Algebra I: 2015-2016
Teacher: Mrs. DuBois
Room: A-23
Phone: (360) 709-7693
Text: Secondary I Mathematics
This course is intended to give you a solid foundation for all further courses in mathematics in high school and beyond to college level courses. Areas of study include solving equations, inequalities, functions, linear functions, solving systems of equations, exponents, polynomials, quadratics and radicals. The class will move at a rapid pace through the material and you will be expected to demonstrate a high level of ability and work ethic. The goal of this course is for each student to leave a confident and motivated problem-solver, prepared for Geometry.
Success in class is directly affected by student participation. Understanding mathematics requires discussion, reasoning, writing and presentation of concepts by students. The Common Core Standards for mathematics instruction will be strictly followed in this class.
Mathematical Practices (as outlined in the Common Core):
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Students are responsible for learning and turning in material whether or not they are in class. Missed opportunities cannot be recreated in isolation-your student is strongly encouraged to be present.
A 93-100% B 83-86.99% C 73-76.99% D 60-66.99%
A- 90-92.99% B- 80-82.99% C- 70-72.99% F 0 - 59.99%
B+ 87-89.99% C+ 77-79.99% D+ 67-69.99%
Your grade will be calculated using the following weighted categories:
Assessment (tests/projects/FINAL): 90%
Homework, class-work and formative assessments: 10%
** See handout How Do I Earn My Grade for more information on grading **
You can expect approximately 20-30 minutes of homework per night. The majority of your homework will be done in your math book. Solutions to homework problems will be available to students in class. Students will be given opportunities at the end of class to ask questions about homework
Each homework assignment will be worth 4 points and graded as follows:
4 points à All problems completed, work shown, all corrections shown.
3 points à Most (80%) problems completed, work shown, all corrections shown.
2 points à Approximately 50% of the problems completed, work shown.
1 point à Less than 50% of the problems completed with work shown.
0 points à No problems completed/attempted.
In general, homework should be done the night it is assigned.
Your notebook is comprised of warm-ups, notes, exit activities, and sometimes, task work. It is your responsibility to keep this neat and organized. Points will be awarded for warm-up problems and exit activities. Be sure to clearly label and date these when they are assigned. These points will be credited to the 10% bucket. Notebooks will be turned in for credit before each chapter test.
If absent, please get notes and warm-ups from a friend or from my website. You are always responsible for knowing what happened when you’re absent.
If you are absent it is your responsibility to get the assignment, any handouts, and any required notes as soon as you return to school. You will have as many days as you were absent to complete missed work. I also want to encourage you to be proactive if you are absent: check my website, email or call me for the assignment, check with your friends, and read your book at home. Math can be extremely challenging if you skip material or get behind. Do not let this happen to you.
Required daily: Textbook, math notebook (either small spiral or composition book with graph paper), pencil, pen, paper, and scientific calculator.