Project-Based Research I(Libertas Academy)
Fall 2017 Course Syllabus
Instructor / Davi KligmanPhone / (915) 937-2800 x 3020
Location / G3019
Email /
- Classroom Guidelines for Success:
- I will value everyone’s unique learning style.
- I will develop a strong work ethic.
- I will settle differences through respectful discussion.
- I will encourage my peers to offer their viewpoints.
- I will help my classmates feel safe.
- Classroom Rules:
- Follow the instructor’s electronic device policy.
- Put away cellphones, headphones and all non-class related materials.
- Assignments are completed individually unless specifically told to collaborate or work in groups.
- Stay on task during all work time.
- Unauthorized fundraisers are prohibited.
- Computer, printer, telephone and desk area are for instructor use only.
- Class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
- Course Description:
This is a course for students to research a real-world problem. Students will use legal tools to analyze a topic in the field of law. The overarching framework for the course will require students to analyze a criminal case file. Students will conduct in-depth research, compile findings and participate in extended learning experiences.
- Participation and Professionalism:
Class will consist of individual, pair and group assignments. Because this course is designed to prepare you for a legal career, you should conduct yourself as a professional in all your dealings with your instructor, campus staff and classmates. You should complete all reading/homework assignments, and come to class prepared to discuss material and complete in-class exercises. Students are not permitted to use recording devices in class to record the lecture or another student unless it is included as part of a student’s approved 504 or Individualized Education Plan.
- Grade Distributions:
- Daily assignments/participation/quizzes: 50%.
- Tests/Projects: 30%
- Nine Weeks Test: 20%
- Materials:
- Provided in class:
- Serial Season 1, Episode 1 Podcast Episodes**
- Various other materials
- Student provided:
You are expected to come to class with all materials daily. Notebooks should be taken home, they are not to be left in the classroom overnight.
- One subject spiral or composition notebook, or binder with designated divider for this class.
- Pen (blue or black ink only) or pencil.
- Highlighter
- Stack of 3x5 index cards
- Laptop: May use own or borrow from Mr. Hinojos’ room. Please have on and ready by the time the bell rings.
- Expectations:
You are expected to have a working SISD email address and to check it at least once daily for updates, reminders and announcements. You should also check my webpage regularly.
- Due Dates and Late Work:
Graded assignments are due at the beginning of class on the established date. Late work is defined as any assignment which is turned in after the due date, unless the student had an excused absence for illness, death in the family, a school activity or other serious circumstance. As this course is designed to prepare you for the practice of law, deadlines are extremely important. Generally, late work is viewed as a failure of the student put forth his or her best effort. Therefore, late work will not be accepted without written authorization from the instructor. A student who wishes to request said authorization should complete the attached Late Work Request and must receive approval. Ifan exception is granted, the maximum grade possible will be no higher than the lowest grade given for timely work. This will still be better than a zero (0).
- Makeup Work:
Makeup work is defined as assignments missed due a student’s excused absence. I may request appropriate documentation. Eligibility for makeup work based on an unexcused absence will be determined on a case-by-case basis, and will require parent/guardian/responsible party contact. You are still required to make up assignments missed due to a school activity. It is your, the student’s, exclusive responsibility to talk with me and get any assignments that need to be made up. A folder will be kept by the door with any handouts that were missed. You should make it a habit of checking the folder upon return from an absence. You will have two class days to make up an assignment for each day you were absent. For example, if a student is absent on Monday, and returns on Tuesday, the student will have until the beginning of class on Thursday of that week to turn in a makeup.
- Redo’s:
Follow the campus and district redo policy.
- Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty shall include, but is not limited to, turning in someone else’s work as your own, cheating on a test, copying another student’s work, plagiarism, and unauthorized collaboration with another student. There is a zero-tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. Itmay result in a penalty on the assignment, contact with parent/guardian/responsible party and/or disciplinary referral.
- Course Outline
Week / Dates / Topic
9 / August
7-11; 14-18
21-25; 28-Sept. 1
11-15; 18-22;
25-29 / Introductions, classroom policies and procedures
The Concept of Justice, Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Criminal Trial Overview & Burden of Proof
Labor Day Holiday
Texas Rules of Evidence
Theories of Punishment & The Death Penalty
Begin Project Topic Development & Research (Ongoing)
13-15 / October
16-20; 23-27; 30-11/3
6-10; 13-17; 27-12/1
20-24 / Fall Intersession
Begin Serial Season 1 Podcast; Ep. 1-3
Serial Season 1 Podcast; Ep. 3-5
Veteran’s Day Holiday
Thanksgiving Break
17 / December
11 & 12
Nine Weeks Exam/Project 12/13 / Serial Season 1 Podcast; Ep. 6-7
Review Days
Request for Late Work Exemption
Name: ______Date: ______
Title of assignment: ______
Check One:
I am requesting an exemption in advance because (explain fully): ______
I do not have my assignment today because (select the appropriate answer):
____ I did the assignment but didn’t bring it to class.
____ I chose not to do the assignment.
____ I forgot.
____ I didnot have the necessary materials at home.
____ I was absent and did not get the assignment.
____ Other: Please explain. ______
I understand that if my request is granted, the maximum grade possible will be no higher than the lowest grade given for timely work.
Dear ______,
Your request is ______. Your new due date is ______. If the assignment is still late after the indicated date, there are no further extensions and the grade will be reflected in the gradebook as a zero (0). Please attach this to your assignment.
Thank you,
Ms. Kligman
Permission Slip for Serial Podcast
Dear Parent/Guardian of ______,
The above-named student is enrolled in my Project-Based Research I course. As part of the curriculum, I will be using the Serial: Season 1 podcast, which is produced by This American Life. It discusses the real life criminal murder case of Adnan Syed. It will be used as a criminal case study for students to evaluate and analyze legal concepts, and will serve as the framework for a cumulative project. Because this podcast has excerpts from audio-recorded witness statements, and discusses a murder, it does contain some profanity and sensitive material. Whenever and to the extent possible, I will use the “clean” version of the audio and/or will mute those particularly sensitive moments. I believe that the assistance of this technology will allow students to experience a legal scenario in a real-world context.
I am requesting my students obtain a signed permission slip. If you feel this content is not appropriate for this student, he/she will be given a similar, but alternative assignment. If needed, I will also make arrangements for said student to complete work in Mr. Hinojos’ room or in the library whenever podcast episodes are played in class. I plan to begin the Serial assignment on October 16th. Please note there will be no academic penalty due to you declining this permission. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by phone at (915) 937-2800 x 3020 or email .
Thank you for your time,
Davi Kligman
Libertas Law Teacher
Please Return this Portion to Ms. Kligman by Friday, August 11, 2017
Student Name______
Check one:
Yes, I give my student permission to participate in the Serial podcast.
No, I do not give my student permission to participate.
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent/GuardianDate