TCA Treasurer's Handbook



P2……….Accounting (Computing, Banking, File System)

P3……….Routine Duties (Tuesday Milongas, Saturday Practicas)

P4……….Monthly Lloyd Shaw Rent Payments

Special Events

Classes and Workshops

Post Office Pickup

P5………Gazebo Management


Annual Nonprofit Reports

P6-14…..Managing TCA Quicken Reports/ Monthly Reports

P15……. Changing Profile on Paypal Account

Creating Annual Budget

P16……..Tracking Attendance at Sat Practicas & Tues Milongas

Event Rollup Sheets


Renting Elena Gallegos




1. Computing

a. Quicken

The 2011 Board has approved purchase of a copy of Quicken Deluxe (not Quickbooks) for the use of the Treasurer. This will provide the new Treasurer with a ready-made setup of accounts and categories and of the online banking connection.

b. Reports

If the Window version is used, a set of TCA-specific report formats will also be in the file. There is a light version of Quicken for the Mac, called “Quicken Essentials.” If this is the version purchased and used, the data and categories from 2011 will be importable, but not the reports. (These will not be difficult to set up in the new program)

Quicken makes it easy to compile the monthly Treasurer's Report submitted at each Board meeting.

In Quicken, TCA maintains three accounts. Cash received goes into the cash account, then when a deposit is made, it is recorded as a transfer from there to the checking account. Checks received, are entered in the check account deposit transactions. Reports from paypal are created each month and imported into our Cash account. From there, money is adjusted if necessary in each entry, tags and categories are added and the transaction is moved to the Paypal Account

2. Banking

The username and password information for online access to TCA bank account information with USBank will be transferred in hard copy. Currently, the Treasurer and the President are the only ones possessing this information. As soon as possible, the password should be changed, especially since the online access comes with a bill-payer feature (which I have not used, and should not be used, because the two-signature rule for checks (see below) can't be used there.

The four Board officers will file with the bank a signature card, and they are the only ones authorized to sign TCA checks. There is a Board rule (not enforced by the bank, as far as I can tell), that two officer signatures are required for any check over $40.

3. File System

A 12 month file folder is used for keeping paper records. Receipts/Invoices for expenditures, records of payment to TCA, Cash Rollup sheets and copies of the monthly Treasurer's reports and other relevant documents are inserted into the appropriate monthly sections.

Routine Duties

Tuesday Milongas

1. Write a check to the food provider. Write a check for the authorized food expenditure limit of $30.00. Note: If TCA changes the method of providing food at milongas – make appropriate adjustments.

2. Bank pouches and change. One bank pouch is kept in the TCA closet. This should be continuously stocked with 20 one-dollar bills to be used as need for change on Tuesdays and Saturdays. If the Treasurer is absent, money collected that evening is also stored in that pouch until it can be collected for deposit.

A second bank pouch should be kept by the Treasurer and used to carry the checkbook and cash back and forth between home and Lloyd Shaw (or wherever else needed.) A second stock of 20 one-dollar bills is kept in that back as a backup or exchange for the change in the closet.

A third pouch is used to store cash & checks at home once logged into quicken, to carry cash/checks to the bank for deposit.

3. Collect sign-in sheets and cash

At the end of the evening, the Treasurer can collect that evening's cash. The sign-in sheets should also be collected and used to fill out the attendance numbers on the cash roll-up sheets.

4. Membership forms and payments

New and renewal membership forms and payments (sometimes by check, sometimes by cash) are sometimes submitted at the front desk. These also need to be collected and noted on the cash roll-up sheets separately from the admission fees. The treasurer needs to either submit the membership forms to the membership chair or maintain the membership database his/herself.

5. DJ honoraria

Tuesday milongas/Outreach: DJ's receive a $20 honorarium for their services

Kelly's, Gazebo, other outside milongas: DJs receive a $40 honorarium for their services.

Saturday Practica: DJ's receive a $15.00 honorarium for their services.

A sample cash rollup sheet is below:

Saturday Practica

Admission fees, sign-in sheets, any submitted membership forms and dues need to be collected any time after 4:00

Monthly Lloyd Shaw Rent Payments

1. Each month before the TCA Board meeting, create a cover letter for that month's payment. List dates and numbers of hours used, calculated payments at $16 per hour. Write a check for the proper amount and have the president co-sign at the board meeting.

2. Notify Donna of any events we will cancel for the month via email and note the cancellations on the cover letter. When extra hours are used, e.g. for classes, add those accordingly.

