28 March 2013
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to second term, a term of musical mayhem.Please read this newsletter carefully and check the school newsletter for any important information.
Recap of Term 1
Our two major events for Term 1 were the ‘Music in March’ concert and ‘Music Camp 1’. The ‘Music in March’ concert was a great start to the year with an exceptional standard and musicianship already clearly evident. A huge thank you to Debbie Youngs and her incredible team of parents for their invaluable assistance with catering, set up, front of house, pack up, clean up and to Rick Ashworth, Ken Dutt and the student team (Erin Williamson, Ursula Brown and Jonathan Sharkey) for their amazing work back stage and to Paul Hunter and the Production Support Team for their amazing work with sound and lighting. The performances of our students in Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, Chorale,Big Band, Orchestra, Camerata, Sinfonia and the Percussion Ensemble were more than impressive, especially considering some of these ensembles had really only had 5 or 6 rehearsals.
Music Camp 1 was also a huge success with 212students travelling to Alexandra Headlands. Students were pushed beyond what they thought was humanly and musically possible and they benefited greatly from the expertise of Gordon Hamilton (Australian Voices) who worked with the choirs,Barry Gott (Composer, previous conductor of Queensland Pops Orchestra) who worked with the bands and orchestras and Emma Dron (Villanova & Young Con) who worked with the Strings . Students also really enjoyed the social activities, including the Disco Bowling, Pop Culture themed eveningand Talent Quest. Thanks to all the students for their spirit and good behaviour all weekend and a huge thank you to all the staff involved for their tireless efforts, and especially to Mr Hanlon, Miss Andrews and Miss Gould who gave up their time to help with the activities while the students were not in rehearsals.
Parent Support Group Meeting–
The Parent Support Group Meeting will be held in the Music Centre on Wednesday 17 April from 7.00pm. Agenda items included: Review of Term 1 events and a discussion of Term 2 / 3 Events. All are welcome so please come along and contribute to this vital part of our school community.
2013 Concert Series – Date Claimer
In 2013 we have planned a series of major concerts throughout the school year. Many other performance opportunities will also arise so please check your Music Handbook for the entire year’s concerts and the fortnightly newsletter for updated information. It would be wonderful to see everyone at these events even if your child is not performing. Our concerts are like sporting grand finals it is important that all ensemble members are present.
Concert / Dates / Times / Venue / Ensembles InvolvedMusic Mayfest - Choirs / Monday 20 May / 7.00 – 8.30pm / Assembly Hall / Chorale, Cantabile, Cantus, Cantrice & Male Chorus + guests, Percussion 1 & 2.(Definite & a change from previously advertised date)
Music Mayfest – Strings / Tuesday 21 May / 7.00 – 8.30pm / Assembly Hall / Orchestra, Camerata, Sinfonia, Museaus, String Orchestra, Celtic Strings.
Music Mayfest - Bands / Wednesday 22 May / 7.00 – 8.30pm / Assembly Hall / Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, Wind Ensemble, Brass Ensemble & Chamber Winds, Flute Choir.
Music Mayfest - Jazz Event / Friday 24 May / 7.00 – 9.30pm / Assembly Hall / Big Band, Jazz Ensemble, Stage Band and Jazz Combo.
Mansfield Music 1 / Friday 25 October / 7.00 – 9.30pm / Assembly Hall / Concert Band, Orchestra, Sinfonia, Camerata, Chorale, Percussion Ensemble, Cantabile, Symphonic Winds, Big Band, Combo & Jazz Ensemble, Celtic Strings.
Mansfield Music 2 / Wednesday 30 October / 7.00 – 9.00pm / Assembly Hall / Cantus, Cantrice, Male Chorus, Percussion 2, Wind Ensemble, Chamber Winds, Museaus, String Orchestra, Stage Band, Flute Choir.
Term 2 Events
Anzac Ceremony Performances
Our school Anzac ceremony will be held on Wednesday 24 April at 9.00am and this year the Concert Band and Chorale will be performing. Many of our school trumpeters will also be performing at various school ceremonies in the area including, Wishart, Mansfield Primary, Belmont, Carina, and Mt Petrie.
