Style Guide
TAPAS Document Styles
Using the DeVa Styles document
Brian Randell
Barry Hodgson
Department of Computing Science
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
10 March 1996
Abstract: This document describes the set of styles proposed for use in DeVa documents. It is based on the original style definition document produced by Brian Randell and the subsequent PDCS Styles and Conventions document by David Powell, Jean-Claude Laprie and Brian Randell. The visual appearance of the original PDCS style sheet has been retained and updated to include later user-defined styles and to account for EndNote bibliography formatting. It consists of some illustrative explanatory pages produced using these styles, followed by detailed descriptions of all the styles.
1. Introduction
This document (on the MAC) contains the proposed style definitions for DeVa documents, set up for use directly in Microsoft Word, but is intended to be sufficiently self-explanatory in just its printed form to be also used by Project partners who have not (yet) migrated their document preparation to Word. The first four pages of explanatory text also serve as an example of how (some of) the style definitions might be used - it is an attempt to show how contributions to deliverables might be formatted. (Documents intended for other purposes might redefine the style definitions extensively, and so have a very different physical appearance.)
Subsequent pages provide examples of all the style definitions, each showing the intended appearance (but not necessarily the vertical positioning on the page, for example with footnote), and explaining/showing:
(i)where and how the style is intended to be used (e.g. use of capital letters, punctuation, etc.), and
(ii)in a dotted shadowed box, the exact name (or names) of the style, as used in the Word style sheet, and an explicit description of the style
The EndNote section should be followed in conjunction with the two files provided:
- EndNote Prefs (to place in Preferences folder in the System folder)
- DeVa 96 (to place in the EndNote style folder)
1.1Style Names
In this set of proposals, what matters most is the set of style names (which are where possible based on Word's standard default style names, e.g. "heading 1") and how they are used, rather than the exact definitions of each style - which could well be different for deliverables and - should we ever dare to contemplate it - “DeVa the Book”. We are assuming that four levels of section numbering (which for convenience are named "heading 2" to "heading 5", leaving "heading 1" to be used for report and chapter titles) will suffice - certainly more are to be deprecated! However "bullet heading" and "sub bullet heading" can also be treated as two further levels of sub heading.
Further style names are introduced and defined for: bulleted paragraphs and subparagraphs; narrow paragraphs (used, for example, for abstracts); author lines; affiliation lines; figures and their captions; plain text (used, for example, for programs); and for footnotes and footnote references. Modified definitions are also given for the standard default styles for page numbers, headers, footers, and table of contents entries.
The aim has been to rely as far as possible on existing default styles (redefining them where necessary) and to define a set of styles which will be adequate for all normal purposes. (In WORD documents that are intended as contributions to some joint document, over-riding the standard definitions should be avoided if at all possible - it would be better to introduce, and get joint agreement on, a new style, for use in defined situations.)
1.2Proposed Style Definitions
The use of 12 point Times font and justification, with Tabs every 1.27cm, and line separation of 10pt before the first line and 15pt between lines, is the proposed basic ("Normal") style. In all the other style descriptions below, justification and such Tab settings and line separation are assumed implicitly, unless otherwise stated. A hanging indent (created by setting the first line indent to the left of the rest of the paragraph) implies a Tab setting in line with the beginning of subsequent lines.) Thus, in the actual layout illustrated, it is assumed that Tabs are used appropriately after section (and subsection, etc.) numbers, and after bullets. (Actual bullets are produced using Option-8 (or the toolbar button) on the MAC, but could as above instead take the form of a parenthesized number, say.)
1.2.1Styles in Word
(Section is not for the faint of heart, and especially not for LaTeX users!) Details
The actual Word definitions of the styles can be printed for inspection by opening this document in Word, and using command Format:Define Styles followed by File:Print. All the other styles are based on (i.e. inherit, and augment or over-ride, the properties of) the "Normal" style. Needless to say, such a printed set of style definitions generated automatically from Word is definitive, and can be used to check the descriptions given below.
Where appropriate aliases have been defined for the standard Word style names (for example, "title" for "heading 1"). The provision of the "heading 8" and "heading 9" aliases for "bullet heading" and "sub bullet heading", respectively, allows Word also to see these further headings when it is generating a table of contents, if so desired, and to make use of them for Outlining.
This set of styles assumes that line numbering (for use presumably mainly in draft documents) has been turned on in the Format: Section command, and over-rules this in the "Normal" style. (This is done so that line numbering can be turned on and off simply by changing the "Normal" style, and is a trick to get round the fact that Section definitions are not part of a style sheet, but rather are stored in the current Word Settings(4) file.) Whether or not boxed editorial comments appear in the printed text can similarly be controlled using Format:Character after selecting a comment, making the appropriate change and then redefining the "comment" style based on the changed comment. (Alternatively one could set up, and switch appropriately between the use of, separate style sheets for draft and final documents, the former with "comment" using visible characters and "Normal" leaving line numbering on, the latter reversing these two decisions.)
