Texas Regional Math Collaborative
Teacher Commitment Letter
I understand that as a Math Teacher Mentor, I must fulfill all the requirements and responsibilities set forth by the Math Collaborative in order to receive the materials and resources.
In order to fulfill grant requirements, Math Teacher Mentors (MTMs) will commit to all of the following 100 hours of professional development provided by Region One ESC and our external High Education Partner. The related Math instruction will include proportional reasoning and geometric and algebraic concepts. Below are all the MTM requirements:
¨ Attend 10-day Summer Institute (June 12-16, 2017 and July 17-21, 2017)
¨ Participate in 4-three hour afterschool meetings (TBA)
¨ Participate in at least 40 hours of professional development on Math content knowledge and pedagogy provided by Region One ESC (included in Summer Institute)
¨ Mentor at least 1 teacher and keep a mentoring log for documentation (12 hours non-immersion/24 hours immersion campuses)
¨ Recruit 1-2 Mathematics Cadre members to join in 2 days of professional development (12 hours) which may include the teachers you are mentoring
¨ Cadre members from an Immersion* campus will receive 12 hours of professional development and 12 hours of mentoring activities
¨ Present a math session at campus, district, local or state conference/Texas Regional Collaborative for Excellence in Mathematics Annual Meeting (4 - 8 hours) – Optional
¨ Select from an approved list of other Region One ESC Math professional development offerings – Optional
*Immersion campus is one which has committed to participating in training for EVERY teacher at the targeted
grade level.
¨ Acquire UT-EID.
¨ Complete pre- and post- assessments of teacher content knowledge.
¨ Attend all required sessions
¨ Keep mentoring logs and turn in upon request.
¨ Meet and mentor 1-2 teachers for at least 12 hours each (24 hours each for immersion campuses).
¨ Assist in providing Region One Mathematics Collaborative Project Director with student-level STAAR data for teachers at targeted grade level by May 31, 2018.
To be included in this data:
1. Number of students taught by the Teacher Mentor
2. Number of students from question 1 with state assessment data in math for 2018
3. Number of students in question 2 who did not meet the standard on the state assessment 2018
4. Number of students from question 2 who did meet standard on the state assessment in 2018.
This data will be submitted to Texas Regional Math Collaborative, reported only in aggregate form (combining data across approximately 1,000 Teacher Mentors) and will not be made available on an individual basis to anyone outside the TRC evaluation staff.
All evaluations and data responsibilities MUST BE submitted by May 31, 2018.
Print Name Signature
Project Director Date