Queensland Youth Music Awards
Over the past few years the Mansfield Music program has been participating in the Queensland Youth Music Awards which is an annual music competition held largely on the North side of Brisbane. It provides students with the opportunity to perform outside the school community and with the opportunity to receive feedback from leading professional musicians. This year we have entered: Concert Band, Camarata and Chorale. Quite a number of schools participate and the performances should be of a very high standard. Please return the attached permission form by Monday 29 April. The details are as follows:
Date: / Ensemble: / Details:Monday 6 May / Camerata / Venue: The Gap State High School Auditorium
Bus departs Mansfield High: 5.00pm
Arrival time: 6.00pm
Approximate Performance time: 7.00pm
Session starts at: 6.00pm
Approximate return time: 9.00pm
A bus will be provided to and from the venue.
Wednesday 8 May / Concert Band / Venue: The Gap State High School Auditorium
Bus departs Mansfield High:5.30pm
Arrival time: 6.30pm
Approximate Performance time: 7.45pm
Session starts at: 6.00pm
Approximate return time: 9.00pm
A bus will be provided to and from the venue.
Monday 27 May / Chorale / Venue: The Gap State High School Auditorium
Bus departs Mansfield High:5.00pm
Arrival time: 6.00pm
Approximate Performance time: 7.15pm
Session starts at: 6.00pm
Approximate return time: 9.00pm
A bus will be provided to and from the venue.
Music Camp 2
Music Camp 2 is from May 10 – 12 and there are still 10 spots left. So if you are in Wind Ensemble, Chamber Winds, Flute Choir, Museaus, String Orchestra, Cantus, Cantrice & Male Chorus and thought you had missed out get your forms and money in by the end of this week. (See Mrs Overs if payment is an issue)
Music MayfestConcerts
Music Mayfest Concertswill be held from Monday 20 MaytoFriday 24 May. All concertswill be held inthe evening in the school assembly hall beginning at 7.00pm and concluding by approximately8.30pm. The concerts have been restructured this year as a change up and to try and remove any additional events from Term 3. We will review the structure after the events.
Details will vary a little for each concert and are as follows:
- Music Mayfest Choirs & Percussion Ensembles – Monday 20 May(Chorale, Cantabile, Cantus, Cantrice, Male Chorus, Percussion Ensembles 1 and 2) - Students will remain after school on the day of the concertto rehearse and afternoon tea and dinner will be supplied for these students at a cost of $6.00 per student. Money and a permission form, which is attached, should be returned to the LOWER OFFICE by Monday 29 April. Special Guests for this concert will be Resonancefrom the Birralee family of choirs. They are conducted by Mr Paul Holley and some members are past Mansfield High students.
- Music Mayfest Strings & Orchestra – Tuesday 21 May(Orchestra, Camerata, Sinfonia, Museaus, String Orchestra and Celtic Strings) - Students will go home after schoolon the day of the concertbut must return no later than 6:15 pm in order to tune and warm up for the concert. Rolls will be taken at 6:15 (Orchestra/ Camerata – Studio with Mr Minto, Sinfonia – M1 with Miss Robson, Museaus – M2 with Mrs Stevenson and String Orchestra in M3 with Mrs Stuart-Street) Permission formsshould be returned to the LOWER OFFICE by Monday 29 April.
- Music Mayfest Bands – Wednesday 22 May(Concert Band, Symphonic Winds, Wind Ensemble, Chamber Winds, Brass Ensemble and Flute Choir) - Students will go home after schoolon the day of the concertbut must return no later than 6:15 pm in order to tune and warm up for the concert. Rolls will be taken at 6:15 (Concert Band – Studio with Mr Minto, Symphonic Winds & Flute Choir – M1 with Mrs Dutt, Wind Ensemble – M2 with Mr Bell and Chamber Winds in M3 with Miss Lowe) Permission formsshould be returned to the LOWER OFFICE by Monday 29 April.
- Music Mayfest Jazz Event – Friday 24 May(Big Band, Jazz ensemble, Stage Band, Combo and guests the Mariachi Band)Students will remain after school on the day of the concert to rehearse and afternoon tea and dinner will be supplied for these students at a cost of $6.00 per student. Money and a permission form, which is attached, should be returned to the LOWER OFFICE by Monday 29 April. Special guests for this concert will be Mariachi Band featuring our own Mr Glenn Minto on trumpet.
Further details relating to the Jazz Event
The Jazz Event is a ticketed event andadmission charges are as follows: $13 Adults & $9 Concessions. All students performing receive free admission. Admission costs will include: Savouries, tea and coffee. Wine, beer, (adults only) juice and soft drink will be available for purchase. The event will be catered for by the Mansfield High hospitality students.
