2011-12 KingwoodPark English

2nd Six Weeks

Oct 3-Nov 4

English: English II Level

Teacher: Garcia, Holmes, Hornbeck, Neel

The Big Idea for this unit is:

  • Loss of innocence
  • Power
  • Loss of identity
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Need for civilization

Anchor Pieces:

  • Novel—Lord of the Flies
  • Poetry—We Wear the Mask
  • Short Story—The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
  • Non-Fiction—Why Did Eric Kill?

Essential Question: Is human nature inherently good or evil?

Warm-ups: Commas with Introductory Elements

Oct. 3
Intro to LOTF
Watch music video; quick write—based on imagery, what is the novel about and what themes will be explored; discuss / 4
Video hook: “Why Did Eric Kill?”
Read article; write 3 discussion questions; share and discuss questions / 5/6
Background PPT
(connecting author and historical background to meaning and purpose of the novel)
Begin symbolism chart; choose a symbol to chart throughout the novel—where it appears, words/actions/feelings associated with it
Read Ch. 1 in class
HW: Finish Ch. 1-2 / 7
SAT Vocab Unit 2 due
Complete Dialectical Journal contrasting Ralph’s treatment of Piggy before and after meeting Jack
HW: Read Ch. 3-4
10 Professional Growth Day/Student Holiday / 11
Work on LOTF Study Guide Chs. 1-4
HW: Read Ch. 5 / 12/13 (PSAT & TAKS remediation rotations = altered schedule)
Discuss the significance of fire in the early chapters
Character Allegory Chart; chart evidence of how each character is a symbol
HW: Read Ch. 6 / 14
SAT Vocab Unit 2 Quiz
HW: Read Ch. 7
Read “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula LeGuin; discuss internal conflict, the paradox in the story, theme of hidden identity/loss of identity
HW: Read Ch. 8 / 18
Discuss symbolism and savagery of pighunt; symbolism of Simon’s encounter with the LOTF
HW: Read Ch. 9 / 19/20
District CBA Reading TEST
HW: Read Ch. 10 / 21
Read “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar; discuss symbolism of the mask
HW: Read Ch. 11
Introduce Compare/contrast paper; Complete a compare/contrast diagram for “We Wear the Mask” and “The Ones”; Draft Thesis Statement
HW: Read Ch. 12 / 25
Review embedding quotes
Discuss the symbolism of Simon’s death / 26/27
Compare and Contrast In-Class Timed Writing
Discuss Piggy’s death and the rescue from the Island; focus on theme and paradox / 28
Commas with Introductory Elements Assessment
Complete conflict worksheet; explore the internal and external conflicts of the novel
Oct 31
Figurative Language Assignment; assign chapters and types of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, imagery) to groups and have groups find examples and explain purpose of example / Nov 1
Review for LOTF Test / Nov 2/3
Turn in Symbolism Chart / Nov 4
Assign SAT Vocab Unit 3