City of Bloomfield Council Meeting
Regular Session
April 28, 2014 at 6:30 P.M.
Mayor Donna Medlin called the meeting to order. Those present were: Pat Wilson, Donna Deardorff, Kim Johnson, Robin Northern, Justin Bell, Randall McCollom, and Tim Zych. Tonya Roper was absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.
Ald. Deardorff made a motion that was seconded by Ald. Wilson to approve the minutes of April 14, 2014. All in favor.
Ald. Deardorff made a motion that was seconded by Ald. Johnson to approve the Police Dept. report for March 2014. All in favor.
At this time, Mayor Medlin made asked for nominations for Mayor Pro-Tem. Ald. Wilson nominated Donna Deardorff. Ald. Johnson seconded the nomination, all in favor. At this time, Mayor Medlin made a few changes to her prior commissioner appointments. Kim Johnson was removed from the Fire Dept. and replaced by Pat Wilson. Mayor Pro-Tem Elect on Admin is now Donna Deardorff, and Kim Johnson was also assigned to Admin.
Old Bus: The gravel bid for McClain Lane, submitted by Causey Co, LLC for $3200.00 was moved to be approved by Ald. Deardorff and seconded by Ald. Johnson. All in favor.
It was confirmed by Ald. Johnson that the properties along N. Viola Street between the street and the ditch do not belong to the City and therefore will not be mowed by the City.
The Mayor presented a resolution stating Ruthie McGee be replaced by Kari Standley as the Treasurer for the City of Bloomfield. And with that, all powers would terminate for Ruthie McGee to act on behalf of the City as Treasurer. Ald. Johnson made a motion to accept the resolution as read. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.
Guest: Greg Bell and Bill Robinson from Smith & Co. were on hand to distribute copies of the ordinance to be passed for the upcoming water & sewer bond to be placed on the August election ballot. There was a brief question and answer session with the Board and members of the audience. Bill 009-14 –AN ORDINANCE CALLING A BOND ELECTION IN THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD, MISSOURI, was read. Ald. Deardorff made a motion to accept Bill #009-14 that was seconded by Ald. Wilson. All in favor. Ald. Deardorff made a motion to have a Town Hall meeting on June 10, 2014 at 6:30pm at the Bloomfield Nutrition Center, pending the availability of the meeting site. Ald. Wilson seconded this motion, all in favor.
New Bus: Bill 007-14 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE A LABOR CONTRACT WITH WHITEHEAD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, LLC. Ald. Johnson moved to dispense with the second reading. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor. Ald. Johnson moved to approve Bill 007-14 with Ald. Deardorff seconding the motion. All in favor.
Bill 008-14 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING EASEMENT DEED EXECUTED APRIL 22, 2014, BY JOE HANKINS AND RENEE HANKINS, HIS WIFE, TRAVIS M WESTBROOK AND JO ANNE WESTBROOK, HIS WIFE, AND WILLIAM E ASLIN AND JANICE F ASLIN, HIS WIFE. Ald. Johnson moved to dispense with the second reading. Motion seconded by Ald. Deardorff, all in favor. Ald. Johnson made a motion to approve Bill 008-14, and was seconded by Ald. Deardorff. Ald. Johnson-aye, Ald. Deardorff-aye, Ald. Wilson-abstain. Ald. Johnson moved to name the street accepted by Ord. 008-14 as McClain Lane. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. Ald. Deardorff-aye, Ald. Wilson-abstain, Ald. Johnson-aye.
Ald. Johnson moved to postpone any discussion on the recently received water tower inspection reports from Ozark Applicators until the next scheduled meeting. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.
Mayor Medlin announced that the City is looking to possibly build a new library on the site where the old police building once stood. Ald. Wilson stated she would like to possibly see a building for the fire dept. located on that site. Ald. Wilson voiced that she would like to see the City acquire Street’s Hardware property and possibly the Masonic Lodge property, tear down the existing structures and build a new library there on Prairie Street. No decision was made at this time, only possibilities were discussed.
Justin Bell stated that per MoDOT, the City’s maintenance vehicles were supposed to have yellow lights on them. He also mentioned it was recommended that the City workers wear safety vests. One light for each of the four trucks, and 1 vest per worker for a total of 4 vests. It was suggested that the vests have some sort of printing on the back for identification ie. Public Works. The lights should run approximately $235.00 each times 4, and the vests are $40.00 each, but printing would be extra. Ald. Deardorff made the motion that was seconded by Ald. Wilson to allow Justin Bell to purchase the 4 yellow lights and the 4 safety vests. All in favor.
Mayor Medlin handed out copies of a page from the Fourth Class Cities Manual in reference to the fact that the Mayor Pro-Tem is allowed to vote as an alderman. And in such case of a tie, Mayor Pro-Tem will be the tie-breaker.
Ald. Johnson made the motion to approve the vacation request submitted by Penny Walker for May 5, 2014. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.
May’s meeting dates will be decided at the next meeting.
Ald. Johnson stated that she had been receiving calls wanting to know if the City was going to allow sewer charge forgiveness on swimming pool fill-ups. It was recommended by the City’s attorney to have an ordinance drawn up for this matter, but that whatever the Board approved, the City could start honoring immediately. Ald. Johnson made a motion that on swimming pool fill-ups, the average of 3 months prior sewer rates would be applied to that month and this would only be allowed once a year. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion, all in favor.
Public Safety Dept. was briefly discussed. The Board requested more info.
Public Comments: Marilyn Gill asked if the City will be spraying the rip-rap for weeds in the ditch at N. Viola and Cape Rd. She stated that it was sprayed last year. Ald. Johnson clarified that this property does not belong to the City, and therefore feels the City should not spray it for weeds. No decision was made.
The Mayor asked if there was any other business to discuss, if not, for a motion to adjourn. Ald. Deardorff made a motion that was seconded by Ald. Johnson to adjourn the meeting. All in favor.
Minutes recorded by: ______
Kari Standley, City Clerk