To: Illinois Section AWWA Board
From: Laurie Dougherty, Executive Director
Re: Strategic Planning Action

April 19th, 2014 – REVISED MAY 6, 2014
Attached please find a suggested worksheet for Board, committee and staff worksheet for Strategic Planning Action Worksheet. The intent of this process is the stimulate the committees, board and staff to review, document and plan their activities in support of the overall Illinois Section AWWA Strategic plan. It is suggested that this final document be used for guidelines for committee activities. Committees will be able to better direct their efforts to fulfill Section and Committee goals when they are clearly stated.
For your consideration, I propose the following timeline and activities.

·  April 25th - Board approve the process and the format with any necessary revisions.

·  June 19th - Committees are requested to complete the Mission, goals and overall strategies worksheet. Staff will assist the committees in the preparation of the worksheet.

·  July 9th - Committees submissions are reviewed at the July 9th Board meeting.

·  July 16th - Staff to develop action plan at Staff Only Retreat on July 16th.

·  August 9th - Committees submit a more detailed “action plan ” with staff assistance, including budgeted items for consideration for 2015 budget year. Information to be included in estimated staff time, resources necessary such as dollars, equipment, etc.

·  August 27th - Committee chairs, vice-chairs, board members and staff have an Section “action planning” workshop whereby the detailed plans are all put together filling in the blanks and painting the picture of the entire Section plans for 2015 -2016. This wil be used for budgeting purposes for 2015. Committees will use this as a living document to be updated annually. Guidelines for handling unexpected projects will be developed at this meeting.

·  September 17th – Draft of 2015 budget with action plans distributed to Board for review

·  October 17th – Board approves final version of action plans with budget for 2015.

The NIU study will be presented to committees and staff as a review and suggestions from the study to be included in committee and staff action worksheets.

*August Action planning workshop would be facilitated by outside facilitator in order to allow Executive Director to participate in the process. Facilitator would be from Mastery Program and pro-bono.

Committee Strategic Planning Worksheet – Mission, Goals and Strategies
Due by June 19th, 2014
Date: June 19, 2014
Committee Name: Safety and Emergency Planning Committee
Committee Chair: Carolyn Grieves
Committee Vice Chair:
Please attach a current list of your active committee members.
Carolyn Grieves
Kendra Rose

Kevin Culver
Brian Jack
David Said
Eduardo Gasca
Brian Sexton

Kevin Lookis

Jim Strutz - ILWARN

Mission of Committee:

The ISAWWA Safety and Emergency Planning Committee is dedicated to the promotion of safe practices by providing training resources and tools for the water community.

Committee Goal #1: Provide a preview of laws and regulations for safety issue and emergency planning.

a)  Strategies with related ISAWWA Goal #2 : Review national AWWA information related to safety issues and relay to the section with the website and blog

Committee Goal #2: Establish requirements and provide policy templates/cutsheets for safety issues (all/outsource with experts)

  1. Provide a summary policy template for a water system to develop a safety training program. Include resources, tools for a minimum of 3 safety issues. Resources may include templates, power points and Youtube videos.
  2. Example Safety issues include

·  Forklift safety

·  Chlorine

·  Lockout- Tagout

·  Arc Flash

·  Short Circuit

·  Basic Electrical Safety

·  Cold Weather Safety

c.  Strategies with related ISAWWA Goal #: 4,5,8

Committee Goal #3: Develop and post a Water Utility Safety Blog

a)  Utilize ISAWWA website to share Safety and Emergency Planning information and provide a location for utility members to ask other utility members questions. Blog to include

·  Question of the month

·  Tie to splash, website, newsletters

·  Challenges/gimmicks/gadgets

·  Funding opportunities

·  Help provide information to utilities that can be used to improve consumer confidence.

