TCM Grace Ministries in the Philippines

47 Jade St., GoldenvillveSubd., Banawa CebuCity 6000

E-mail: * Cp.No.09487516569

SEC Reg. No. 13617 Edited by Pastor Jun Pielago

Praise & Prayer Notes

2016 TCM Grace National Annual Conference Edition

Welcome to the 58th TCM Grace National Annual Conference 2016! - Venue: JC Complex, Kidapawan City, April 26-29. Theme: “One Dream, OneTeam”. ANOTHER exciting event and the most awaited event of the year for the TCM family and friends! Enjoy the wholesome Christian fellowship expressed in sharing, praying, worshiping, and learning together with both old and new acquaintances from various parts of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao! “MalipayongPag-abot!”

Celebration for 100 Grace Churches on One Island - “A sea of faces” is how Pastor Pielago described the celebration of thankfulness for the establishment of 100 Grace Churches on the island of Negros in the Philippines. Five hundred people were expected, but over 1000 attended the activities of the opening night! God’s faithfulness is un-expendable, indeed! Incredibly amazing! As early as 8:00 a.m. on March 23, 2016, motor cycles, cars, and cargo trucks full to the maximum of Grace believers, began arriving from different parts of Negros island. Most of the vehicles carried colorful streamers identifying their church locations along with colorfully printed “Grace Grand Thanksgiving Celebration” banners! At 4:00 p.m., the Governor of Negros Oriental gave a short talk welcoming the visitors to his province. A three-minute fireworks display at the Tambo public plaza signaled the opening ceremonies of the historic celebration. The Word was strongly proclaimed and expounded by Pastor Ben Anderson and TCM national leaders during the two-day celebration. Some 30 adults and young people professed salvation at the close of the grand event. The celebration was superb, unforgettable, spiritually enriching, and God-glorifying!” (TCM Website)

Honored Guests at Negros 100 Churches Celebration - TCM International Director, Ben Anderson was the featured guest speaker at the Negros Grand Thanksgiving Celebration this past week to commemorate 100 Grace Churches on one island: 1000 in attendance, 101 churches, 30 professions of faith. Pastor Jesse Nombre, pictured with Ben, is one of the faithful church planting pioneers of TCM in the Philippines. The TCM Grace ministry on the island of Negros began in 1960 through the ministry of the late Pastor Vernon Anderson and pioneer Filipino workers including the late Pastor PotencianoUndag. The late Pastor Joseph Watkins (70's) and Pastor Vernon Bigelow (early 80's) were tremendously used of the Lord to encourage the ministry along with the late Pastor Simforiano Babylonia. 1960-2016 – 56 years! All through these years, “His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness!”

TCM Summit 2016 – What is It and Who Can Attend? - This annual meeting is a top leadership level meeting where plans are prayerfully discussed for the whole ministry of Things to Come Mission. Some of the existing plans and programs for church growth of TCM, Philippines, for example, were outputs from prayerful workshops during the Summit. The annual TCM Summit is one of the “Think Tank” groups of the Mission. Among other general objectives of the TCM Summit are the following: 1. TO HELP initiate new plans and programs for the Mission; 2. TO EVALUATE existing plans, programs, and other documents of the Mission; 3. TO PROVIDE a special forum for intelligent discussions of issues affecting the ministry; 4. TO ASSIST the TCM Board in propelling the ministry direction of the Mission; 5. TO FOSTER healthy and deeper relationships among top leaders of the Mission. This year’s TCM Summit will be held at North Meadows in Kidapawan City, April 25-26 with the theme: “How Far . . . So Far?” Official participants of the Summit are: TCM Board of Trustees, Department Heads, IGBI Directors, Supervising Ministers, Deputy Supervising Ministers, TCM Consultants, TCM Senior Advisers, Regional Division Coordinators, district level coordinators of departments, and district level presidents of TCM workers, men, women, and youth groups. The program opens at 8:00 A.M., April 25 and ends at 3:30 P.M., April 26.

GTCM Graduates 14 Missionary Trainees - Fourteen Filipino missionary candidates have graduated from Grace Theological Center for Mission in Manila, Philippines. Most of these candidates have family and ministries, so their involvement with this mission training program was a sacrifice. The trainees have all expressed strongly their calling to take the gospel to the regions beyond the Philippines. TCM missionary Genesis Maraat challenged them from 1 Cor. 9 at the graduation on Nov. 29 with over 250 Grace members from the Manila churches attending. A favorite song performed by the trainees is “Go Tell the Untold Millions.” Several more people were challenged for mission and discussions are already underway for the next class of GTCM. Pray also for TCM-USA and TCM-Philippines as we review applications from these candidates and assist them with fund-raising in both countries.(TCM Website)

