Distribution and Management of Natural Resources in PA

Pennsylvania Coal

ä  PA produces more than half of its electricity in coal-burning power plants.

ä  Most of the coal used is bituminous (mined from the nearly 22 billion tons of coal reserved in western PA)

ä  Anthracite coal is only found sporadically in deposits in the eastern half of the state.

Mining PA Coals

Bituminous Coal Mining

2 Methods

ä  room and pillar method– rooms are cut into the coal bed, a series of pillars are left behind to support and provide air flow

ä  coal is removed from the rooms first…then the pillars are plucked until the roof caves in and then the mine is abandoned…

ä  longwall method – accounts for more than 1/3 of underground coal mining in PA

ä  a cutting head moves back and forth cutting the coal seam…pieces of coal fall onto a conveyor belt for removal from the mine…uses special roof supports that are moved as the seam is cut…the roof falls in as the supports advance

ä  Surface Mining (Contour Surface Mining/Open Pit Mining) – “Strip Mining”

Coal and the Environment

ä  PA Bituminous coal contains high amounts of pyrite which contains high levels of sulfur and iron

ä  Pyrite exposed to air/water forms sulfuric acid and iron hydroxide = ACID MINE DRAINAGE

ä  AMD lowers waters pH and covers river channels with iron hydroxide (yellow-orange)

ä  AMD is THE major source of water pollution in PA

ä  As a result of the problems in PA, DEP (Dept of Environmental Protection) CAN NOT (by LAW) issue a coal-mining permit that will cause additional AMD.

ä  Prior to the late 70’s mines were abandoned and NOT RECLAIMED

ä  The 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act requires ALL mining companies to restore mined land to it’s original condition by reconstructing the land’s topography and replanting vegetation.

ä  Burning coal also is an environmental concern.

ä  Emissions such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide combine with water vapor to form sulfuric and nitric acids, which lead to ACID PRECIPITATION

ä  Acid Precip. Lowers the pH in waterways and harms living organisms…can also leach aluminum, which is harmful.

Pennsylvania Power Plants

ä  50% PA electricity comes from coal…40% from nuclear…10% from hydroelectric, etc…

Coal-burning Power Plants

ä  How do coal-burning power plants produce electricity? (page 55-56, last paragraph)

Nuclear Power Plants

ä  How do nuclear power plants produce electricity?(page 56)

Hydroelectric Power Plants

ä  How do hydroelectric power plants produce electricity?(page 56)