DUE: May 21st

This year we have learned about many exciting events in Virginia’s history. Your final project for social studies will be to create a “Shoebox Presentation” on any fourth grade VA SOL. Use your interactive notebook, textbooks, library resources, and the internet for support. Begin by looking through your notes and finding your favorite topic. Your topic should be specific, for example, choose “The First Battle of Bull Run” rather than a broad topic such as “The Civil War.” Only one student will be allowed to do a specific topic, so please choose three possibilities. Please choose three choices below; sign and return by Friday, April 20th.

The complete project will consist of the following parts:

*an oral presentation of 1 – 2 minutes;

*a decorated shoebox with 4 to 6 items displayed;

*index cards describing each item

The oral presentation should be 1 – 2 minutes in length. The student should prepare to give a brief overview of the topic and explain the importance of each item in the shoebox. Bonus points will be awarded to students who come dressed as a person involved and address the class as that person.

The shoebox should be covered and decorated while depicting important facts about the topic. There should be facts, dates, involved persons, and places written on the outside of the box.

The display items should each fit in the shoebox.

The index card describing each item in the box should name the item and explain why it is important. Descriptions should use complete sentences and proper spelling.

Have fun!


1st Choice: ______

2nd Choice: ______

3rd Choice: ______

I have read and understand the responsibilities of the Shoebox Presentation project due on May 21st.


Student signatureParent signature

*return this portion only; please keep the top for your reference

Name & #:______Date:______

Shoebox Project



_____ Shoebox decorated on the outside with written information and 4-6

items in the box. (25 points)

_____ Index cards with 3-4 complete sentences explaining each item (20 points)

_____ Oral presentation 1-2 minutes (20 points)

_____ Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling on index cards and written report.

(10 points)

_____ Written report with important information about the person and their

contributions or battle that will be used for the oral report. (25 points)

_____ Dressed and spoke as person. (optional)

_____ Total Points

_____ Final Grade