To assist with catering arrangements tickets MUST be pre-purchased online through the school website: from13 May to 23 Mayonly. Table groupings of up to 10 people are available for reservation, so why not get a group together? No tickets will be available from the door this year and ticket sales MUST close on Thursday 23 May to enable numbers for catering to be accurate.
We will also be looking for assistance from parents, willing to help with set up (from 12.30 on Friday 24May, pack up (after the event on the day), and Front of House (arrive approximately 1 hour prior to the event). If you can help in any way, please complete the attached form and return it to the music block by Monday 29 April.
Further details relating to Music Mayfest
These concerts are our Grand Finals after a semester’s work and it is vital that all ensemble members are present, so if there is any reason your child cannot attend the concert in which their ensemble is performing,please notify Marg Overs in writing via the reply slip slot, by Monday 29 May. Entry for all concerts apart from the Jazz Event will be by donation.
If you can assist with any of the concerts in anyway we are looking for volunteers who may be willing to help with the organization offood ( Monday 20 May and Friday 24 May only, withfront of house, with backstageand with the packing away of chairs and equipment at the end of the Jazz Event. We are also looking for a photographer and videographer. If you can assist in any way, please complete the attached form and return it to the music department by Monday 29 April.
We look forward to all music families, whether your child is performing or not, being in attendance for thesespecial concerts. Those of you who have been to a Mansfield Concert before will know the outstanding quality of these performances and will therefore want to bring your friends, relatives and neighbours.
Please note: Students only need to return slips for the concerts in which they are performing.
Education Queensland’s Choral Fanfare Music Festival
Every two years, Education Queensland holds a festival for school choirs who participate in district heats and are awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. Several choirs selected from all district heats will then be asked to represent the district at an area final (20 June in the evening at the Old Museum) and then usually one choir will be asked to represent the area at the State Gala Concert (19th August – day workshop & evening performance at City Hall). We have been asked to host a district heat at Mansfield High during the day on Tuesday 21 May. The day will be divided into 3 sessions with the following choirs in each session: Session 1 from 9.00am till 10.40am–Chorale & Cantabile,Session 2 from 11.10 – 1.05pm - Cantrice, and Session 3 from 1.15 – 3.10pm – Cantus & Male Chorus. Students must meet at the hall 30 minutes prior to the commencement of their session and will be required to attend the entire session in which their choir is performing but may attend regular school lessons for the rest of the day. Students will also be required to be in full performance uniform. A permission form for this event is attached to this newsletter. Please complete it and return it to the music reply slip slot by Monday 29 April. Mrs Overs must be notified in writing of any non-attendance.
Any parents who may be able to assist on the day with canteen, meals for the adjudicator and area coordinator, supervision, ushering and backstage, please contact Marg Overs via email at: event is free and open to the public so please attend. The more support the better as it is very difficult to perform to an empty hall.
Creative Generations – State Schools Onstage
Congratulations to;Jane Youngs who has been selected as featured vocalists and Blake Peterson, Ranul Thirangama, Ellen Axfordand Gabby Diaz who have been chosen as backing vocalistsfor this year’s Creative Generations – State Schools Onstage Production. Congratulations also to those 15 studentswho have been selected to perform in the Orchestra and those20 + who have been selected to sing in the core choir. Daniel Elvery, deserves a special mention as he will be performing alongside James Morrison in the Big Band. We wish all of these students along with our own Ms Robson who will be conducting the Orchestra, the best of luck for the performance. We also have several students involved in the Dance components, Drama and Film sections of the program. Students will be joined by professional artists, such as James Morrison, in order to bring the show together. The two hour variety show will be presented at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on 19 and 20 July.
Friday 19 July 2013 Schools’ Preview – 12.30pm / Evening – 7.30pm
Saturday 20 July 2013 Matinee – 1.30pm / Evening – 7.30pm
Tickets will shortly be available through Ticketek on 132849 or online at
Mansfield Ignites 2013
This is the current working title for this year’s whole school production. While we are not doing a musical we are doing a large fancy variety show which will feature the talents of many of our students. We encourage parents and students to become involved. A meeting for students will be held on Friday 19 April at lunch time and any parents who may be interested in helping out should email Marg Overs - with your suggestions, thoughts or ways you might be able to help.
