Teacher: Chen Subject: US History II Date: TBA
Content Standard/District ELO/National Standard: USII.1 Explain the various causes of the Industrial Revolution; USII.2 Explain the important consequences of the Industrial Revolution.
Key vocabulary: Industrial RevolutionHOTS: Students will be able to describe, compare, and contrast how art changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution / Visuals/Resources: MFA gallery walk images
Homework: None
Connections to Prior Knowledge/Building Background Information: Students have already learned about the Industrial Revolution. The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce that the Industrial Revolution created a change in American history; each of the images in the gallery pertain to this theme of change in some way.
Big Idea: How did the Industrial Revolution create a spirit of change in American history?
Content Objectives: Students will describe, compare, and contrast how art changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution
Process Objectives: Students will work independently
Language Objectives: Students will explain how one image from the gallery displays a spirit of change in American history / Meaningful Activities:
-Do Now (10 min)
-Big Picture (5 min): Read the connection to prior knowledge and big idea question with the students
-Mini Lesson (10 min): Have students tell you what they have already learned about the Industrial Revolution:
· Began in England in the early 18th Century then later spread to the rest of the world
· Process of change from an agrarian, handicraft economy to one dominated by machine and industry manufacture
· Iron and textile industries, along with the development of steam engines, played a big role in the Industrial Revolution
· Improved systems of transportation, communication, etc.
· Grim unemployment and poor working conditions for poor and working classes
-Lesson: (25 min) Students answer reflection questions on slide notes on MFA gallery walk
-Debrief: (5 min) Students explain how one image from the gallery connects to our class notes from the mini lesson
Differentiation Strategies:
-Students will think of at least four notices and wonders for the Do Now / Do Now:
-View the Do Now Image (Boston Harbor).
-List at least 4 notices
-List at least 4 wonders
Students hand in gallery walk notes for teacher to review
Wrap up/Exit Slip:
Debrief Conversation
SIOP Features
Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Options Integration of Process Application Assessment
__ Adaptation of Content __ Modeling __Whole Class _x_Reading __Hands-on __Individual__ Links to Background __ Guided Practice __ Small Groups _x_Writing __Meaningful _x_Group
_x_ Links to Past Learning _x_ Independent Practice __ Partners __Speaking __Linked to Objectives __Written
__ Strategies Incorporated __ Comprehensible Input _x_ Independent __Listening _x_Promotes Engagement _x_Oral