Luz Gaddi Retires from Missionary Service - Luz Gaddi is retiring after 30 years of ministry with TCM in Indonesia, Uganda and Kenya. Kenya’s national director, Titus Kivilu, writes, “We sincerely thank God for tremendously using Madam Luz during her 1 year ministry in Uganda and the 7 years of ministry in Kenya. Her ministry in Kenya was quite unique as she never lived in one place but she moved around the country every 6-12 months, living among the people and ministering to the local churches. The commitment and sacrificial spirit Luz has expressed in her missionary work is a challenge to all of us to serve the Lord selflessly and with total devotion. During her ministry Luz mentored and trained competent Sunday school teachers, youth and women’s leaders. She has also been one of the instructors in our Bible School training programs. Our faithful Lord has her reward in heaven for all such labors for Him. As Madam Luz retires she leaves a great legacy in Africa and everywhere else she worked as a missionary.”(TCM Website)

Warmest Congratulations to the New IGBI Graduates! - 45 students marched for graduation on five of the six TCM IGBI campuses in the Philippines for school-year 2015-2016. 20 from IGBI-Tagum City; 9 from IGBI-Ozamiz City; 5 from IGBI-Bataan; 4 from IGBI-Cauayan City; and 7 from the Negros Grace Bible Training Center in Kabankalan City. These new graduates have already submitted their applications to become recognized pastors and Bible women of Things to Come Mission,thus they are now part of the over 700-strong force of TCM workers serving various Mission’s departments and over 500 TCM Grace churches in the Philippines! We join the administration and faculty of each of the campuses in expressing deep appreciation to the parents, individuals, organizations, and churches for faithfully praying and sacrificially supporting both the schools and students in meeting their various needs.

Pat Kilgo Speaking in the Philippines - Pat Kilgo was in the Philippines as speaker at the graduations at IGBI-Ozamis and IGBI-Tagum. International Grace Bible Institute began operating in 1959 and has now grown to six campuses located throughout the Philippines. Pat is also speaking at the Grace Professionals of the Philippines organization. Pastor Cadelina is Pat's traveling companion and reports that 36 ministry students graduated from the two Bible schools. Although their vehicle was broken into and Pat lost all his clothes, they were able to maintain their busy schedule on the island of Mindanao until April 10, 2015. (TCM Website)

Adventurous Outreach to Manobos in the Philippines- Pastor Cadelina shared this story: “The first night of evangelistic meetings was way up in the mountains. We left the van due to broken bridges and hiked barefoot. When I walked about one kilometer, a member told me to ride on his horse. I had not ridden a horse in quite a long time. It was exciting. Two of the three team members hiked with another horse carrying the generator, wires, amplifier, tracts, etc. The first night meeting had many problems like rain showers. Two persons who had unsolved conflicts got into a fight in the meeting hall. One was hit with a stick and the bolo (machete) was ready for stabbing. There were drops of blood. So, I stopped the show. When the two were gone, we continued. Then we almost ran out of gasoline for the generator. In the end nearly all attendees professed to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord. We are so happy!” (TCM Website)

Historic Day for Things to Come Mission! - International Director, Ben Anderson, writes: “January 20 could be the greatest day in the history of Things to Come Mission. The TCM board, meeting in Indianapolis, accepted 12 new missionaries from three countries who will be proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in five countries. Now the work begins of assisting these missionary candidates to form their sending teams and travel to the place God has directed them by the end of 2016. Please be in prayer for them: Dan & Amy Banac, James & Agape Bermejo, Faith & Judy Bunglo, Paul & Mariana Craesmeyer, Robby & Tegwen Heath, SalvinaUlfindo and JunaUmacob. It is an honor to be working with these faithful men and women of God.”

IGBI-Ozamiz City Campus Covered Court - A 2500-seater covered court rises at the IGBI-Ozamiz City Campus! The ground-breaking service and ceremony was formally opened by Pastor Felix Rosales last February 2, 2016. Main participants were Pastor Abundio Boco and Pastlr Pedro Calledo, Jr. More than 140 church members from six TCM Ministry Districts attended and witnessed the special gathering. Immediately after the service about 50 from the attendees started a well-organized work activities supervised by Engr. Haniel Lara Remotigue. The same number of workers (mostly volunteers) remained on campus to continue working on the project.

Thanksgiving & Church Anniversary in Camotes Island, Cebu - It was the celebration of the annual event of the new church in Villahermosa, municipality of Tudela. There are three TCM Grace congregations on this island of four municipalities. The Grace ministry on this part of Cebu province is being led by Pastor & Mrs. LitoDalumpines, Pastor Mrs. MohamerAkiatan, and Evangelist Leonardo Estrera.

Lightning Church Visits in Olutanga Island, Sibugay - Five of the six TCM Grace churches on the island were visited by the team (Pastor &Mrs. Josue/BebeElvina, Pastors Eddie Edama, Rene Luchavez, Bert Dayandayan, Kim Carpentero, and Pielago) last week of July. Except for Moalboal, churches visited included: Sta. Maria, Noque, Talusan, Catipan, and Solar. The visits were made during the Continuing Education Seminar which was hosted by the GGCC in Solar. The group in Talusan is a “returnee” from a friendly group.

