John Brady, PhD/ CSP 640
(Adapted from Academic Skills Problems, 1996, E. Shapiro)
Student: ______Teacher: ______
Birthdate: ______Date: ______
Grade: ______School: ______
Interviewer: ______
Why was this student referred?
What type(s) of academic problem(s) does this student have?
Primary type of reading series usedSecondary type of reading materials used
Basal reader Basal reader
Literature-based Literature-based
Trade books Trade books
Reading series title (if applicable) ______
Grade level of series currently placed ______
Title of book in series currently placed ______
How many groups do you teach? ______
Which group is this student assigned to? ______
At this point in the school year, where is the average student in your class reading?
Level and book ______
Place in book (beginning, middle, end, specific page) ______
Time allotted/day for reading ______
How is time divided? (Independent seatwork? Small group? Cooperative groups?)
How is placement in reading program determined? ______
How are changes made in the program? ______
Does this student participate in Chapter 1 (remedial) reading programs? How much? ___
Typical daily instructional procedures ______
Contingencies for accuracy? ______
Contingencies for completion? ______
Daily scores (if available) for past two weeks ______
Group standardized test results (if available) ______
How much does he/she read orally, compared to others in his/her reading group?
___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same
___Somewhat better___Much better
In the class?
___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same
___Somewhat better___Much better
Does he/she attempt unknown words? ______
How is the student's sight vocabulary, compared to others in his/her reading group?
___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same
___Somewhat better___Much better
In the class?
___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same
___Somewhat better___Much better
How well does the student seem to understand what he/she reads, compared to others in his/her reading group?
___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same
___Somewhat better___Much better
In the class?
___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same
___Somewhat better___Much better
Rate the following areas from 1 to 5 (1 = very unsatisfactory, 3 = satisfactory, 5 = superior)
Reading Group
- Oral reading ability (as evidenced in reading group)____
- Volunteers answers____
- When called upon, gives correct answer____
- Attends to other students when they read aloud____
- Knows the appropriate place in book____
Independent Seatwork
- Stays on task____
- Completes assigned work in required time____
- Work is accurate____
- Works quietly____
- Remains in seat when required____
Homework (if any)
- Handed in on time____
- Is complete____
- Is accurate____
Curriculum series ______
What are the specific problems in math? ______
Time allotted/day for math ______
How is time divided? (Independent seatwork? Small group? Large group? Cooperative groups?) ______
For an average-performing student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student at mastery? ______
For an average-performing student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student instructional? ______
For an average performing student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student frustrational? ______
For the targeted student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student at mastery? ______
For the targeted student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student instructional? ______
For the targeted student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student frustrational? ______
How is mastery assessed? ______
Describe any difficulties this student has in applying math skills (measurement, time, money, geometry, problem solving) ______
Are your students grouped in math? ______
If so, how many groups do you have, and in which group is this student placed? ______
How are changes made in the student's math program? ______
Does this student participate in Chapter 1 (remedial) math programs? ______
Typical daily instructional procedures ______
Contingencies for accuracy? ______
Contingencies for completion? ______
Daily scores (if available) for past two weeks ______
Group standardized test results (if available) ______
Rate the following areas from 1 to 5 (1 = very unsatisfactory, 3 = satisfactory, 5 = superior)
Math Group (large)
- Volunteers answers____
- When called upon, gives correct answer____
- Attends to other students when they give answers____
- Knows the appropriate place in math book____
Math Group (small)____
- Volunteers answers____
- When called upon, gives correct answers____
- Attends to other students when they give answers____
- Knows the appropriate place in math book____
Math Group (cooperative)
- Volunteers answers____
- Contributes to group objectives____
- Attends to other students when they give answers____
- Facilitates others in group to participate____
- Show appropriate social skills in group____
Independent Seatwork
- Stays on task____
- Completes assigned work in required time____
- Work is accurate____
- Works from initial directions____
- Works quietly____
- Remains in seat when required____
Homework (if any)
- Handed in on time____
- Is complete____
- Is accurate____
Type of material used for spelling instruction:
Published spelling series
Title of series ______
Basal reading series
Title of series ______
Teacher-made materials
Other ______
Level of instruction (if applicable) ______
At this point in the school year, where is the average student in your class spelling?
Level, place in book ______
Time allotted/day for spelling ______
How is time divided? (Independent seatwork? Small group? Cooperative groups?)
How is placement in spelling program determined? ______
How are changes made in the program? ______
Typical daily instructional procedures ______
Contingencies for accuracy? ______
Contingencies for completion? ______
Please describe the type of writing assignments you give ______
Compared to others in your class, does he/she have difficulty with
(please provide a brief description):
Expressing thoughts ______
Story length ______
Story depth ______
Creativity ______
Are there social/behavioral adjustment problems interfering with this student's academic progress? (be specific)
Check any item that describes this student's behavior:
____ Distracted, short attention span, unable to concentrate
____ Hyperactive, constant, aimless movement
____ Impulsive/aggressive behaviors, lacks self-control
____ Fluctuating levels of performance
____ Frequent negative self-statements
____ Unconsciously repeating verbal or motor acts
____ Lethargic, sluggish, too quiet
____ Difficulty sharing or working with others