EDN 200 – Fall 2008

Teacher, School and Society

Dr. Howard V. Coleman

Office – 339

WatsonSchool of Education

Email: Phone: 962-7287 WEBPAGE: http://people.uncw.edu/colemanh/

Office Hours: Please schedule all appointments via email

Mondays from 9:00 - 10:00 & 12:00 – 1:00 Wednesdays from 9:00 - 10:00 & 11:00 – 12:00

Thursdays –Appointments scheduled from 9:00 – 1:00 & from 3:00 – 5:00.

Class Meeting Times & Location

Mondays 10:00 pm – 11:50 pm Wednesdays 10:00 pm – 10:50 pm Location: Room 306

This course provides an introduction to the foundations of education. The course is designed to focus on key components of the Watson School of Education Conceptual Framework, including, but not limited to the development of highly competent professionals to serve in educational leadership roles, the training of educators as data driven decision makers, the development of educators as reflective practitioners who are highly competent communicators, who demonstrate the highest ethical standards of their profession, and who are committed to understanding and accepting diversity in our schools and society.

Course Goals

There are three main goals for the course: a) knowledge of the U.S. education system; b) understanding of the role and position of teachers within the educational system; and c) the development of critical thinking skills both in relation to education and your decision to become a teacher.

Course Objectives
1. Students will describe the nature, problems, and complexity of the U.S. system of education.
2. Students will critically examine the relationship between self and society to clarify their motives and goals for becoming a teacher.
3. Students will summarize information regarding the social, historical, political, legal, economic, and philosophical foundations of education.
4. Students will critically analyze the effects of race, gender, and class on student achievement and educational opportunities.

Course Requirements

Attendance is a professional expectation of future educators. You are advised to attend all sessions. Final grades will be reduced by 5 points for each absence over two. Please do not arrive late and disrupt the class. If you are tardy, you will be counted as absent.

Expectations: The Watson School of Education is committed to promoting and ensuring professional leadership dispositions and behaviors among all students. Inappropriate behaviors during class meetings will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behaviors and disruptions include talking during instructor and student presentations, reading books, magazines, or newspapers during class, sleeping in class, using cell phones in class, wearing hats in class, and a lack of respect for persons. Students who choose to disrupt class and/or exhibit inappropriate behaviors will be directed to leave class immediately and receive an automatic 5 point deduction from their final grade for each offense. After the second offense, students will be withdrawn from the class.

Class Participation is required for each class meeting. Students who do not participate in class discussions and activities will receive a 3 point deduction from their final grade for each failure to participate.

All cell phones, beepers, or electronic devices must be turned off prior to entering the classroom.

Only water is permitted in the classroom – no food or drinks.

Required text and assignments: There is no required text for this course. All content and information will be available on the website and/or emailed to all students. Assignments submitted after the due date will result in a lower grade. All papers must be word processed and edited for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. You must adhere strictly to the UNCW Honor Code (See Student Handbook, Code of Student Life). Plagiarism is a serious offense and may be grounds for dismissal from the university.

Grading Scale – Grades will be assigned based on the following 100 point scale

Points / Grade
91-100 / A
90 / A-
89 / B+
81-88 / B
80 / B-
79 / C+
71-78 / C
70 / C-
61-69 / D
Below 61 / F

Exams & AssignmentsDatePoints

EXAM 110 points

*ResearchPaper 20 points

EXAM 210 points

Group Presentation10 points

Reflective Paper20 points

FINAL EXAM 30 points

Total = 100 points