JMSEL Questions / CommentsLarge Exercise
User Load
How many users participate in executing JMSEL activities during Small, Medium and Large exercises? (total # of users) / 300 -1,500
How many concurrent users (maximum # of active users executing JMSEL activities simultaneously) are accessing/ executing JMSEL activities on average during Small, Medium, and Large exercises? / Day shift has most users 60-70%
Exercise Duration/Execution
What is the average duration for each exercise size (i.e. 7 days)? / 5 to 21days
How many hours during each day do JMSEL scenario activities take place? (i.e. 8 total hours each day) / 24/7
How many injects are typically released or processed each hour? / Day shift does approximately 80%; night shift 20%
Does your user group ever execute more than one exercise concurrently (e.g., large exercise and one or more small exercises at the same time)? If yes, do you associate these exercises in order to view them under one umbrella? / NORTHCOM uses associated databases for its exercises that are built on separate servers (NEN and CSNI) and then linked them on SIPRNET
Inject Creation
How many total injects on average are created for each exercise size? / 500-3,000
What percentage of injects are created during the MSEL Development Conference? / 75-80%
How long does it take on average to create each inject for the scenario? / Varies depending on detail and experience but on average 10-15 minutes.
What percentage of injects are created by copying an existing inject/searching the inject library? / 10-20%
Are all injects created processed through completion in the Release Process steps? If not, what percentage is processed? / YES
Approximately, what percentage of injects are processed in Email mode? / ~50% for COCOM without DMHS to send messages
Approximately, how many attachments are uploaded to each size exercise? / 200+ megs; this number is increasing
How often are injects deleted? / Minimal – remain as in the “database clean up” in case required later
If “Edit Buffering” enabled, how often do proposed changes occur during MSEL development? / NO – set to lock at different release stages
What percentages of proposed changes are approved? / N/A
What percentages of proposed changes are declined? / N/A
Training Objectives
How many training objectives on average are associated to each inject? / 400-900
Are training objectives added or modified once an exercise begins? If yes, how often does this occur? / NO
Do you associate training objectives from associated events? If yes, how often does this occur? / NO
Additional Questions / Comments
Inject Search
How often do you perform an inject search? / Continuous throughout the day
How often do you use Keyword Search feature? / Continuous throughout the day
How often do you use the Advanced Search Options feature to search? / Continuous throughout the day
What specific criteria do you use to filter your search results? / Various means are used by cells such as events per day, key events per day, event/implementor status,
Summary Views
How often do you use the inject summary views? / Continuous use among all the cells
Which views are primarily utilized: All Injects, Key Injects, Placeholder Injects, Deleted Injects, Proposed Changes, Incomplete Implementor, MSEL Summary Report, and Implementor Summary Report? / Various means are used by cells throughout the shift.
Which export capabilities (i.e., Word, Excel) do you typically use for summary views: All Injects, Key Injects, Placeholder Injects, Deleted Injects, Proposed Changes, Incomplete Implementor, MSEL Summary Report, and Implementor Summary Report? / Various means are used by cells. Excel mainly used to export Injects per day, events by cell, key events, etc. MSEL and Implementor Summary main reports printed
What percentage of your time, during execution, is spent on monitoring? / Various means are used by cells based on their function. Example: Training team constantly monitors events
Which tools do you typically use to view/monitor injects: Calendar, Concept Map, Status Board, and Status Report? / The latest version of JMSEL allows each cell to see their events directly on the main switch board so do not have to change view. Otherwise , various means are used such as the calendar, status report; concept map, and status board
Which export capabilities (i.e., Word, Excel) do you typically use for injects: Calendar, Concept Map, Status Board and Status Report? / Mainly Excel: using the export function and from Status Report
How often do your perform a MSEL Sync during execution? / Twice daily, Once per shift
What timeframe do you normally review during each MSEL Sync (i.e. next 12 hrs, 24 hrs)? / Most COCOM’s are every 12 hours to during each shift. NORTHCOM does 24 hours, since exercise is driven by the State and National interagency organizations, which does not have a night shift
Do you use the Status Report during the MSEL Sync to update inject statuses? / YES. Exception is NORTHCOM since it has associated database on separate servers that are not able to be updated via the Status Report and have to be done on each server
How many injects do you typically review during the course of the Sync before applying the status change? / Varies based on discussion. Generally, apply within 10 min to keep JMSEL refreshed
Do you use the Monitor Injects feature? / NO
If your answer is Yes to the above, what are the parameters typically set to for monitoring injects? N/A / Refresh Rate: N/A
Max Email Notices: N/A
Time Between Notices: N/A
Reminder Notice: N/A