Reporting under article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) for Hungary
1. MemberState: Hungary
2. Name and title of contact officer:Máté Kovács, Counsellor
3. Full name of the institution:Ministry of Environment and Water
4. Mailing address:H-1011 Budapest, Fő u 44-50.
5. Telephone number:+36-1-457-3300/639
6. Fax number:+36-1-201-3056
7. E-mail address:
8. Date of the report: 25/October/2007.
1. Production of substances listed under Annex I or IIto Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 (hereinafter "Annex I or II")
1.1. Year of the report: 2006.
1.2. Havs any of the chemicals listed in Annexe I or II been produced in your MemberState during the period covered by this report? (Yes/No)No
1.2.1 If the answer to question 1.2 is "Yes", please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) produced (in kg).
2. Placing on the market of substances listed under Annex I or II
2.1. Year of the report: 2006.
2.2. Has any of the chemicals listed in Annexe I or II been placed on the market in your MemberState or exported from your MemberState during the period covered by this report? (Yes/No)No
2.2.1 If the answer to question 2.2 is "Yes", please specify the name of the substance(s) and the corresponding volume(s) exported and/or placed on the market (in kg). In case of export or import, please specify the exporting or importing country(ies).
1. MemberState: Hungary
2. Name and title of contact officer:Máté Kovács, Counsellor
3. Full name of the institution:Ministry of Environment and Water
4. Mailing address:H-1011 Budapest, Fő u 44-50.
5. Telephone number:+36-1-457-3300/639
6. Fax number:+36-1-201-3056
7. E-mail address:
8. Date of the report: 25./October/2007.
1. Are there in your MemberStateany notified stockpiles of any substance listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is permitted?(Yes/No) No
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its content of the specified substance (% or mg/kg), its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.
2. Are there in your MemberStateany notified stockpiles of any substance listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is not permitted?(Yes/No) No, but
In Hungary there are no identified POP stockpiles, but we have a report about the estimated quantity of obsolete pesticides status for each county in Hungary. The estimation is based on the work of the inspectors of the Central Service for Plant Protection and Soil Conservation. The report deals with all kind of the obsolete pesticide, even those that does not contain any POP substances. The estimated POP content of the obsolete pesticide is about 5-20 %, but the treatment of these stockpiles is the same in every case, incineration in hazardous waste incinerator. The Elimination of these obsolete pesticide stockpiles is one of the priorities of the National Implementation Plan of Hungary. The estimated amounts of these stockpiles are 585 tonnes.
2.1 If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.
1. Has your MemberStatedeveloped an action plan on the substances listed in Annex III?(Yes/No)No
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please, specify why.
In Hungary there is no specified action plan regarding to the substances listed in Annex III, but all of these substances are handled by other Hungarian regulations, for example have limit values for all the substances listed in Annex III in the case of Waste incineration. The National Implementation Plan also contains roles to minimise the POP emissions. We are also expect emission reduction from the launch of the BAT, BEP and IPPC regulations.
1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s) for which you have release data. For each specified substance, specify for which compartment (i.e., air, water, land) you have releases data. For each specified compartment, give the release in gTEQ/year (WHO-TEQ 1998) or in kg/year.
2. Has your MemberStatedeveloped measures in order to identify sources of substances listed in Annex III?(Yes/No) Yes
2.1. If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", please, describe the measures developed.
In Hungary, we have a measurement program in the field of considerable industrial POP emitters, like power plants, iron and non-ferrous metal producing and processing. The program monitories one POP emitter sector in each year. During the program, we measure the POP’s in air emission, waste water (if the is regarding the technology) and technological residue.
3. Has your MemberStatedeveloped measures in order to characterisesources of substances listed in Annex III?(Yes/No) No
3.1. If the answer to question 3 is "Yes", please, describe the measures developed.
4. Has your MemberStatedeveloped measures in order to minimisesources of substances listed in Annex III?(Yes/No) Yes
4.1. If the answer to question 4 is "Yes", please, describe the measures developed.
In the case of wast eincinerators, we have limit values for all the substances listed in Annex III. That measurement effected that many waste incinerators were closed in Hungary on 2002.