Authors of project deliverables who are using WORD are advised to use this actual document as the source of their project “stationery”. By so doing they will automatically get the standard margin settings, etc., as well as the standard set of style definitions - and they will avoid progressive “style pollution”, i.e. building up in the set of styles all sorts of extraneous styles from other non-standard documents.
2Page Layout
The top, bottom, left and right margins are all 2.54cm. The Title will normally be at the start of a new page. Indents and Tab settings have been designed to allow for ordinary use, but will, for example, have to be modified if very long section numbers are used.
Page numbers are recommended to be centered, in the single-line footer, which is placed 1.27cm from the bottom of the page. An equivalent header is placed 1.27cm from the top of the page. The corresponding style definitions ensure that page numbers, and any other text placed in the header and/or footer, are in 12pt Times; both the header and footer are provided with an indent and a right-aligned Tab stop 1.27cm in from the left and right margins, respectively, and an appropriately placed centered Tab. (This document has arbitrary illustrative left and right headers and a footer containing just the centered page numbers.) The first page is set to differ - in having no headers or footers.
A footnote reference is illustrated here[1] and in the footnote below; its style is 9pt Times, Superscript 3pt, whilst the footnote text is 10pt Times.
A suggested format for Tables of Contents can be seen where the styles for Table of Content entries are described.
3Bibliographic Reference Style
Some bibliographic references are appended to this part of the document, to show the styles used for citations and the references themselves. These have in fact been inserted using EndNote, which in turn is using a specially-designed EndNote reference style patterned after that used by the UNIX "refer" system for the original DeVa Proposal. (This present sentence contains the citations from a conference paper [Anderson et al. 1985], a journal paper [Babaoglu 1985], a book [Mitrani 1987], an edited book [McDermid 1986], a report [Laprie 1986] and a book section [Randell & Xu 1995].) The actual EndNote style definitions and the rules for their usage for DeVa are the subject of a separate note.
EndNote will assist in getting homogeneous references, but it will not do everything. A few common conventions are necessary for reference types and data fields.
3.1 Attached Files
There are two attached files:
- EndNote Prefs (to place in Preferences folder in the System folder)
- DeVa 96 (to place in the EndNote style folder)
EndNote Prefs. This file defines 9 reference types with more-or-less self-explanatory titles and field names[2].
1.Journal Article
3.Book Section
4.Edited Book
5.Conference Proceedings
7.Personal Communication
8.Miscellaneous (to use for standards and such)
Note that this preference file indicates “obligatory” fields by a bullet.
Two other areas where there is much scope for disagreement are the Titles of referenced papers and of the names of Conference Proceedings. The following conventions are offered:
•Titles of papers— Follow the Springer rule for headings: Capitalise the first letter of nouns, verbs and all other words of 5 letters or more, for example:
Dependability Modeling of Safety Systems
•Names of conference proceedings— as in the following example:
Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems (FTCS-10)
Reference Style. The nice thing about EndNote is that we can defer agreeing about this! For the time being the attached DeVa 96 style is offered. Please note that this style requires version 2.0 or higher (it manages singular and plural for editors and page numbers) for Word 5 and Word 5.1, version 2.1 or higher for Word 6 and version 3.1 for Word Office 98 . The following references relate to the citations above and use the DeVa 96 style.
[Anderson et al. 1985] T. Anderson, P. A. Barrett, D. N. Halliwell and M. R. Moulding, “An Evaluation of Software Fault Tolerance in a Practical System”, in Proc. 15th IEEE Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-15), (Ann Arbor, Mich.), pp.140-5, 1985.
[Babaoglu 1985] O. Babaoglu, “Streets of Byzantium: Network architectures for fast reliable broadcasts”, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, SE-11 (6), pp.546-54, 1985.
[Laprie 1986] J. C. Laprie, Dependability: A unifying concept for reliable computing and fault tolerance, LAAS, Toulouse, France, 1986 (To appear in Resilient Computing Systems, T. Anderson ed., Collins and Wiley).
[McDermid 1986] J. A. McDermid (Ed.), Integrated Project Support Environments, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1986.
[Mitrani 1987] I. Mitrani, Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems, Cambridge University Press, 1987.
[Randell & Xu 1995] B. Randell and J. Xu, “The Evolution of the Recovery Block Concept”, in Software Fault Tolerance (M. Lyu, Ed.), Trends in Software, pp.1-22, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1995.
Title - showing how a very long title should appear
"heading 1" (also "title"): in 24 pt Times bold centered. Line separation before = 30pt, and after = 20pt, with multiple title lines kept together on the same page. (Used for the title of a report or a chapter.)
1Section Heading (this title has deliberately been extended to show how excessively long titles should be formatted)
"heading 2": in 14 pt Times bold. Line separation before = 20pt, with multiple heading lines kept together on the same page, and the heading kept on the same page as the following text. The Section number is followed by a Tab. Subsequent lines are indented as far as the first tab position.
