifying unfamiliar words and use strategies for identify roots, prefixes, and suffixes. / The student will complete the Resources provided by the teacher related to the skills (Common Prefixes, Common Suffixes, Compound Words, Roots) in order to determine the meaning of a word.
Initial Activities / Routine
Review: What is a memoir?
(6.4 Resource: Characteristics of a memoir) / Presentation of Reading Selection
When I was Puerto Rican / Day before review.
Establish purpose for reading: Identify unfamiliar words. / Day before review.
Establish purpose for reading: Identify common prefixes, suffixes, compound words, roots. / Day before review.
Establish purpose for reading: Identify common prefixes, suffixes, compound words, roots.
Development Activities / Teacher will present two examples of memoirs to guide the students to compare and contrast the selections in the same genre. / Reading: When I was Puerto Rican, while the teacher monitors comprehension through guided questions and discussion. / Reading: When I was Puerto Rican, while the teacher ask the students to identify unfamiliar words. / Reading: When I was Puerto Rican, while the teacher ask the students to identify unfamiliar words. / Reading: When I was Puerto Rican, while the teacher ask the students to identify unfamiliar words.
Closing Activities / Students will complete a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the memoirs. / Class Summary / Vocabulary Activity
See Resources
(6.4 Resources: Common Prefixes, Common Suffixes, Compound Words, Roots) / Vocabulary Activity
See Resources
(6.4 Resources: Common Prefixes, Common Suffixes, Compound Words, Roots) / Vocabulary Activity
See Resources
(6.4 Resources: Common Prefixes, Common Suffixes, Compound Words, Roots)
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection