Faith Library
Teacher Pastor Tammy Ford Semester: Fall2017
Updated 10/2017
Faith Library
First Class Meeting: September 10th, Sunday, 6:00-6:50
Class meets Sundays from 6:00-6:50 in the Relate University sanctuary.
Office Location and Hours: Please contact me via e-mail, at or an appointment.
This Course Will Cover: Bible Faith Study Course by Kenneth E. Hagin
This Course Will Provide: Foundational truth taken from the Bible on Faith and how to live accordingly.
Course Requirements:
1.Attend class and participate in classdiscussions.
2.Read the book and other optionalmaterial.
3.Participate in a groupdiscussion.
4.Complete all classassignments.
6.Complete finaltest.
(this should be in the handbook, via Apple)
Registration and admission to Relate University.
OUR PURPOSE: To help people relate to God and each other in a life-giving way.
OUR VISION: Relate University is established to train the Body of Christ in a deeper walk with Jesus, through teaching God’s Word and providing opportunities to carry out the will of God in individual’s lives.
OUR MISSION: To teach the Body of Christ the Word of God which is the will of God. To equip the Body of Christ through God’s Word. To provide opportunities for the Body of Christ to walk out the will of God.
The integrity of a Christian leader must be beyond reproach. This expectation cannot be stressed enough. It is expected that a student attending Relate University will be scrupulously honest.
Therefore, plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty, such as furnishing false information, including forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents, records, or identification will be regarded as a serious offense subject to a severe penalty. The penalty may include, but not be limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. These policies are stated in the Relate University Catalog. Copies of the catalog are available in the office of Relate Church.
Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s ideas as your own. You must acknowledge the author of the research or body of knowledge in your text and in your bibliography.
Ethical Behavior: Required of every student. Class discussion will reveal ethical policies and procedures.
Diversity: Learning to work with, appreciate, and value the differences in others. You are expected to show love and appreciation for differences in the classroom.
Civility: Learning to work together in a civil, tolerant, and respectful manner for each other and for the professor. Guidelines to follow in oral and written situations include but are not limited to:
Show respect for conflicting/differing opinions other than yourown.
Pay attention when someone else is speaking. Avoid side conversations or other distracting behaviors during lectures, class discussions, andpresentations.
Avoid offensive comments, language, or body language. Presenting your view of a situation is appropriate when done withrespect.
We teach this course to provide knowledge and wisdom concerning Bible faith and its application in life.
The Christian leader will gain knowledge, understanding, communication skills, and group skills necessary to serve others, lead in ministry, missions, or work in the community.
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Lecture and Discussion
Relate University uses the following grading system for all work:
AReserved for work which is superior inquality
BWork which is consistently good and which manifests sufficient interest,effort, or originality to lift it above averagework
CAverage work and shows that basic requirements in class assignments have been met D Earns credit but is below the standard forgraduation
FIndicates failure and carries nocredit
Students needing special accommodations due to learning, physical, psychological, or other disabilities should contact: Michele M. Morton,
(See Relate University’s Handbook on class attendance)
Be present, on time, and prepared. If a student is late it is recorded as a tardy andtwo tardies equals oneabsence.
Actively participate in classactivities.
Turn off cell phones (Put onvibrate)
Respect others and their right to express their opinions andfeelings.
Listen and refrain from talking when others aretalking.
Remove head gear in class, such as hats and bandanas or headphones.
Leave children, family, and friends athome.
Course Outline
Week 1 – Chapters 1-2, How Faith Comes. Part 1 & 2
Week 2 – Chapters 3-4, What Faith Is, Part 1 & 2
Week 3 – Chapters 5-6, What Faith Is, Part 3 & 4
Week 4 –Chapters 7-8, What It means to Believe With the Heart, Part 1 & 2
Week 5 – Chapters 9-10, How To Turn your Faith Loose, Part 1 & 2
Week 6 – Chapters 11-12, How To Turn your Faith Loose, Part 3 & 4
Week 7 – Chapters 13-14, Seven Steps to the Highest Kind of Faith, Part 1 & 2
Midterm Quiz on Faith Library
Week 8 – Chapters 15-16, Seven Steps to the Highest Kind of Faith, Part 3 & 4
Week 9 - Chapters 17-18, Hindrances to Faith, The God Kind of Faith
Week 10 – Chapters 19-20, Confessions bring Possession, Actions the Correspond with Faith
Week 11 – Chapters 21, How to Write your Ticket With God
Week 12 – Chapter 22, Doubt, the Thief of God’s Greater Blessings
Week 13 – Chapter 23, You Can Have What You Say Week 14 – Chapter 24, How to Train the Human Spirit Week 15 – Final Quiz on Faith Library
The Fruit of the Spirit and
The Gifts of The Holy Spirit
Michele Morgan Morton, Ed. D.
Semester: Fall 2017
Updated 9/2017
The Fruit of the Spirit and The Gifts of The Holy Spirit
First Class Meeting: September 10th, Sunday, 7:10-8:00 Class meets Sundays from 7:10-8:00 in the Relate sanctuary.