1.1Subsection Heading
"heading 3" in 14 pt Times bold italics. Line separation before = 20pt, with multiple heading lines kept together on the same page, and the heading kept on the same page as the following text. The Subsection number is followed by a Tab. Continuation lines are indented as far as the first tab position.
1.1.1Sub-subsection heading
"heading 4": in 12 pt Times bold. Line separation before = 20pt, with multiple heading lines kept together on the same page, and the heading kept on the same page as the following text. The Sub-subsection number is followed by a Tab. Continuation lines are indented as far as the second tab position. heading
"heading 5": in 12 pt Times bold italics. Line separation before = 20pt, with multiple heading lines kept together on the same page, and the heading kept on the same page as the following text. The Sub-sub-subsection number is followed by a Tab. Continuation lines are indented as far as the second tab position.
•Bullet Heading
"bullet heading" (also "heading 8"): in 12 pt Times bold. Line separation before = 15pt, with multiple heading lines kept together on the same page, and the heading kept on the same page as the following text. First line indent (for bullet and a Tab) of -0.95cm, thereafter indent of 1.27cm.
•Sub-Bullet Heading
"sub bullet heading" (also "heading 9"): in 12 pt Times bold. Line separation before = 15pt, with multiple heading lines kept together on the same page, and the heading kept on the same page as the following text. First line indent (for bullet and a Tab) of -0.95cm, thereafter indent of 2.54cm.
Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text. Normal paragraph of text.
Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text. Another normal paragraph of text.
"Normal": 12 pt Times. Line separation before = 10pt, between = 15pt.
•Bullet paragraph (the bullet and tab have to be inserted explicitly). Bullet paragraph (the bullet and tab have to be inserted explicitly). Bullet paragraph (the bullet and tab have to be inserted explicitly).
Subsequent paragraphs relating to the same bullet should just start with a Tab, as does this one.
"bullet": in 12 pt Times. Line separation between = 15pt, and after = 10 pt. First line indent (for bullet and a Tab) of -0.95cm, thereafter indent of 1.27cm.
•Sub-bullet paragraph (the bullet and tab have to be inserted explicitly). Sub-bullet paragraph (the bullet and tab have to be inserted explicitly). Sub-bullet paragraph (the bullet and tab have to be inserted explicitly).
Subsequent paragraphs relating to the same bullet should just start with a Tab, as does this one.
"sub bullet": in 12 pt Times. First line indent (for bullet and a Tab) of -0.95cm, thereafter indent of 2.54cm.
A narrow paragraph of text, which could be used, for example, for the text of an Abstract. A narrow paragraph of text, which could be used, for example, for the text of an Abstract. A narrow paragraph of text, which could be used, for example, for the text of an Abstract.
"narrow": 12 pt Times. Left and right indents of 1.27cm.
Author Name
"author": 14 pt Times, centred. Line separation before = 10pt.
Second and subsequent lines of author names
"author-cont": 14 pt Times, centred. Line separation before = 5pt.
"figure": 12 pt Times, centred. Line separation before = 20pt. Kept on same page as the caption that follows it
Fig. 1: Caption of Figure
"caption": 12 pt Times bold, centred. Multiple lines together on a page.
Maths(By default, the formula is centred here)(1)
“maths’: 12 pt Times, tab stops 7.96cm centered and 15.92cm right flush. Try to use the Word Equation editor facility with the standard style defaults and the following size definitions (the exact English terms in the table below may not be correct since they are translated from the French version).
Normal / 12ptSubscript/Exponent / 75%
Sub-subscript/Exponent / 60%
Symbol / 150%
Sub-symbol / 100%
“table” Right indent 0.01cm, flush left , space before 1pt, space after 1pt, heading and text kept together and multiple lines kept together on same page. An empty line must be used to separate tables from preceding text
[Laprie 1975] J. C. Laprie, “Reliability and Availability of Repairable Structures”, in Proc. 5th. IEEE Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FCTS-5), (Paris, France), pp.87-92, 1975.
“bibliography” 12 pt Times. Style name required by EndNote.
A paragraph such as this is for editorial comments, e.g. text for the attention of co-authors that is not intended to appear in the final printout. The Word "hidden text" facility will normally be used to arrange that these parts of a document will not be printed.
"comment" 12 pt Times. First line indent of 1.27cm. Contained within a box, and is normally expected to be hidden text, except in draft documents.
Plain text - used for example for program listings, and anything else which requires standard character spacing. (Thus line justification is not appropriate and is therefore not in fact used as this long parenthesized explanation shows.)
"plain text": 9 pt Monaco.
7Footnote text. This can continue onto several lines. This can continue onto several lines. This can continue onto several lines. This can continue onto several lines.
8Another footnote text. This can continue onto several lines. This can continue onto several lines. This can continue onto several lines. This can continue onto several lines.