Unit Theme: Making ConnectionsWeek: #:6
Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 7th Date:
Desired ResultEnduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that...
EU1. Literature both reflects and contributes to knowledge.
EU2. Reading helps us make sense of the world.
EU3. Prior knowledge and life experience shape how writers develop and present their ideas.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task) - (unit projects, exams, etc.) - Book Commercial - Character Blog - Fractured Modern Fairy Tale Story - Making Connections Essay
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15
Standards / SPEAKING
Expectations / 9.S.2b: Explain, restate, and discuss information
9.R.4L: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are use in a literary text including figurative and connotative meaning
9.R.1a: Make inferences to support analysis / 9.R.4L: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including connotative meanings.
9.L.1d: Listen, support discussion, and interact with peers during read-alouds / 9.R.4L: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including connotative meanings.
9.L.1d: Listen, support discussion, and interact with peers during read-alouds / 9.W.1: Justify opinions and positions using valid reasoning
9.W.8: Write routinely to develop various types of paragraph and essays
9.S.2a: Listen, discuss respond to, and evaluate complex instructions / 9.W.4: Develop and strengthen writing
9.LA.6: Accurately use academic and content-specific words and phrases for writing
9.S.1: Contribute to class group ad partner discussion sustaining conversations on academic topics
Academic Strategy
Objective / Given enough information about denotations and connotations, students will be able to distinguish the difference between them and categorize denotations from least intense to most intense. / Having read the story _____, students will be able to make connections / Having read a selected text, students will be able to write responses to explain the connection made with selected text. / Having reviewed the Making Connection Essay Rubric, students will make an outline plan by describing each different type of connection. (text to self, text to text, and text to world.) / Having completed the outline, students will able to write the first draft and provide feedback to peers.
InitialActivities / DAILY REFLECTION
Teacher begins by explaining the meaning of denotation and connotation. Provide students will examples using sentences strips. / DAILY REFLECTION
Teacher explains the importance of making connection with the text in order to comprehend better and make sense with text.
Discussion of essential question 2. / DAILY REFLECTION
Review previous class. Discuss essential question 3. / DAILY REFLECTION
The teacher will review the rubric. (See Attachment: 9.5 Performance Task-Making Connections Rubric)
Essential Question 3 / DAILY REFLECTION
Go over the outline
Development Activities / Teacher places sentences strips on word wall in the form of ladder and explain why a word is more intense than the one below. / The teacher explains the different types of connections that a reader can make with the text: Text to text, Text to self, and text to world. Teacher reads aloud a sample text/story to make connections. Teacher checks connections y prompting students to make connections using the Attachment 9.5 Making Connections. / Teacher will divide students into small groups to read a different story. Students will make annotations about connection that they made with the text with each other. / The students will complete an outline to plan their essay by writing 3 subtopics for each paragraph. (Pre-writing) / Students write his/her first draft.
Closing Activities / Teacher will divide students into small groups and provide envelops with similar meaning words; students will order them into less intense or more intense in their notebook, and explain why. / The students will choose 1 of the 3 types of connections and answer the questions in their notebooks. (See Attachment 9.5 Connection Prompt). Oral class discussion of connection made by students. / Using annotations made students will write responses with connection made in story, / Completes outline with subtopics for each connection. Teacher verifies students’ outline. / Students will switch the first draft with partner and use the Making Connection Essay Rubric to provide feedback.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection