Teacher: Ms. Yvonne Pierce, Room 164

Phone: 758-2241 x71261, email:

Web Page: High School, Faculty, Pierce


1. Come prepared with required materials to class every day: pencils, pens, binder, non-graphing calculator, Earth Science Reference Tables (ESRT)

2. Complete all assignments on time

3. Complete a minimum of 600 minutes of laboratory work (~ 8 labs) by the midterm exam and 1200 minutes (~ 16 labs) by the end of May. Lab work must be documented by satisfactory (passing score) laboratory reports in your lab portfolio. Students with less than 600 lab minutes in January will not be allowed to sit for the midterm exam until the lab work is completed. Students without the 1200 lab minutes in June will not be allowed to take the NY State Regents Exam and will receive a zero for a final exam grade

(NY State rule!)


1. Obtain a practical understanding of Geology, Astronomy and Meteorology that will be useful in everyday life and in future science courses.

2. Master effective in-class and at-home work and study habits when working eitherby yourself or with a partner or group.

3. Developsuccessful time managementskills that help you keep up with both short and long-term assignments.

4. Learn new material in a wide variety of ways, including hands-on activities, experimentation, reading for understanding, visual and creative arts, critical thinking and writing, and use of computers and technology.

5. Learn to take responsibility for your own academic progress.

6. Learn to treat your whole classroom environment (materials, classmates, and teachers) with respect and care.

7. Honors students: build a foundation of advanced science and math skills necessary for success in future high level (AP, IB) science courses

8. Mastery score (85+) on the NY State Earth Science Regents Exam in June. The Regents Exam is your final exam.

8. Most importantly: Have fun with Earth Science!

LABS and SCIENCE STUDY HALLS: Double lab periods are on alternating days (either days 3 and 5 or days 4 and 6). Students are assigned to one double lab and one double science study hall every six day cycle. For example, a student with lab on day 4 will have science study hall on day 6, and vice versa. Students may sometimes be required to attend both lab sections in a given week, or they may be given science assignments to complete during theirscience study hall. This study hall is part of the science course and it is expected that students use this time to work on science: it is not a “general” study hall or a “free period”.

Students must attend the lab section they are assigned to; however, all students are welcome and encouraged to attend the other lab section (rather than attend science study hall) if extra help is needed, if more time is needed to complete lab work, or to work on Honors projects or other science assignments in the lab. Students wishing to attend the other lab section on any given day will be given a pass to excuse them from science study hall.

GRADING:Your grade for the year is based on a balance of your effort and work ethic in the course and your achievement and mastery of the scientific material. Your best effort inevitably will lead to your best achievement!

Class work, Homework, Quizzes25% (mostly effort)

Projects, Labs,25% (mostly effort)

Unit Tests 50% (achievement)

HONORS: In Earth Science, Honors designation and grade weighting on your transcript is earned, not given. Any student in any Earth Science class may earn Honors designation by meeting the following criteria:

  • 85+ overall course average
  • 85+ on BOTH midterm and final exam (Regents exam)
  • Successful completion of at least 10 Honors enrichment projects as specified by the teacher.

If you are enrolled in this “Honors” class section, it is expected that you will meet all these Honors criteria. If you do not meet these criteria, your course designation and grade weighting will be changed to “Regents” on your transcript at the end of the year.


  1. LATE WORK:Except in the case of extended absence due toillness, lateor incomplete homework will receive a grade of 0%. Late or incomplete lab reportswill receive a grade of 50%, but if they are turned in after the end of a marking period they receive a grade of 0%.(Red Hook High School Science Department Policy).
  2. ILLNESS:Students absent due to illness are expected to call or email me or arrange to have any missed assignments sent home.Unless you are severely ill, I would prefer to hear from YOU, not your parents!
  3. ABSENCES:Students who miss class for music lessons or field trips are expected to meet the same due dates and deadlines as the rest of the class, and are responsible for keeping up with any missed material.If you miss a DOUBLE LAB for ANY reason, you MUST automatically come to the next (or previous) double lab instead of going to your science study hall.All PowerPoint lecture notes are available online and students who miss a class lesson are expected to download and study these notes. Students with more than 16 absences (regardless of reason or excuse) cannot receive credit for the course! (District Attendance Policy)
  4. STUDY SKILLS:Although much of the course work will be completed during class time, any assignments not finished in class must be completedat home. Students are also expected to study for tests at home by reviewing notes and online PowerPoint lessons, and by taking and self-correcting the online practice tests. This course covers a huge curriculum and there is not enough time for students to adequately practice all the required skills during class time alone. As with the learning of a musical instrument or a sport, success cannot be achieved without practice! Failure to follow these simple study techniques may result in lack of mastery of the course material and lack of success on the New York State Regents Exam.
  5. Use of Computers and Technology:Many classroom assignments will require computer and/or internet access and access to a variety of software. If students are unable to access these technologies at home, they will need to make time during lunch periods, study halls, or after school to use the High School Computer Lab or Library. Two computers are also available in the classroom for student use. Software used includes Microsoft WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, or free online alternatives such as PREZI, GOOGLE DOCS PRESENTATIONS . Students are encouraged to open a free Google Account to have access to these programs, as well as have an internet-based email account (preferably gmail) that can be easily accessed from school. Lack of access to these technologies is an impediment to developing the digital literacy required of today’s students.

PLEASE get your school computer user agreement turned in ASAP!

You will start using computers at home and in school immediately!

Printer down? Email it to me!!! Or share it with me on Google Docs!


HOMEWORK for PARENTS of Earth Science Students!

Please complete by: September 25, 2015 (or sooner)

Dear Parent/Guardian:

1.Please read the goals and requirements of the HONORS Earth Science course that your child brought home with them today. Or you can read this information on my web page.

To get to the web page, go to:

Choose “High School”

Choose “Faculty”

Choose “Pierce”

Or enter directly:

2.Complete the brief (3 minutes!) survey. This information is extremely helpful to me and your student. The link for the survey is listed on my web page in the red menu box on the left side of the screen: Earth Science Parent Survey

3.If you haven’t already, please sign up and activate a Parent Portal account with the school district (for instructions see School District Web Page). This is the best way to monitor your child’s academic progress in school.

4.Please sign and return the attached page when you have finished. We are looking forward to a fun year in Earth Science!

If you need to contact me, email is the best way. I respond to all emails as soon as I get them. If you need to reach me by phone, please be aware that I cannot answer my phone during the school day, so expect to leave a voicemail message and a number where I can reach you after 2:15 pm.

Email: Voicemail: 845-758-2241 ext. 71261

Please Return to Ms. Pierce /Earth Science Room 164

We have read and understood the requirements for Honors Earth Science.


(Please print parent name)


(Parent signature)


(Please print student name)


(Student signature)

Date: ______

Thank You!