1. Has your MemberStatedeveloped a National Implementation Plan (NIP) as pursuant to article 7 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants ? (Yes/No)No
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please, explain why.
The NIP of Hungary is ready, but it is reconciliation phase yet. The Plan hopefully will be set out by the government until the end of this year, or at least at the first half of next year.
1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, indicate the date(s) at which it has been communicate to the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, the Commission and to the other Member States.
1.2.1. Did you give the public early and effective opportunities to participate in the development of your NIP?(Yes/No) Yes If the answer to question 1.2.1 is "No", please, explain why. If the answer to question 1.2.1 is "Yes", please, describe briefly how.
In Hungary we held informative conferences for the professional and non-governmental organisations, where they could explain their opinions and recommendations for the NIP.
1. Has your MemberStateestablished a monitoring programme on the presence of dioxins, furans and PCBs in the environment? (Yes/No) No
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please, explain why.
There was no suchfinancial circumstances that we could start a monitoring programme on the presence of dioxins, furans and PCBs in the environment, but for the next year, we’d like to widen the industrial POP measurement project also with imission measures in the surrounding area of the industrial emitter. In this year Hungary were a member of a 3 month long POP passive sampling pilot project which were led by the Recetox Institute of Brno, Czech Republic.During the project 5 city background sites were involved in Budapest (the capital of Hungary). From each site 3 Poly urethane Foam (PUF) samples were collected, each saple was taken for 28 days. The analysis of the samples will be ready for the beginning of the next year. The analysis extend to PAH’s, PCB’s and some other chlorinated pesticides (not described by the foreign partner).
1.2.If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s) for which you have monitoring data. For each specified substance and each monitoring programme, specify period and objectives of the monitoring programme, type of the sampling points (e.g., hot spots, accidents, background situation), geographical location, analytical method applied, compartments in which the substance was sampled, the values found (mean, median, maximum, minimum, number of samples) and how to access these data.
1. Has your MemberStateestablished an information exchange mechanism? (Yes/No) No
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please, explain why.
There was no interest from other countries.
1.2.If the answer to question 1 is "Yes" and if the information exchange mechanism is not part of your NIP, please describe it.
2. Has your MemberStatetaken any measure to promote and facilitate awareness programmes with regards to POPs? (Yes/No)No
2.1. If the answer to question 2 is "No", please, explain why.
No, but it is figure in the NIP to make awareness programmes.
2.2.If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", please describe the measures taken.
3. Has your MemberStatetaken any measure to promote and facilitate the provision of public information with regards to POPs (Yes/No) Yes
3.1. If the answer to question 3 is "No", please, explain why.
3.2.If the answer to question 3 is "Yes", please describe the measures taken.
Our colleagues hold some presentation about POP’s, about their health effects, hazardousness, present situation in Hungary and in the world. These presentations
4. Has your Member Statetaken any measure to promote and facilitate the training of workers, scientists, educators and technical and managerial personnel with regards to POPs (Yes/No) No
4.1. If the answer to question 4 is "No", please, explain why.
There is no training plan for the affected personnel, but we’d lik to make one. The other reason is that in Hungary there are several obligatory training programmes for the personnel dealing with hazardous gods or substances during their work. We’d like to widen these training programmes also with the POP’s.
4.2.If the answer to question 4 is "Yes", please describe the measures taken.
1. Has your MemberStateprovided to other country(ies) technical and financial assistance to develop and strengthen their capacity to fully implement their obligation under the Stockholm Convention? (Yes/No) No
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please, explain why.
There was no interest from other countries.
1.2.If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify country/ies and kind of assistance.
1. Penalties
1.1 How does your MemberStatelay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004?
There is no strict rules on penaltiesto infringements regarding the Regulation 820/2004/EC
1.2. What are the measures taken to ensure the implementation of the penalties provisions?
2. Infringement procedure
2.1 Has your MemberStatecarried out an infringement procedure because of an infraction to Regulation (EC) No 850/2004? (Yes/No) No
2.2. If the answer to question 2.1 is "Yes", please, specify which article of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004was trespassed, a brief description of the infringement and indicate the penalty set for the offender.