Office Location and Hours: Please contact me via e-mail or by text, r / 601-517-2847 for an appointment.
This Course Will Cover: The nine fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-26 and the Spiritual Gifts listed in I Corinthians 12:1-14. Resources are an online curriculum and a Bible course book titled The Holy Spirit and His Gifts by Kenneth Hagin.
This Course Will Provide:
Insight and understanding about the meaning of each fruit of the Spirit, how to grow the fruit in your life, how to recognize opportunities for growth, and ultimately to become more like Jesus.
Course Intended Purpose:
Students will understand that the Fruit of the Spirit is an internal work, wrought by Holy Spirit and the gifts He gives work best in concert with the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
Course Requirements:
1.Attend class and participate in classdiscussions.
2.Read and study the curriculum and theworkbook.
3.Keep ajournal.
4.Participate in a groupdiscussion.
5.Complete all classassignments.
6.Research one of the great men or women in churchhistory.
7.Write a short paper on this person and how the Fruit and Gifts wereevident.
The course will look closely at the life of Jesus and his display of the Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit, as well as, modern day historical Christian figures, and people in our everyday life. The life application of this course is to make students aware of how to allow God to develop the Fruit of the Spirit in their lives and to allow the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to work in them to benefit the body of Christ.
Registration and admission to Relate University.
OUR PURPOSE: To help people relate to God and each other in a life-giving way.
OUR VISION: Relate University is established to train the Body of Christ in a deeper walk with Jesus, through teaching God’s Word and providing opportunities to carry out the will of God in individual’s lives.
OUR MISSION: To teach the Body of Christ the Word of God which is the will of God. To equip the Body of Christ through God’s Word. To provide opportunities for the Body of Christ to walk out the will of God.
The integrity of a Christian leader must be beyond reproach. This expectation cannot be stressed enough. It is expected that a student attending Relate University will be scrupulously honest.
Therefore, plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty, such as furnishing false information, including forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents, records, or identification will be regarded as a serious offense subject to a severe penalty. The penalty may include, but not be limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. These policies are stated in the Relate University Catalog. Copies of the catalog are available in the office of Relate Church.
Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s ideas as your own. You must acknowledge the author of the research or body of knowledge in your text and in your bibliography.
Ethical Behavior: Required of every student. Class discussion will reveal ethical policies and procedures.
Diversity: Learning to work with, appreciate, and value the differences in others. You are expected to show love and appreciation for differences in the classroom.
Civility: Learning to work together in a civil, tolerant, and respectful manner for each other and for the professor. Guidelines to follow in oral and written situations include but are not limited to:
Show respect for conflicting/differing opinions other than yourown.
Pay attention when someone else is speaking. Avoid side conversations or other distracting behaviors during lectures, class discussions, andpresentations.
Avoid offensive comments, language, or body language. Presenting your view of a situation is appropriate when done withrespect.
This course provides insight and guidance in becoming more like Jesus, how to walk in victory over one’s feelings, and how to allow the Spirit of God to work in your life internally and display God’s glory outwardly through His Gifts. The Fruit of the Spirit is the Character of Christ. Christ lives in believers, thus His character is developed by the Holy Spirit as we allow Him to work.
In addition to the Christian leader gaining knowledge, understanding, communication skills, and group skills necessary to serve others, lead in ministry, missions, or work in the community, each student will have the opportunity to grow beyond themselves, allowing God to grow them through the Fruit of the Spirit and becoming aware of how God’s Gifts work in and through us.
A variety of instructional strategies will be utilized during the course to enhance students’ knowledge and skills. Cognitive and affective teaching/learning strategies will be used and may include: direct instruction, cooperative learning and other group activities, guest speakers, research, and active class participation. Information relevant to Scripture and the topic of growing in Christ will be presented. Students will also have an opportunity to gain practical experience through problem-based and problem-centered learning activities.
Relate University uses the following grading system for all work:
AReserved for work which is superior inquality
BWork which is consistently good and which manifests sufficient interest,effort, or originality to lift it above averagework
CAverage work and shows that basic requirements in class assignments have been met D Earns credit but is below the standard forgraduation
FIndicates failure and carries nocredit
Examples of % weight for Student Grades:
-20%Read requiredmaterial
-10%Journal (optional for someclasses)
-20%Presentation (optional for someclasses)
Students needing special accommodations due to learning, physical, psychological, or other disabilities should contact: Michele M. Morton,
(See Relate University’s Handbook on class attendance)
Be present, on time, and prepared. If a student is late it is recorded as a tardy andtwo tardies equals oneabsence.
Actively participate in classactivities.
Turn off cell phones (Put onvibrate)
Respect others and their right to express their opinions andfeelings.
Listen and refrain from talking when others aretalking.
Remove head gear in class, such as hats and bandanas or headphones.
Leave children, family, and friends athome.
Updated 9/2017
Christ The Healer
Pastor Chuck Ford
Semester: Fall 2017
Updated 9/2017
Christ The Healer
First Class Meeting: September 10th, Sunday, 5:00-5:50
Class meets Sundays from 5:00-5:50 in the Relate University sanctuary.
