TCMAffiliate Meeting
Present:Ramona Macek, CDDO; Michele Heydon, Sunflower Supports; Celeste Hund, Sunflower Supports; Ali Pontious, Sunflower Supports; Ann Barr, TARC; Katie Sherwood, Easter Seals Capper Foundation; Margie Pressgrove, Abilities Equals Success; Tammy Edmiston, TARC; Amy Shockey, Sheltered Living Inc.; Rick Snodgrass, Monaco & Associates; Sandy Jenkins, CDDO; Tim Gorton, Sheltered Living Inc.; Coleen Hernandez, CDDO; Kristy Rasnic, S.T.E.P.S.; Rachel Munoz, CDDO; Cheryl Laaker, Community Living Opportunities;
Cynthia Fecchia, Community Living Opportunities; Tracey Herman, TARC; Sabrina Winston, CDDO; Nathaniel Penny, Sheltered Living, Inc.; Dawn Zabala, Sheltered Living, Inc.; Merilee Larson, Lifeworx; Jovanna Vink, Sheltered Living, Inc.; Donna J. Holstein, Sheltered Living, Inc.; Larry Collins, Sheltered Living Inc.; Rachel Kuehn, CDDO; Paula O’Brian, CDDO; Nancy Rhone, CDDO; Robert Smith, CDDO
The meeting opened with introductions of those in attendance.
CDDO Updates: Coleen reminded all case managers to upload the Needs Assessment in Excel version and to continue to scan in the signature page. Always update your cover sheet and justification page. The justification section of the Needs Assessment needs to be thorough whenrequesting an increase of current hours. Please be specific of why the enhancement in hours is needed.
Coleen stated when she has been reviewing PAS Tools there have been repetitive errors.
- If someone has multiple providers for day services,choose one agency and do not include the other provider(s) or provider codes on the form.
- Choose the correct PAS Tool that is being done for example home, adult residential, children’s residential or day services from the drop down menu and then click NEW.
- When entering the service provider code and name, make sure those are correct.
Employment questions have been updated but are not being answered correctly. Sabrina stated that on the question regarding barriers to employment be sure to read them before answering. The SNCDDO numbers are not calculatingrightwhen reported to the statequarterly.
If the person is working in a work shop the answer is no. Refer to the handout for description of competitive employment.
- (250a) is the person currently in competitive employment? Yes or No
- (250b) If no to (250a), does this person centered support plan (PCSP) describe the barriers and plans to overcome barriers to achieve competitive employment? Yes or No
- 250c if yes to 250b, choose one primary barrier from the list that is listed in the PCSP.
It was asked if cognitive capacity could be added to the list of reasons why someone may not be competitively employed. Sabrina stated that she could ask the Statewide Quality Oversight Committee but for now the response would be “other”. She stated that this list was put together by the committee. Ramona stated that competitive employment is being tracked by SRS as one of the contract performance goals which is to have a 5% increase statewide. There actually has been a decrease from the May 2011 DD summary data. Ramona stated that there are various reasons why this has happened. It is very important to update the services page of BASIS when someone is employed and send it to Sandy so the BASIS is updated even if temporary employment.
Ramona stated that the number ofrequests for multiple day providers isbecoming a problem due to the reasons given. She stated that not all CDDOs have persons who access multiple day providers. In Shawnee County it isapparent that some individuals prefer to have a variety of services during the day. For someone to have multiple day providers it needs to be written in their PCSP with specific days the person is going to a provider so there is accountability. This is also helpful for the CDDO and SRS staff when conducting follow-up and monitoring of services provided. If someone stays home sick it is not a billable day service activity and possible there would be a recoupment if audited. Ramona suggested referring the day providers to review the HCBS DD Day Services and Limitations section in the KMAP manual when you are asked to add their agency to a person’s Plan of Care for that reason.Ramona stated that if an event occurs, inclement weather (ice/snow storm),the CDDO will request an exception to be approved by SRS. So when providers are asking for “just in case” it is not going to be approved.
Robert spoke about children in foster care and how confusing it can be as it doesn’t occur often. Children in SRS custody are a contract exception and may access HCBS DDwaiver services. You need to submit a funding request, Needs Assessment and other supporting documentation to be approved by the CDDO funding committee. (handout)
- Robert stated that funding is not automatic. Children leaving custody may also access services but the CDDO needs to be informed as soon as possible and receive documentation of them being removed from custody. The permanency plan should list theDD services needed.
- Also included on the handout is the definition for submitting a crisis request.
- Foster care – Out of county placements andShawnee County is their home county in BASIS. When the person is coming out of custody, the case transfers to wherever that child/adult is living. TheSNCDDO needs to be informed of this so that their funds are ported to the new CDDO area.
- When persons don’t access services for 30 consecutive days, submit a temporary closing POC to close out the services which may be restarted as long it is within 6 months.
- Remember to save and send POCs after you have completed it. Robert does not have a way to track them and does not know one has been completed until he receives an email notification that is has been submitted.
- Ramona stated that SRS is reviewing low utilization and closing out POCs. If you are aware of someone that is having a difficult time finding an attendant worker, let the CDDO know if it’s close to the 30 days so SRS may be notified of the reason.
When someone is changing FMS providers the CDDO needs to know immediately and prior authorization approval in advance. The attendant worker may not use the call in/out AuthentiCare system until there is a POC approved by SRS. This may cause delays with them being paid in a timely fashion. Please submit the POC at least 2-3 weeks prior to the first of the month the FMS provider change will occur.
There is a proviso requesting that KanKare be delayed for DD services until Jan. 1, 2014.
The SRS/CDDO Stakeholder meeting is at 9:30 a.m., May 17, SRS Learning Center.
Contract negotiations are scheduled for May 22, 23, 24 and June 26, 27 and 28. Ramona stated they are changing language to KDADS from SRS with the exception of children in custody.
Dawn Zabala spoke about Boy Scouts, middle school age to adult. They are in need of new recruits to continue the troop. They meet 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. every other Monday at the First Free Methodist Church, 3450 SE Indiana. For more information contact Dawn at r (785) 233-2566.
Guest Speaker: Rebecca Atnip, Program Director for Hope, Topeka Housing and Credit Counseling, Inc., spoke about several of the programs that are offered through the Housing and Credit Counseling, which included the Hope program and community workshops. Rebecca stated that all their services are free with the exception of counseling which is income-based. See handouts.
For more information visit The Topeka Housing and Credit Counseling website or call (785) 234-0217. Rebecca can be reached at (785) 234-0217
Ext. 314.
The next meeting is July 12 at 3 pm.