3. Donna (Lloyd Shaw manager) has been accepting our rent payments for each month at the time of the TCA Board meeting for that month. The check and cover letter can be put in an envelope with her name on it and slipped under her office door. Note that when rent is logged into Quicken, the categories are split into Tuesday Rent and Saturday rent.

Sample cover letter below:

Special Events - Holiday Milonga, Valentines Party, Picnic

1. Work with special events committee to support events as needed.

2. Collect and record money for admission

3. Create financial summary and place on treasurer’s report the month of or following the event.

Classes and Workshops

1. Workshop Committee will collect registration forms and payments and work out a procedure for the transfer of information and payments (cash and checks) to the Treasurer who will log them in Quicken.

2. When recording information in Quicken accounts as with other deposits, use a tag with instructor names such that workshop reports can be created.

3. Write checks to instructors, food providers, and instructor hosts.

Post-Office Pickups

1. Various documents and checks (such as membership forms and payments, notices of bills or document submissions due, other payments made to TCA) will come to the mailbox. It is located in the post office on Alvarado, just to the east of Lloyd Shaw. The mail box number is 81255. The Treasurer, President and the Secretary have a key. The box should be checked weekly. Box #81255 is in the back of the middle bay of PO boxes.

2. Annually, a bill for the rental of the mail box will be placed in the mailbox. There is also a form required listing those responsible for the box, and this will need to be filled out and submitted to reflect the change in officers. (In fact, legally, that should be filled out immediately, not waiting until the rental bill comes in).

Gazebo Management

1. Beginning in 2016 – TCA ended the practice of maintaining a contract with the City. This happened because we opted out of paid performances for the months of July and August in order to continue evening milongas at the Gazebo during these very hot months (vs. afternoon performances requested by the City in order to be paid).

2. In the March timeframe, we need to align with the City on our performance schedule – performances are paid at a rate of $150.00 per performance. In 2016, we performed twice in months of May, June and September and once in October. During July and August held our milongas in the evening without pay. City contacts are:

Veronica Archuleta:

Bree Ortiz: Ortiz,

3. The City requires an invoice and W-9 from TCA to make its payments to us. The City should be invoiced twice, once for May & June and once for September & October. The invoice should be signed by the treasurer and the W-9 should be signed by the president, and they should both be scanned and sent to Veronica.

A sample invoices and W-9 is below:


In about October the insurance agent will send notice of the bill (possibly proceeded by a questionnaire) due in November. Additionally, special event liquor insurance needs to be secured prior to the December Holiday party.

Annual non-profit reports

1. Each year we must file a Nonprofit Corporate Report with the state. They generally send out the form that needs to be filled out and returned (You need to add a sheet listing names and addresses of the TCA Board members). The report is due by May 15.

2. There is also an IRS form which the TCA President has been submitting.


Managing TCA Quicken Accounts

  1. Quicken is not difficult to use, but there is some learning required – making deposit and withdrawal entries, assigning categories and tags to transactions, splitting single transactions into multiple categories, downloading bank (and PayPal) data, and reconciling bank statements with the Quicken registers.
  2. There are three account registers:

 Cash

Cash receipts are recorded in the Cash account register. The TCA Quicken file has a set of categories (e.g., Tuesday milonga, Saturday practica, membership dues, workshop tuition) that are assigned to each entry. It may also be useful to apply "tags" to each transaction. After any bank deposits are made (see below), the cash account register will always show $40, accounting for the two sets of $20 in one dollar bills kept in the pouches for making change on Tuesdays and Saturdays

 Checking

All checks written are entered into to the bank account register, with naming of payee, category (e.g., food, rent, DJ, etc.). When the check covers more than one category of expense, the transaction is entered with splits among the categories (example is the rent which covers the Saturday practicas and Tuesday milongas). Checks are entered individually into checking account, with categories (e.g., membership dues, workshop tuition) and, in the memo section, simple identifiers such as last name and check number.

Deposits of received cash and checks is recorded in the Quicken register as a “transfer” from the cash to checking account.

 PayPal

TCA is using the PayPal export feature that results in a Quicken QIF file that can be imported into the Cash Account in Quicken. Once the PayPal data is downloaded or imported into Quicken, categories and tags need to be added to the transactions. From then on, the PayPal account data is moved from the Cash Account to the Paypal Account.

  1. Categories and Tags

TCA has established a list of categories to apply to transactions (and splits within transactions). TCA has set up activities with both inflows and outflows as “income” categories, with the outflows appearing as negative values. This makes reporting simpler (e.g., see the Workshop) categories. In addition one or more tags can be applied to transactions, making more refined reports possible. For example, workshops are tagged by instructor, so that reports can be generated for individual workshops rather than all of them collectively.