TCM Workers’ Continuing Education Seminars- 12 seminars through the Grace School of Biblical Studies (GSBS) were conducted in various strategic locations from July 2015 to March 2016. Pastor Ben & Ma’am Joyce Anderson (Director of TCM-International and Mission Care Coordinator, respectively) were guests in five of these seminars. Levels I and II subjects under the continuing education program are designed to offer advanced leadership development skills for TCM workers and lay leaders. Close to 500 students are currently enrolled in these discipleship programs for leaders. Qualified GSBS students will be conferred titles based on secular educational attainment come 60th Thanksgiving Conference in 2018.

TCM Founding Anniversary! - Let’s begin praying, planning, and preparing for April 24-27, 2018. The thanksgiving conference will celebrate the 60th Founding Anniversary of Things to Come Mission in the Philippines. TCM’s history in the Philippines began when the late Pastor Vernon Anderson and his wife Darlene arrived in 1958. These pioneer missionaries worked with Filipino pastors in aggressive church planting activities and deeper study of the Word “rightly divided.” A year later, the late Pastor Joseph Watkins and his wife Pauline joined the Andersons in expanding the work by starting a training program for future pastors and Bible women. The Hunts, the Bigelows, the Shrivers, and the Heaths, and others followed. The Lord richly blessed their efforts. In 1973, close to a hundred churches were planted and organized. Since then, God has continually blessed the Grace ministry. And today, 504 churches are organized and located in all 18 political subdivisions of the Philippines. It is but fitting and proper to rejoice and remember God’s faithfulness by celebrating the 60th TCM’s Founding Anniversary in 2018! To God be all the glory!

Don’t Miss Attending the International Conference! - Just visited the SEAGC venue with Joyce, Ariel & Faith Mahilum and Gardner Improso. The Cambodian prime minister was staying in the hotel for Chinese New Year so it was hard to get in. You are all going to enjoy the hotel facilities. Several meeting areas, 200 rooms, pool, gardens, coffee shop, massage and dining, all on site and not far from the airport and Angkor Wat. Toy, the manager, showed us around. A note to non-ASEAN visitors: the Cambodian visa now costs $30 per person for 30 days plus $2 if you do not have passport picture. (Ben Anderson)

Seminar Held for Children’s Department Coordinators- 25 Bible Women from TCM Ministry Districts attended the three-day seminar at the GGCC, Carlock St., Cebu City last September 22-25, 2015. The nation-wide seminar was under the auspices of the TCM Children’s Department.Workshops on preparation of lessons and materials for children pre-occupied the daily activities. The seminar re-echoed “Strengthening Our Vision for Growth” (Phil. 3:13-14), theme of the TCM’s National Annual Conference last year in Zamboanga City. The Children’s Department is one of the eight departments of the Mission. Mrs. Elsie Sanchez, Cebu district coordinator of the department, organized and facilitated the whole seminar.Head of the department is Mrs. Ruth P. Baluyot.

20 New Churches Planted from May 2015-April 2016 - 20 new churches were planted in the following locations in a 12-month period: PulongTagalog, Cauayan City; Gibraltar, Baguio City; Bayog, Aurora, Quezon; Inanuran, Mayantoc, Quezon; Quezon, Placer, Masbate; Balamban, Cebu; Moalboal, Talusan, Sibugay; Tuno, Diplahan, Sibugay; San Roque, Prosperidad, Agusan Sur; Tagbina, Surigao Sur; Malagamot, Panacan, Davao City; Padada, Davao del Sur; Bala-as, Mabuhay, San Fernando, Bukidnon; Laguindingan, Cagayan de Oro City; Gingoog City; M’lang, Cotabato; Tanglaw, Linao, Matalam, Cotabato; Midtodong, Tamped, Kabacan, Cotabato; Sampiniton, Jimalalud, Negros Oriental; and, Casayan, Siaton, Negros Oriental. From 2012-2016, the Lord has blessed TCM with 76 new churches planted! Hence, we are only short of 39 more churches before we hit the target of 115 new churches planted by December 31, 2017. By the grace of God, we will succeed! Pray.

Dear TCM-Grace Members and Friends:

We are grateful to the Lord for all of you who have been with us through thick and thin in pursuing our goals for the Grace ministry here in the Philippines! We are praying that the same spirit of working together would prevail as we continually endeavorto reach our common ministry goals. May 2016, 2017, and 2018 be years full of God’s blessings for our families and ministries!

“Unity is strength . . . when there is team work and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

TCM VISION-MISSION: “Things to come Mission, Inc. endeavors to follow the global ministry concerns of the Apostle Paul as he follows Christ. It envisions to establish a Grace Church in every municipality and city in the Philippines, and commits itself to win the lost, edify the saints, plant reproducing Grace Churches, and produce committed believers in the teachings of Grace whose lives are Christ-like in character.”