Teacher(s): Ms. Johnson Grade/Subject: 7th Grade Life Science
Week of: April 17, 2017 / Unit 10: Human Body(bacteria, viruses, protists, fungi) and HG&D / Dates: 3/20/17- 5/24/17Florida Standard(s):
Benchmarks, descriptions, DOK levels, standards unpacked (know/do) highlighted / SC.6.L.14.5(AA) Identify and investigate the general functions of the major systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, immune, nervous and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis.
SC.6.L.6 Compare and contrast types of infectious agents that may infect the human body including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Learning Goal: /
Describe the functions of the body systems and explain how all the parts of each system work together to maintain homeostasis.
Compare and contrast types of infectious agents that may infect the human body, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Recognize the importance of postponing sexual involvement.
Identify sexually transmitted diseases
Essential Question / How do the organ systaems in the human body work together to maintain homeostasis?
How are viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites similar and different?
How can sexually transmitted diseased affect ones physical, social and emotional health?
Assessments /
Progress Monitoring/ Feedback Loop / Detailed feedback from pretests, quizzes, assignments and tests throughout the unit as well as on the final day of unit. Also, review as needed throughout the year through bell ringers, tickets out and floating questions into subsequent unit tests of the most missed questions.
Higher Order Question(s) / What are some patterns that occur in different levels of organization?
How are the different levels of organization related to each other?
Key Vocabulary / cartilage, periosteum, joint, ligament, arthritis, osteoporosis, muscle, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, voluntary muscle, involuntary muscle, epidermis, melanin, dermis, bruise, digestion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, enzyme, esophagus, peristalsis, chyme, villi, kidney, nephron, urine, ureter, bladder, urethra, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, alveoli, diaphragm, atrium, ventricle, artery, capillary, vein, systemic circulation, coronary circulation, pulmonary circulation, atherosclerosis, platelet, plasma, Rh factor, lymphatic system, lymph, lymph node, thymus, spleen, pathogens, infectious disease, vector, pasteurization, noninfectious disease, cancer, inflammation, antigen, anyibody, B cell, T cell, allergy, immunity, active immunity, vaccination, passive immunity, antibiotic, chemotherapy, stimulus, neuron, synapse, central nervous system, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, reflex, receptor, retina, eardrum, sensory system, endocrine system, hormone, negative feedback, positive feedback, sperm, egg, testis, semen, ovary, penis, vagina, menstrual cycle, ovulation, fertilization, zygote, pregnancy, placenta, umbilical cord, embryo, fetus, cervix, puberty
Monday 4/17/17 / Unit : Human Body Systems / Rigor Level 1
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / · Students will work on the Respiratory System Review pgs. 536 - 537
( 5 minutes) / · None
I DO: / · Directions
WE DO: / · Discussion
YOU DO: / · Review and make up work
Homework / · None
(5 minutes) / · None
Tuesday 4/18 / Unit : Human Body Systems / Rigor Level 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / · Study Guide Chapter 14 – Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
( 5 Minutes) / · None
I DO: / · Directions
WE DO: / · Discussion
YOU DO: / · Study Guide
Homework / · None
(5 minutes) / · None
Wednesday 4/19 / Unit: Human Body Systems / Rigor Level 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / · Study Guide Chapter 14 – Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
( 5 Minutes) / · None
I DO: / · Directions
WE DO: / · Discussion
YOU DO: / · Finish Study Guide
Homework / · None
(5 minutes) / · None
Thursday 4/20 / Unit: Human Body Systems / Rigor Level 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / · Test review Chapter 14
(5 Minutes) / · None
I DO: / · Directions
WE DO: / · Discussion
YOU DO: / · Participate in review
Homework / · Study for test
(5 minutes) / · None
Friday 4/21 / Unit: Human Body Systems / Rigor Level 2
Daily Agenda
Daily Objective / · Students will test on Chapter 14
( 5 Minutes) / · None
I DO: / · Directions
WE DO: / · Discussion
You DO: / · Test
Homework / · None
(5 minutes) / · None
Learning Scales and Accommodations:
Unit 10 Human Body Systems and HG&DGrade 7
Score 4.0 / In addition to Score 3.0, in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond what was taught the student is able to:
I can analyze how the specific functions of each body system interrelate to the other body systems to maintain homeostasis.
Score 3.0 / The student understands and is able to:
I can compare and contrast the functions of the major systems of the human body and can describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis.
Score 2.0 / There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes as the student is able to:
I can describe the structure and function of major organ systems of the human body.
Score 1.0 / With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes the student is able to:
With help, I can describe the structure and function of major organ systems of the human body.
Score 0.0 / Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated
WICR Strategies used during each unit.
Writing activities that help
students understand the
content / Inquiry
Questioning strategies
that help students
understand the content / Collaboration
Working together with a
partner or in a group of
students to understand, to
problem solve, or to
complete a task/project / Reading
Any strategies in reading
that help students
• summaries
Process writing
• using a rubric as evaluation
On-demand/Timed writing
• writing that is completed in class within a set amount of time
• grade is evaluated using a rubric
Cornell Notes
• taking notes on the most important information
• summarizing
• using the notes to study
Reflective writing
• students write about what they have learned and what they still need / Higher level questioning
in classes
• Costa’s Level 1: Students
find the answers right there
in the text.
• Costa’s Level 2: Students
must figure out the answer
from information in the
• Costa’s Level 3: Students
apply what they have
learned or use what they
have learned to evaluate or
create. / Think Pair Share
Sharing ideas with a
partner or in a group
Carousel/Gallery Walk
Problem solving in groups
Projects in groups / Before reading activities
• vocabulary activities
• accessing prior knowledge
• making predictions
During reading activities
• marking the text
• Cornell notes
• graphic organizers
After reading strategies
• summarizing
• group projects
Accommodations used daily on an individual basis in accordance with IEP and 504 plans and ELL Students
· Read directions for the student
· Check for understanding
· Allow to leave class for assistance
· Extra time for exams
· Daily agenda / · Allow student time to step out to de-escalate
· Testing in small groups
· Use of a planner/binder for organization
· English Language Dictionary / · Extended time on assignments =1 day
· Preferential seating
· Written direction given
· Break directions into chunks / · Read Aloud to Students
· Visual manipulatives
· Cooperative Learning,
· Vocabulary, Description, Introduction,