Brisbane Sings 2013
Mansfield State High Chorale will be involved this year in the Brisbane Sings event which features a large 500 plus combined choir as well as performances from individual ensembles. The combined choir will also be performing at the opening of the 2013 Brisbane Festival. A separate letter outlining all the details of this event will be distributed to students but the dates are on the Music Calendar.
Help Required With Sewing
We need some heavy curtains made for the Instrumental Teaching Room to help absorb some of the sound in the room which is now being used for rehearsals. We have some of the old stage curtains which can be transformed into the new curtains. Anyone willing to give it a go please contact Marg Overs at .
State Honours Ensemble Program 2013
From Thursday 3rdOctober to Sunday 6th October, 2013 the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University will again host the highly successful State Honours Ensemble Program.
SHEP gives secondary school wind, brass, percussion, string and vocal students the opportunity to:
- Work in an intensive environment of musical excellence, with their peers from throughout Queensland.
- Work with a team of eminent State, National and International conductors
- Rehearse at Queensland Conservatorium, South Bank and represent their schools in a Grand Finale Concert on Sunday 6thOctober.
- Receive a SHEP 2013 polo shirt and Certificate of Participation.
- Contribute $260 towards the cost.
Students from Mansfield wishing to be nominated for SHEP must return the attached form to the music reply slot by Monday 29 April and she will then collate the information onto one nomination form.
Music Calendar 2013
TERM 2Friday, 19 April / Open Day 2 (Big Band)
Wednesday, 17 April / Parent Support Group Meeting – 7.00pm Music Studio
Wednesday, 24 April / ANZAC Day Ceremony at school (Concert Band & Orchestra)
Thursday, 25 April / ANZAC DAY
Monday, 6 May / Year 11 Music Performance Evening 6pm
Tuesday, 7 May / Year 12 Music Performance Evening 6pm
Friday, 10 May – Sunday 12 May / MUSIC CAMP 2
Monday 20 May / Music Mayfest Concert 1 – All choirs & percussion ensembles
Tuesday 21 May / Choral Fanfare – All choirs (during the day – students just attend the session in which their choir is performing)
Tuesday 21 May / Music Mayfest Concert 2 – All string groups & Orchestra
Wednesday, 22 May / Music Mayfest Concert 3 – All bands flute choir & brass ensemble.
Thursday, 23 May / Music Mayfest Concert 4 – Mansfield Primary School
Friday, 24 May / Music Mayfest Concert 5 – The Jazz Event – All jazz bands
Friday 31 May / Vocal concerts at 4.00pm and 6pm
Friday 31 May – Saturday 1 June / Year 12 Music Extension concerts
Thursday, 6 June / Music Entrance Audition Day 2 – for those outside the area for 2014.
Tuesday, 16 July / Open Day 3 (Chorale)
Wednesday, 17 July / Parent Support Group Meeting– 7.00pm Music Studio
*** / Sunday, 28 July / Brisbane Sings Rehearsal (10.00 – 1.00pm)
Monday, 29 July / Battle of the Bands Heat 1
Tuesday, 30 July / Battle of the Bands Heat 2
Friday, 16August / School Variety Concert
Saturday, 17 August / School Variety Concert
Monday, 19 August / Choral Fanfare State Gala & Massed Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, 25 August / Brisbane Sings rehearsal (9.00 – 12.00 & 1.00 – 4.00pm)
Thursday, 5 September / Music Entrance Audition Day 3 – for those outside the area for 2014.
Saturday, 7 September / Brisbane Sings– Opening of the Brisbane Festival(Times to be confirmed)
*** / Saturday, 21 September / Brisbane Sings Event (Times to be confirmed)
Friday 11 – Sunday 13 October / Music Extension Concert 2
Wednesday, 9 October / Parent Support Group Meeting– 7.00pm Music Studio
October / Queensland Festival of Music (most ensembles)
Wednesday, 23 October / Presentation Evening
Friday, 25October / Mansfield Music 2013 Concert - Senior Ensembles Concert
Tuesday, 29 October / Wishart Primary Concert
Wednesday, 30 October / Mansfield Music 2013 Concert – Junior Ensembles Concert
Thursday, 31 October / Mansfield Primary Concert
Monday 2 December – Wednesday 4 December / Music Placement Audition Days for 2014
Thanks for your support with all of our activities