Office Location and Hours: Please contact me via e-mail, at or an appointment.
This Course Will Cover: This Course Will Provide: Course Intended Purpose Course Requirements:
1.Attend class and participate in classdiscussions.
2.Read the book and other optionalmaterial.
3.Participate in a groupdiscussion.
4.Complete all classassignments.
6.Complete finaltest.
(this should be in the handbook, via Apple – Pastor Tammy has a copy)
Registration and admission to Relate University.
OUR PURPOSE: To help people relate to God and each other in a life-giving way.
OUR VISION: Relate University is established to train the Body of Christ in a deeper walk with Jesus, through teaching God’s Word and providing opportunities to carry out the will of God in individual’s lives.
OUR MISSION: To teach the Body of Christ the Word of God which is the will of God. To equip the Body of Christ through God’s Word. To provide opportunities for the Body of Christ to walk out the will of God.
The integrity of a Christian leader must be beyond reproach. This expectation cannot be stressed enough. It is expected that a student attending Relate University will be scrupulously honest.
Therefore, plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty, such as furnishing false information, including forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents, records, or identification will be regarded as a serious offense subject to a severe penalty. The penalty may include, but not be limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. These policies are stated in the Relate University Catalog. Copies of the catalog are available in the office of Relate Church.
Plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s ideas as your own. You must acknowledge the author of the research or body of knowledge in your text and in your bibliography.
Ethical Behavior: Required of every student. Class discussion will reveal ethical policies and procedures.
Diversity: Learning to work with, appreciate, and value the differences in others. You are expected to show love and appreciation for differences in the classroom.
Civility: Learning to work together in a civil, tolerant, and respectful manner for each other and for the professor. Guidelines to follow in oral and written situations include but are not limited to:
Show respect for conflicting/differing opinions other than yourown.
Pay attention when someone else is speaking. Avoid side conversations or other distracting behaviors during lectures, class discussions, andpresentations.
Avoid offensive comments, language, or body language. Presenting your view of a situation is appropriate when done withrespect.
This course lays the foundation for Christian leaders to have a good understanding of the foundational doctrines. Hebrews tells us, that without a good understanding, believers cannot move forward and gain understanding of a meatier and mature understanding of God, Jesus
Christ, and the Holy Spirit. In addition, this growth in Christ must be cloaked in humility as God adds to us wisdom.
The Christian leader will gain knowledge, understanding, communication skills, and group skills necessary to serve others, lead in ministry, missions, or work in the community.
Relate University uses the following grading system for all work:
AReserved for work which is superior inquality
BWork which is consistently good and which manifests sufficient interest,effort, or originality to lift it above averagework
CAverage work and shows that basic requirements in class assignments have been met D Earns credit but is below the standard forgraduation
FIndicates failure and carries nocredit
Students needing special accommodations due to learning, physical, psychological, or other disabilities should contact: Michele M. Morton,
(See Relate University’s Handbook on class attendance)
Be present, on time, and prepared. If a student is late it is recorded as a tardy andtwo tardies equals oneabsence.
Actively participate in classactivities.
Turn off cell phones (Put onvibrate)
Respect others and their right to express their opinions andfeelings.
Listen and refrain from talking when others aretalking.
Remove head gear in class, such as hats and bandanas or headphones.
Leave children, family, and friends athome.
Course Outline (This is optional for you to list, Pastor)
Week 1 – Introduction to author of book, a look at the Prefaces, and a challenge. Foundations. Keep a journal.
Week 2 – Chapters 1-2, Holiest of All,
-Basic Doctrine, Repentance of Dead Works, Part I
Week 3 – Chapter 3, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Repentance of Dead Works, Part II
Week 4 –Chapter 4, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Faith Toward God
Week 5 – Chapter 5, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Doctrine of Baptisms, Part I
Week 6 – Chapter 6, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Doctrine of Baptisms, Part II
Week 7 – Chapter 7, Holiest of All
Midterm Quiz on the Basic Doctrines
Week 8 – Chapter 8, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Laying on ofHands
Week 9 - Chapter 9, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Resurrection of The Dead. Part I
Week 10 – Chapter 10, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Resurrection of The Dead, Part II
Week 11 – Chapter 11, Holiest of All
-Basic Doctrine, Eternal Judgement
Week 12 – Chapter 12, Holiest of All,
-On to Perfection, maturity in ChristJesus
Week 13 – Chapter 13, Holiest of All, Wrap up, Quiz on weeks 8-12
Week 14 – Oral Presentations, 3-5 minutes
Week 15 – Final essay, written or oral with professor
Note: Presentations can be on the topic of one of the Doctrines discussed or other topics found in the book of Hebrews.
Presentation Requirements:
-Power point(optional)
-Stay ontopic
-A scoring rubric will be provided for students tofollow
Note: I will give you the questions ahead of time for the final essay. They will be thought provoking essay questions and answers may be taken from your journal notes.
Updated 9/2017