Biology 11

Teacher: Ms. Rietman


Flex Time:

Office hours: You may arrange an appointment with me for assistance outside of class time


1. Cell Biology

2. Adaptation and Evolution

3. Microbiology- Viruses, Bacteria, Protists

4. Animals

5. Plants

6. Fungi


CLASS WORK………………………………….70% CLASSWORK= Tests and Quizzes………..60%

FINAL EXAM………………………………….30% Labs and Assignments….40%


All school policies and procedures discussed at the beginning of the student agenda are to be followed. Please pay particular attention to the school policy on absences, lates, cheating/plagiarism, and student responsibilities. If there are any questions regarding these expectations, please let me know immediately.

A. Lates

1.  Students are expected to arrive to class before the bell rings.

2.  If you are late for class, either:

a.  If the door is open, quietly enter, sit down, and begin work, or

b.  If the door is closed, quietly wait outside and review until I open the door

B. Absences

1.  Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis.

2.  If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to talk with your teacher on the day of your return to school so that you can collect missed work. Please bring a note signed by your parents/guardian explaining the reason for your absence.

C. Behaviour

1.  Be respectful of your fellow students and your teacher

2.  Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a mark of zero being assigned to all students involved. Your parents/guardians and the school administration will be notified of this academic dishonesty.

3.  Food and/or drink are not permitted in the classroom due to the mess that is invariably left behind. Gum is also not allowed. Water in a reusable container is fine.

4.  Cellular telephones, pagers, MP3 players, etc, are not permitted in the classroom

5.  The primary goal in the classroom is student learning. No student will be allowed to interfere with another student’s learning.

D. Safety Considerations

1.  Students are expected to follow safety guidelines at all times

2.  Students are expected to wear safety gear at all times when in the laboratory

3.  Students who do not take safety precautions seriously will not be permitted to participate in the activity, be it a laboratory, demonstration, or field trip.

*Please ask the teacher if you have any questions about safety procedures or if you are not sure how to use a piece of equipment*

E. Missed Work

It is the students responsibility to hand in missed work and make arrangements with the teacher to write missed quizzes or tests. If there is a valid reason for the late assignment/quiz/test, the late will be excused. Otherwise, work will be marked out of 50% of full value.

There will be no rewrites for any test or quiz- so make sure you are prepared for them!

Obtain the phone number of at least one other person in class. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to know what was covered that day and you should attempt to get that work.

F. Labwork

Labwork will be done with a partner. However, each student is expected to hand in their own lab report. Do not copy lab reports.

I encourage you to try your best…if you do, I will always be willing to help you!