1. Balance Checking Account

a. Login at US Bank

b. Print Last Month’s Statement

c. Save Statement in TCA Folder (establish standard convention)

d. Go into Quicken Checking Account

e. Click down arrow next to wheel in upper right hand corner and click on reconcile

f. Click on reconcile without downloading – then click “OK”

g. Enter the statement end date and Ending Balance from Last Month’s Statement – then click “OK”

h. Cross reference each item with item on Last Month’s Statement – make sure the difference in the lower right is 0. If it’s not 0, check to see that all items are correctly labeled in quicken as payments or deposits.

Click “Done”.

i. Click “yes” – I’d like a reconciliation report

j. Title Report “Check Reconciliation”, enter last day of statement, click “summary and uncleared” – Click OK

K. Click “Print”

l. Save in TCA folder with your standard convention


1. Move Paypal Money into Paypal Account

a. Log into Paypal

b. Click on “more” (upper right)

c. Create Custom Range (under 30 days – should be full month, Oct 1- Oct 31), click “submit”

d. Click Download (upper right corner)

e. Change “format” to Quicken QIF, Put in Correct Date Range – Click Create Report

g. Look at Download # (bottom – left of computer) – find in download file and move to TCA file

h. Find QIF file in TCA file and rename to proper convention

g. Go to File (quicken - upper left) > File Import > QIF File – find renamed QIF file, click OK

h. Quicken Account to import into: Select “TCA Cash Account”, click import

i. Click “done”

J. For each paypal entry

1. Open split screen, rename category & tag and change fee to bank fee: paypal fee

2. Ensure it is marked as money received and amount of money received is correct

3. Save transaction even though reconciled

4. Click on R and “unclear”

5. Click on wheel and move transaction, save, yes, OK

2. Create Paypal Reconcile Statement

a. Log into Paypal and get $ amount in account

b. Log into Quicken Paypal Account. Click on wheel in upper right corner, click on “reconcile”

c. Click on reconcile without downloading, click “OK”

d. Insert statement end date and balance in account (step a.) , click on “OK”

e. Check or clear every transaction – balance at bottom should be “$0.00”, click “Done”

f. Click Yes (you’d like a reconciliation report)

g. Insert Report Title (Paypal Reconcile), click “OK”

h. Click “Print”

i. Save to TCA file, standard convention


a. Click on Reports (upper left hand corner)

b. Click on “Banking” > “Banking Summary, Click on Export (to PDF)

c. Click “Print” – bottom right

d. save to “TCA” file with standard convention


a. Click on Reports (upper left hand corner)

b. Click on “My Saved Reports” > “Last Month’s Account Balances”

c. Click on Export (to PDF), Click on Print

d. Save to TCA folder, standard convention

Changing the Paypal Account

Change these by logging into Paypal and clicking on “profile”. There are 4 documents that are needed when changing a paypal account.

1) The first is a letter that must be written on TCA stationary that lists the required changes needed in the paypal profile. It is MOST important that this letter be signed by both the President and Treasurer or the change will be rejected. Once signed – the letter must be scanned. Below is one of the letters we’ve sent.

2) The second item is a scan of both your driver’s license and social security card.

3) The third item is a resolution of corporation that must be obtained from the bank and signed. A resolution we’ve sent is below.

4) The fourth item is a PDF of the bank statement. A bank statement we’ve sent is below.

Creating an Annual Budget

Use the Banking Summary for January’s Board Meeting to fill in the past year’s income and expenses and the next years projected income and expenses in the budget template below to determine the amount of discretionary money available in the budget.

Tracking Attendance at Saturday Practicas and Tuesday Milongas

Manually gather the dates, DJs, total attendance and income from each of our Saturday practicas and Tuesday milongas. Insert this information in the Saturday Tracking and Tuesday Tracking Reports below to track attendance at our events and include comparison charts in monthly summary.

Event Cash Rollup Sheet

Use below to track attendance and income from events. Ensure TCA folder at Lloyd Shaw has several sheets.


Maintain stash of invoices in pouch with checkbook and 20 one dollar bills. Ensure check # issued is written on the top right hand corner of the invoice. If you give cash, use below receipt sheet for signatures.

Renting Elena Gallegos

Should TCA choose to rent the Elena Gallegos picnic area for our picnic or any other event, follow instructions on the following website:

In the past, reservations have been taken beginning Nov. 1 for the following year (preference given by time of email request). The Kiwanis area is the area to be requested.

Our contact for rental has changed, so it is best to call the number on the website for current procedures – but note that reservations generally are made well in advance of event.


Our contact for postcards is Jana at :