Humboldt City Board Minutes
The Humboldt City Board met in regular session on Tuesday, October 9th, 2007. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen Schmeichel at 7:00 p.m. Trustees present were Theresa Muth, Jeff Kaufman, Leslie Ideker and Ritchy Griepp. Also present were Chad Hanisch, Mike Smith, Rick Muth and Don Boll.
The minutes of the September 24th, 2007 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Ideker and seconded by Muth to approve the minutes. The motion carried.
Open discussion was then held. Items discussed included the Karaoke Halloween party and the opening day of hunting event, both to be held at the City Bar, the Ambulance District, Turkey Days and the Sioux Falls Community Foundation meeting.
There will be a meeting regarding the ambulance district in Colton on October 11th, at Taopi Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Chad Hanisch was present for Joe Hanisch who was unable to attend due to field work. He indicated that Joe greatly appreciated the plaque he was presented for years of service for the Humboldt Baseball team. He indicated that Joe had purchased four scoreboards and control panels at an auction early this fall and the Joe Hanisch Family and the Giles Hanisch family would like to donate them to the Humboldt Summer Recreation Program.
The city board Thanked Chad for the donation and replacing the side advertising panels on the boards was discussed.
The establishment of a ball association and setting up a summer recreation meeting in late January or early February were discussed.
Chad Hanisch left at 7:20 p.m.
Mike Smith was present for the Municipal Bar and Rick Muth was present to discuss the Dart League at the Municipal Bar.
Rick indicated that in the past the Municipal Bar has sponsored the dart league by paying league fees and providing for a party at the end of the year. This year some of the individuals on the league are also playing at the Trophy Room and you can only be sanctioned under one league to play in the State Tournament. The board will review finances and discuss what they can offer the Dart League.
Mike plans on starting the free food for the Opening Day of Hunting event at 5:00 p.m. He has also hired a part time employee and is looking for one more. He requested the approval to order the parts and hoses to repair the cold plates for the kegs. The board approved the purchase.
The water project was discussed. Items submitted for approval were the SRF Loan reimbursement in the amount of $25,504.00, the Consolidated Grant reimbursement in the amount of $7,748.00, the Change Order # 2 for Winter Brothers to extend the completion date to October 15th, 2007 and adjust quantities used causing a decrease in price of $14,753.20, the Change Order #2 for KCH Construction to extend the completion date to September 30th, 2007, add pipe work at pump vault site, add electrical work and remove the demolition of the piping in the pump house decreasing the project by $ 139.58 and final payment request #4 for Winter Brothers in the amount of $28,652.18. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Kaufman to approve the above listed items. The motion carried.
The 2006 Annual Report was submitted for approval. After discussion, a motion was made by Muth and seconded by Ideker to approve the Annual Report as prepared by Schoenfish and Co. The motion carried. (E-mail attached)
Ritchy Griepp will be meeting with Fred Zimmer after the meeting tonight to get a quote on waxing and stripping the Humboldt Community Center.
The utility manager has been cutting trees to prepare for the snow removal season. He will be sweeping the streets that were chip sealed later this week. Items discussed included the demolition of the pump house, chlorinating the water and the storage shed at the ball diamond.
Complaints have been received regarding the maintenance of Ford Street. Donnie will contact the Township and have them blade it.
The bills, financials and payroll were all submitted for approval. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Griepp to approve the bills, financials and payroll. The motion carried. (E-mail attached)
With no further business, a motion was made by Ideker and seconded by Muth to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. The motion carried.