b.  Strategies with related ISAWWA Goal #: 4,5,8

Committee Goal #4: Continue to promote the Safety Wheel at Illinois Section events

a.  Strategies with related ISAWWA Goal #: 1,4,5,8

Committee Goal #5: Be a more active participant with Water Utility Counsel and Education Committee

a.  Strategies with related ISAWWA Goal #: 1,4,5,8

Illinois Section AWWA - Sample Worksheet for Committee Goal and Strategy Worksheet

Example: Below is an example of a mission statement and goals for the Education Committee. This is simply an example, is is not their committee strategic plan. The goal is the overall desired end result of activites and needs to support the Section Mission and Goals.
The Strategy is a summary statement of action items. Each strategy has a number at the end of the item to indicate which ISAWWA Section Goal that strategy supports.

Education Committee Mission: Dedicated to the development and delivery of low- cost and convenient educational seminars for water industry professionals.

Goals and Strategies:
Engage volunteers in the process of delivering educational opportunities (GOAL)

-  Develop guidelines for site monitors, presenters, and committee members (1,4,5,7,8)

-  Develop a recognition program for volunteers ( ie awards, certificates of dedication

Offer a comprehensive targeted list of educational opportunities (GOAL)

-  Develop a plan based on needs, topics and locations

-  Develop a method and schedule to review current educational program
Expand the revenue generated by webinar s (GOAL)

-  Develop a plan to work with neighboring Sections to expand webinar reach

-  Develop guideines for marketing efforts by presenters, ie . promo codes, etc.

-  Illinois Section AWWA – Strategic Direction – Revised 2013
Vision: Safe and sustainable water for Illinois

Mission: Provides resources for the management and advocacy of safe and sustainable water


1. Increase membership opportunities for younger members
2. Increase involvement at national AWWA
3. Increase public understanding of water issues and the value of water
4. Become the Association of choice for utilities and water professionals
5. Increase retention and involvement of members
6. Establish our strategy for total water
7. Provide regional networking opportunities
8. Promote cross generational knowledge exchange

Core Values:

Act with integrity and transparency
Dedicated to water stewardship
Encourage careers in the water industry
Foster collaboration, diversity and professionalism
Promote public confidence and satisfaction
Protect public health
Provide value

Goals: Below are the goals and strategies listed from the stategic planning session that would serve those goals. They are not in any particular order, nor it is a complete and exhaustive list.

Goal #1 - Increase membership opportunities for younger members

Prepare and send informational packets to college/trade school students (staff)
Attend career fairs (membership committee, outreach committee & trustees)
Network with younger members (YP)
Explore student chapters (staff)
Increase scholarship opportunities

Goal #2 - Increase involvement at national AWWA

Atend more national events such as ACE, DSS etc.
Provide future leaders for directors and national committees
Broadcast opportunities to current members
Develop future leaders mentoring program

Goal #3 - Increase public understanding of water issues and the value of water

Create an area on ISAWWA website focused on this topic
Create fact sheets
Build seminar-in-a-box training
Outreach to schools, youth, elected officials and media

Goal #4 - Become the Association of choice for utilities and water professionals

Establish relationships with other organizations while maintaining our identity
Identify joint training and network opportunities
Increase social networking events
Fundraising events
Fun events
High-quality training

Goal #5 - Increase retention and involvement of members

Expand training and education program
Increase training opportunities is water, wastewater
Utilize university professors
Increase involvement in retired professionals
Create a retired professionals club
Leadership training
Continue the membership week telethon
Develop a mentoring program
Give out awards

Goal #6 - Establish our strategy for total water

Create ad-hoc committee to determine target audience for outreach
Identify the training and Association needs of that targeted audience
Develop training specific to the target audience

Goal # 7 - Provide regional networking opportunities

Establish relationships with groups such as CNT, MPC, APWA etc.
Invite groups to participate at WATERCON
Identify other relevant groups

Goal #8 - Promote cross generational knowledge exchange

Leadership training
Mentoring programs
Mentoring Award
Ad-hoc committee to explore deploying retired professionals